Chapter forty seven

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"You're the one here in Barcelona. Why don't you go back with your little boyfriend back in England" he responds with a tone. I push through everyone and begin to walk toward Pedro.
"Woah woah calm down" Eric says and holds me back, ferran goes over and holds Pedro who laughs.
"I'm not going to hit a woman. I'd never do that" he responds and pushes ferran arms away.
"Can you two just get along? Or just ignore each others presence, it would make things easier for everyone" Pablo says.
I sigh.
"I didn't know she was here. I wouldn't have walked over if I knew. Don't worry about me, I'll see you all later" Pedro replies and begins to walk toward his car.

A part of me wanted to chase after him. Tell him the truth, tell him everything. And beg him to come back and to fix things between us. But I knew it wasn't a good idea, so I kept it in and turned around.

"Let's go" Eric says and I nod as I follow him to the car.


We arrive at a restaurant in town which is famous for its pizza. A lot of people come here, but luckily today it's not that busy. We're seated immediately at a table outside, to enjoy the nice weather.

The waitress takes our order and walks away, leaving us to talk. I sat beside Eric, and across was ferran and Pablo. It felt like old times, except we were missing him.

"So how much longer are you here for?" Pablo asks.
"Just one more month" I reply.
"Oh wow. So we have plenty of time to hang out still" he smiles.
"Why don't you stay?" Ferran says and I turn to look at him. He gives me a serious look.
I shrug.
"I feel more comfortable without thinking if I'm going to bump into him everyday. Besides I know how close you all are to him, and I don't want you to distance yourselves from him"
"You seriously don't think that things will get better?" He asks.
"I doubt it. I've been hurt enough. I just want to focus on being a good mother to Mateo. Afterall I'm the only parent he has now"

I can tell by their reactions that they feel bad, which isn't my intention. It was honestly how I felt.

The waitress brings out our drinks and an appetizer to begin. We each grab a plate and begin to eat. We change the subject for a bit, trying to ease the tension. The boys keep making fun of Eric for his new love interest. I have yet to meet her, but he's told me so much about her. I'm happy for him, and I can't wait to meet her. She seems so kind. Hopefully before I leave we can meet each other. But boys being boys, they keep nagging Eric about her. They haven't met her either.


We finish having lunch and begin to get ready to head out. We pay and box up the leftovers, splitting it between all of us. We then walk out to the parking lot.

"I had a lot of fun. Thanks for lunch" I smile and walk over to hug them both. I hug Pablo and mess with his hair causing him to lightly smack me.
"I'm glad you're back Nani. We missed you" he smiles.
"Yes, I'm so happy you're back. Hopefully you don't leave" ferran whispers the last part so no one else hears. I smile as I look up at him he kisses my forehead and lets me go.

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel butterflies. I clear my throat and turn around to hide my flushed cheek. I look back and he winks at me causing me to feel hotter.
Pablo and Eric are in their own conversation that they don't realize.

"Okay so we should head out" I say to Eric who nods. He says goodbye to both of them and gets into the car. I wave one last time and follow him.

We drive off back home. It's still early in the day.


We make it back home and when we arrive Mateo had gone down for his nap. I thank my parents for watching him. They've been so helpful, it's one of the things I'll miss when I go back to Manchester.

I begin to help them clean up around the house before they have to head back home.

Since Mateo is still asleep I take advantage of the time and do my laundry and a few other things I had to finish up. Eric spends the rest of the day on his PlayStation, typical of the guys. But at least they're not getting into any problems.

When Mateo wakes, I put a small sweater on him and take him out to the backyard. We sit on the patio in the shade, and take in the beautiful weather. I can't wait for when he's older and I can teach him to swim, and see him running around.

I walk around with him in my arms and show him around. Of course he's still too young but I like to narrate everything to teach him.

As I take a seat again I begin to get lost in my thoughts. If only Pedro was here. If only he'd watch Mateo grow up with me. And maybe he will, but from a distance. I begin to think of the fact that maybe he'll never find out. But sometimes unexpected things occur and we can never know.


After dinner we start getting ready for bed. I give Mateo a quick bath and dress him into his pjs. I feed him and then rock him to sleep, placing him in his crib.

"Buenas noches Mateo" I smile and kiss his cheek. I turn on the night light and lay down. I turn the tv on and play it low. Eric is still awake on the PlayStation in his room, and I can hear him all the way here so I grab my phone to text him.

I pause when I realize I had a message.

2 messages from: Ferran 🤭

- holaa I had fun today with you and the guys..but mostly was glad to see you.
- you looked beautiful today :)

-ferran, what are you up to?

- what do you mean? 😮

-stop making me blush

-I wish I could see you're smile 🥲

- ferran...

-okay okay I'll stop. But I seriously had a good time. I'm glad you're here for a few weeks :)

- me too. Thank you for everything. I'm glad we've become closer :)

- me too. Let's go out me and you? Tomorrow.

- you have a match...

- oh right. Then the day after

- only if you score

- what??

- only if you score.

- ugh fine. I love some motivation 😏

-buenas noches ferri

-buenas noches 💛

I smile down at my phone and turn it off. I go back to watching tv, and eventually fall asleep.

What am I doing with him?

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