Chapter twenty seven

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I get a call very late at night. It's Pedro, he doesn't say much just tells me to go to the door. I throw on one of his hoodies and walk over to the front door.

"Amor? What are you doing here so late?" I smile. He has a straight face, causing me to worry.
"Can we talk?" Is all he replies. I nod.
"Maybe out here, I don't want to wake Eric" he adds.
"Amor? What'd wrong? Please tell me" I grab his hand but he pulls it away.

We sit at the front step. He stands up and begins to pace.
"Look, I think we need to take some space. Some time to really think about if we really want to get married-" his jaw is clenched, and he holds back his tears.
My heart hurts, and I feel it stop.
"What? Pedro what are you talking about?"
"Don't act like you don't know. I know you met with Alejandro, without telling me. I saw the pictures" he doesn't look at me.
"No, amor, it's not like that! I promise. We just ran into each other, and-"
"And you didn't think to tell me?" He looks at me with anger.
"I, I didn't think it mattered in the moment. I don't know" I'm still in shock.
"And I found this wasn't the first time. Ever think to tell me about your little trip to the park?" His voice now becomes louder and he's yelling.
"Pedro, I'm sorry I don't know why I didn't tell you. But nothing happened. I promise. Please understand"
"I can't be with someone who won't trust me to tell me these things. You kept it from me all these months, I'm really upset. I don't trust him and just the thought of you two together bothers me. If he really hurt you why did you still go with him to the park?! I don't understand. I'm sorry I really don't. Nothing will change my decision, lo siento" he says with tears in his eyes. He grabs his bag and simply turns around.
"Pedro! Please please don't do this" I cry. I get up and pull him back.
"Please let me be" he yanks his arm away and walks up the stairs.

I fall to the floor crying. This can't be happening. I didn't think it would come to this. My entire life was over. My heart hurt, I couldn't stop crying. I leaned against the wall and cried until I coudlnt anymore. I don't know what time it was anymore before I fell asleep outside.


"Nani! Nani! Wake up" I'm woken to Eric shaking me.
I open my eyes and realize it's already morning.
"What happened? What are you doing out here?"
I'm reminded of what happened last night. Immediately I begin to cry again, he pulls me into his arms and rubs my back.
"Pedro, he's done. He's upset with me he didn't want to see me anymore, it's over Eric!" I cry.
"Relax, relax. I hate seeing you this way. I'll talk to him, he's being dramatic"
"No please don't argue with him. It's all my fault" he sighs and holds me in his arms.

Eventually he lifts me up and carry's me inside. He sets me on the living room. All I can do is cry and cry. My heart hurts like never before. This all feels so unreal. I grab my phone and try to call Pedro but no luck. I message him and do everything I can but he won't answer me.

"Nani, I'm really sorry I have to go to training. Want me to take you with mama and papa?"
"No I don't want them to see me like this. You go, I'll be okay"  I wipe my tears. He hugs me and holds me in his arms before kissing my forehead.
"Please call me if you need anything. I'll be here right away. Be strong Nani"
"Gracias Eric, te quiero" i wipe my tears again.

I walk toward my room. I want to be alone. I head to the shower and turn the water on. I stand in the water for what feels like forever. I just want to stay here all day. I cry as I reminisce on everything. Why did Alejandro have to come and ruin my life again? And why didn't I tell Pedro? It's all my fault and I can't do anything about it.

Eric POV
I arrive at the training camp, pissed off. It hurts seeing Delaney this way. She doesn't deserve to hurt. I change into my training clothes and head to the field. I'm one of the earlier ones so there's not many of us outside. We stretch and talk as we wait for everyone.

Pedro shows up eventually with Ferran. He laughs and smiles with him, which only annoy me even more. I know she told me to ignore it, but I couldn't.

"What's so funny? You're here laughing like a dumbass when you hurt my sister?" I yell at Pedro and shove him.
"Fuck off! Don't touch me. She was the one who hurt me. Dumbass" he pushes me back.
"Hey! Hey! None of that here. I don't care if you want to kill each other, but do it outside of the team premises. Focus or I want you both out of here!" Ter Stegen says. As captain, we have to listen to what he says. We both nod, but I shoot a glare at Pedro.

"Everything okay?" Gavi asks walking over. He puts an arm around me. I shake my head.
"That pendejo broke up with my sister, I'm just pissed off" I whisper. Pablo freezes, and his reaction is worried. He doesn't reply but just sighs.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now