chapter seven

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the next day.

This morning I wake up quickly to get ready. Angela flew in this morning, and is going to be meeting me for an interview for some upcoming events and to announce the breakup. It sucks that I have to do this, because it is my personal life, but the fans deserve to know as well.

I take a quick shower and begin choosing my outfit all while listening to music. Once I have my outfit set, I sit down at my desk to apply some makeup. My eye is still bruised, so I always make sure to cover it up.

Eric walks into the room as he knocks on my door.

"Buenos días hermanita" he smiles walking over to sit on my bed.
"Buenos dias" I reply as I begin applying my lipgloss.
"So what do you want to do today? Since it's my last official day off"
"Surprise me" I reply.
"I assume you don't want to go to the match?" He pouts.
"Why would you assume that, of course i would love to go"
"Great then, we'll go out to eat after your interview and then we can go to the match" Eric smiles.
"Sounds good. And now that I am here, I think I should go see mama y papa. So I can tell them what happened with Alejandro"

"I think that's a good idea. Should we go now? I think they should know before you let the public know" he says. I look up and realize he is right. I am not sure how they'll take it so at this point I get nervous.

"And how are YOU feeling with the whole Alejandro situation?" He asks as he sits up.
I shrug.
"I don't know. I'm doing the best I can to put it behind me"
"That's great, but you know you don't have to ignore it. We can get the police involved, what he did was wrong Nani. He needs to be punished for his actions" he runs his hand through his hair as I can see his mood change.
"I don't want to ruin someone's life over something that happened when they were drunk. I just want to move on, and stay away from him"

I finish up my makeup and spin around in my chair to face Eric. He shakes his head.
"You're too kind for this world. I think he deserves to be punished. He never thought of how he was hurting you. And that is really frustrating to me. I wish I could beat the shit out of that hijo de puta"
"I don't want you to get into any trouble. What's important to me now is staying away. I never want to see him again"
"Don't worry, he won't come near you ever again" Eric smiles and gets up to hug me.
He wraps his arms around me as I take a deep breath. I am glad we are slowly reconnecting, I missed him. But I am worried he doesn't seem content in the way I approach the situation.

The truth is I don't find myself capable of reporting what happened. I don't want to have to go through courts and lawyers, and have the public find out the real reason. No one would believe me either way, the fans would defend him.

"I'm sorry" I say as I stand up. Eric is halfway out the door and pauses.

"Está bien " he smiles before continuing to walk out of my room.

I grab my shoes to put them on as I sit on my bed.
As soon as I am ready I grab my phone and walk out of my room.

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