chapter twelve

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the next day.

"Buenos días hermanita" Is the first thing I hear as I wake up. I roll around and cover my face, I have the worst hangover.
"Go away Eric" I say.
He pokes me and pulls the blanket off.

"It's time for breakfast. Xavi said you could join us, and we can't be late" .
"Fine fine. Im awake" I sigh. He laughs and walks away. I could smack him right now, but I'll be nice.

I walk over to the bathroom to wash my face and get dressed. After breakfast, they had to head over to the stadium for the match.

I change into jeans and my Barcelona jersey, and quickly brush my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom, to find Eric dressed and ready.

"Finally " He smiles standing up. I lightly smack him, causing him to laugh. We grab our bags and he leads the way out of the room.

We rush downstairs, because we know if he's late Xavi will be upset.

We make it just in time, and take a seat with Gavi and Pedri. Xavi makes an announcement, and then everyone gets up to grab some food.

"Buenos días" pedri smiles.
"Buenos días" I reply. He sits next to me and begins to play with his spoon.
"Not hungry?" I ask. He shrugs.
"I miss my moms cooking. I'm stuck eating this salad" he laughs.
"Ahh yes. Her famous croquetas, I have yet to try" I smile.
"Maybe when we go back home, you can try them. She's coming to visit" he says with his eyes lit up.
"I would love that"
"Ooh yes me too" Gavi says sitting down.
"Croquetas? Count me in too!" Eric adds.
Pedri playfully rolls his eyes at then. He turns and looks at me in disappointment.
"Maybe next time, just me and you" he says as he grabs my hand under the table.
I nod, causing him to smile.

We finish eating, and everyone hangs out around the lobby to wait for the bus.
"We can get an Uber together" sira says as we sit together and watch the boys play cards.
"That's fine with me" I reply.

The few times we've hung out we've gotten along very well, I'm glad I've gotten to meet her.

The plan was to head to the stadium at the same time as the boys, to watch them warmup. Of course the bus is for players only, so we had to go separate.

"You sure you're still okay coming? You can always stay here if you don't feel comfortable" Eric puts his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm okay. I didn't come all this way just to not go to the match. Plus i really want to see my hermanito play" i say, as I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Gracias. I can't tell you how much that means. And I'll make sure there are security keeping an eye" he smiles.

Xavi calls for the boys to get ready, now that the bus is here.
"We'll see you there, be safe" Eric says hugging me. I say goodbye to them all, as they hop on the bus.

Sira and i wait for the bud to leave, and for the fans to leave, so we can walk out. Our Uber arrives, so we head out quickly.


We arrive at Old Trafford, finally after a few minutes. It feels so surreal to be here. I never thought I'd be back. I missed the fans, the stadium, and the staff. They were all so kind. It was a shame that things ended the way they did.

Sira and i walk in, and head through security first. A few fans recognize me here and there, and some even wanted to take pictures. I didn't want to be mean, so I took a few. The security guard leads us to our seats, which aren't too far from the front row. It's still early, and it was a bit rainy so there aren't many fans here yet.

"Must be weird being here again" sira says to me. I nod, "yeah. Part of me misses it. But I'm happy also in Barcelona now".
"Yeah, i get that" she replies.
"It's hard, sabes? I felt like i knew him so well. We were best friends at first, nothing could keep us apart. I even lost the relationship with my brother because of him. And people change suddenly" i sigh. Sira puts her arm around me and gives me a small hug.
"Things happen for a reason. I know it must've been hard, i can't even imagine. But now you and Eric were able to become closer than ever. And you even found Pedri-" i interrupt her and laugh.
"Pedri?" I smile and look away.
"Yes pedri. The entire team can see how close you two have become" she smirks. I try to hide the fact that I'm blushing.
I take a deep breath. "I like him. But i don't want to move on so fast. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. And I'm still healing, i don't want to have my trauma get in the way" I say.
"Your time will come. I'm rooting for you two" She smiles as we turn towards the field.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now