chapter five

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authors note: first off i want to make clear obviously this is all fiction 😭 I had to choose someone to be the bad guy and it was Alejandro Garnacho. But not hate to him in real life, except when he mocked my man Pedri ...
Anyways moving on:

the next morning.

"Ale please don't hurt me! I'm sorry please let me go!"
"Shut up! Just shut up! Please, for once do as I say" Alejandro yells as he's grabbing my by my wrists.
"Let me go!" I yell once more.

I wake up and realize it was a dream. My breaths are heavy once again, and I get up as I try and calm myself down.

"Nani, Nani! It's okay. It's just a bad dream" Eric runs into my room and sits by by side.
"Why is this happening to me Eric? Is this my fault? What did I do to deserve this?" I cry because I don't want to deal with this anymore.
"It's not your fault. I promise. But he's not here, he won't hurt you" Eric rubs my back to calm me down.
I nod as I start to go back to normal breaths.

"Let's go get you some tea" he gets up and motions for me to follow him. I nod as I begin to get up myself and follow him. We make our way downstairs into the kitchen. I sit at the stool at the counter as eric pulls out his tea pot to begin brewing the tea.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He says opening the fridge.
"I'm not hungry" i shrug
"'Nani... you have to try. It's not good for you to skip your meals" he sighs. I shrug still now knowing what I want.
"How about I just cut some fruit and you can eat it with some yogurt?"
"That's fine. Gracias" I reply.


After breakfast we both go sit in the living room.
"So, do you have anything you'd like to do today?" Eric asks as he turns the tv on.
"I'm not sure. Anything is fine" I smile.
"Well why don't we go shopping for some things for your room? Since you're moving in it only makes sense to decorate it your way"
"Really? You'd let me?" I say now getting excited.
"Of course. But say yes now or the offer goes away" he jokes.
"Yes yes of course"
"Great, why don't you go get ready and we can head out?" He replies. I nod and run upstairs to get dressed.

I wear some jeans and a hoodie alone with my air forces. I put my hair into a ponytail, and apply minimal makeup, making sure to cover my bruised eye. As I finish up, my phone begins to vibrate.

Incoming call: Ale 💗💗

I decline the call immediately and it rings once again. I decline it again.

Instantly I get a notification from my messages.

Ale 💗💗

why aren't you answering?
we need to talk about yesterday.

I have nothing to talk to you about. We're done Alejandro.

we aren't done unless I say so. we need to talk. when are you coming back?

I'm not going back. I'm not going anywhere near you.

mhm. can't hide from me that easily. we're not done talking about this.

Before I begin to panic, I turn his notifications on do not disturb, I change his contact name. I place my phone in my purse and walk downstairs. I don't want to upset Eric, and I want to do my best to move on.

"Ready?" Eric smiles as he gets up. I nod, as he opens the front door. We get into his car and he begins to play some music. He drives into town so we can find a store.


After a few hours of shopping we drive back to the house with all of the supplies and things I bought. We immediately begin to set up my room. We play music to fit the vibe. I missed these moments with my brother. I was having a genuine good time for the first time in awhile.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now