Chapter fifty seven

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The match ends with a 1-0 win for Barcelona. Mateo is happier than ever as he claps and sings along with the fans. The players walk over and celebrate with the fans from the field, and we stay and enjoy the celebration. Obviously it wasn't the best score, but a win is a win.

Once they leave the field, we stand up to meet Eric down at the locker rooms. He holds my hand as we walk down through the steps. Pablo and Olivia follow us, and we wait on the hallway.

"Mateo, do you want to come into the locker room with me?" Pablo asks.
He looks over at me as if asking if that's fine.
"Go ahead. Just be good" I smile. Mateo cheers and takes Pablo's hand as they walk into the room.

I stay back with Olivia as we talk about the match, and how things went at my parents house.

Eric POV
I look up as I hear Mateo's voice call my name.
"Eric!" He smiles and runs over, I hold my arms open and pull him into a hug.
"How was the match?" I ask him. He smiles.
"Good. I had so much fun" he replies.
"Good, I'm glad" I kiss his forehead and set him down.
He sits at the chair beside me.
He's a bit shy and quiet, and just looks around attentively as the players enter.
"Want to say hi to everyone?" I ask. He grabs my hand and hides behind.
"It's okay. They're all nice" I say. He nods.

We walk around and i introduce him to the few players that are still in the room. He extends his tiny hand out and shakes their hand.
"He's going to make such a great futbol player, with his genetics. I mean his uncle, AND his father" Balde says.
I raise my eyebrows, and Ter Stegen nudges balde.
"What do you mean?"
"Well isn't- I mean Alejandro is the father, no?" Balde asks nervously.
"Ale, go shower before you get into any problems" ter stegen says to him.
"And no, he's not the father" I say to Alejandro as he walks past me.

I give a small smile to Ter Stegen and walk away.
Ter Stegen signals to me to come closer.
"He looks just like his father" he whispers.
I look at him, surprised.
"You know?" I ask.
"Eric, it's obvious. She was pregnant shortly after they split.No need to be a genius to do the math. And like I said he looks just like Pedro" he smiles and watches Mateo who was to mesmerized by the players walking around.
"Yeah he definitely does" I reply.
"Alright let's say goodbye to everyone" I tell Mateo. He nods and waves to the players as I grab my things. I lift Mateo and carry him out of the locker room.

We meet Olivia and Delaney outside. I kiss Olivia and we walk out hand in hand. We walk quickly to the car and head home.

"So how were things at their house?" I ask Delaney.
"Fine. It was hard to go back, but I've explained what we're putting in storage and the rest we can donate. We should try and have it ready soon for it to go up for sale" I explain.
"You guys are really set on selling?" Olivia asks. Eric and I pause but nod.
"It's too hard for me to keep going back. And beside I'm setting up my life in Manchester so I won't need a home here" I say.
"I just don't see a reason to keep it either. We'll keep all our memories in the storage for now" Eric says.

We arrive at home and it was about time to put Mateo down for his nap. I take him to the room and tuck him in.

the next day:
Our trip was nearing an end, and today Eric and I had to return back to my parents house to finish packing. It was early on, so Olivia agreed to watch Mateo.

Eric and I head out and quickly arrive at my parents. I'm glad he came along, I don't feel alone this time. We laugh and cry together with the memories scattered across the home we were raised in. I'm going to miss this so much. But it needed to be done. Outside, it was thundering and pouring outside. Such a sad and miserable day in Barcelona.


When it was about time to leave, we finished taping the last of the boxes. We kept a list of everything, and decided to head back home in time for breakfast.

We did our best to try slowly, it was getting hard to see. The weather was horrible, and it was scary. I held on tight to the car seat as Eric did his best to see. Suddenly before I knew it something struck the car, and all I remember was spinning before I knocked out.

Olivia POV
Mateo was still asleep when I received a message from Eric telling me he was on his way. I sat back and watched tv on the meantime. I already had breakfast ready for us.

Suddenly my phone began to ring and I picked up the unknown call. My phone drops when i hear the news of the car accident. This can't be, please let them be okay.

I rushed and ran to grab Mateo. I wrapped him in a blanket and grabbed my purse before running outside. He was confused and very tired, so on the way there he fell asleep again.

I rushed to the hospital but did my best not to get into an accident too. We made it and checked in at the front desk. E called over the doctor as I held Mateo in my arms in the waiting room.

I was drenched and sweating, so nervous for any news he'd give me. I cried the entire way here but kept praying everything was okay.

"Miss, unfortunately your family was struck badly by the opposing car. They've suffered brain injuries, and a few broken bones. We'll have to begin surgery immediately, and hope they'll recover and wake soon" he explains.
"I'm sorry. With a complicated surgery like this, I can't assure that they come back to reality once we're done. I'm really sorry. I'll let you know when we're out of the operation room" he says.

I take a seat and sob. I hold Mateo in my arms still. He begins to get upset and ask what's wrong, but I can't tell him. I just can't. I assure him everything's fine and get him to go back to sleep while I try to calm down.

I call the only person who I figured would help me, ferran. He immediately drops everything he's doing and tells me he's on his way. I can't do this on my own. What am I supposed to tell Mateo?

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