Chapter thirty nine

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I said goodbye to Alejandro and took an Uber to the airport. I kept praying and hoping he was right. Maybe this was a sign from the universe and everything was going to work out and be okay.

Upon arriving I check into my flight and lay back in my seat after a quick check in. I didn't tell anyone I was coming. Tomorrow was the champions league final, and what better way to celebrate than with his news.


Since I wanted to surprise the Eric and Pedro, I had to ask someone else to spend the night. I know if I stayed with my parents they would let it out to Eric. So I went to my next resort which was Ferran. After Pedro, he was Eric's closest friend. I gave him a call, to which he agreed to, and said he would be over to pick me up.

I waited for him outside, surprised that he would accept without many questions.

I saw a car pull up in front of me, and see Ferran get out of the driver seat. He gives me a hug and loads my bags into the trunk.

"Hurry before anyone sees" he says. I nod and he opens the door into the passenger and then walks around.

He drives off quickly, trying to avoid fans or the paparazzi.

"So what's the big surprise?" He smiles looking over.
"If I tell you you have to promise not to tell ANYONE" I raise my eyebrow, causing him to laugh.
"Promise" he puts his hand out with his pinks sticking up.
"I found out I'm pregnant". He comes to a stop and pauses. His eyes widen.
"Wait, really?" He smiles. I nod.
"That's amazing. I can't believe it. How do you feel?"
"Nervous, scared. I'm not sure how to feel. I hope pedri is okay and happy though"
"He will be. He'll be an asshole if he doesn't" he reassures me.

I hadn't told Ferran why I was in Manchester, but I'm sure he knew from pedri and Eric. And I'm glad he didn't seem to judge me based on that fact.
"So how's Manchester treating you?" He asks.
I shrug, "I like the city. It has its beauties. But I also love the warmth back home and especially my friends and family" I smile. He nods, agreeing.
"I liked Manchester too, but I love Barcelona more" he replies.

He catches me up on a few more things with the team and such. It turns out he and sira had actually broken up, it wasn't official yet to the fans but they'd be announcing it soon. I was sad for both of them, they were always happy together. Sira was my best friend, and I cared about Ferran too. But I know it was hard when they were both away often.

We make it to his house eventually, and he helps me with my bag. We walk inside, by now it's pretty much time for bed.
"It's just me, but you can stay in the guest" he says. He leads the way to his guest room, and places my bag on the bed.
"Want to eat something before bed?" He asks. I shrug, "Sure".

We walk back out to his kitchen where he begins to pull out a few things from the fridge. He begins to make us both a sandwich while I sit and watch. I grab my phone as it vibrates with a notification.

hey, did you land?

I did, thanks for checking on me :)

always. I hope things go as you hope. I'm really happy for you, you're going to be a great mother.

thanks ale, you know that means a lot to me.
how's your leg?

swollen but a bit better, Jadon came to check on me (I know you told him) lol

haha I hope that was okay, I felt guilty for leaving when I said I would stay

all good. thanks for worrying about me, despite everything

I'll always worry about you Ale, that's what friends are for

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