Chapter fifty six

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Today was the day of the match. Mateo barely slept, he was so excited. The boys surprised him with a Barcelona kit last night and he's been wearing it ever since. Luckily I had bathed him and all so he just slept with it.

We finished breakfast and everyone was getting settled and ready to head out soon. Suddenly Eric gets a call and walks outside to take it. When he returns his face looks stressed out.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I finish combing Mateo's hair.
"Ugh. Our lawyer called, they need one of us to meet at mama and papas house to take note of everything we're going to keep so we can prepare to sell" Eric sighs as he takes a seat.
"Well we can go any day right?"
"He wants someone to go today. I'll have to call Xavi, I know it's-"
"No don't do that. You need to play this match, it's important for your future. I'll go on my own" I reply. I really didn't want to go alone, but I didn't want Eric to give up his spot in the starting team.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel forced"
"I'll be fine. Besides it might not take long and I might make it to the match before halftime" I smile.
"Well we can still take Mateo, I mean if that's okay with you? Gavi still isn't cleared to play so he can be with him" Eric explains.
"Yes and I'll be there too" Olivia says.
"It's fine with me if Mateo wants to go" I rely.

They call Mateo over and of course he says yes. It won't be for long, and I'm sure he'll be fine.


It was time for us each to go separate ways. I prepared my things to head to my parents house. Eric and everyone else decided to head off early to get Mateo settled in. I hugged Mateo and kissed his cheek as I said goodbye.

"Be good Teo. Listen to Eric and Olivia, okay? Te quiero" I say as I do the sign of the cross. We started going to church , and it was sort of our thing to do when we were separated.
"Okay mama. Te quiero" he smiled with his beautiful eyes shining. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I'm so lucky to have him. He's such a sweet boy.  I let go and he runs off into Eric's arms. I say goodbye and head out.

When i arrive at my parent's house, I walk around and begin to reminisce. I wipe my tears away as all the memories come back. I miss them so much. They were everything to me and they never got to spend much time with Mateo. Life wasn't fair in the sense that they were taken too early from me. I lived with the regret of moving away. And I got upset knowing that Mateo had even less family now. My thoughts are interrupted by the lawyer walking in and knocking on the door.

Eric POV
We arrive at the stadium and I take Mateo into my arms. I hold Olivia's hand with my free hand and we walk quickly inside. Through the hallways until we get to the locker room. I agree to let Mateo have a Quick Look before everyone arrives.

He looks in awe, his eyes widen and he looks amazed. I smile at his reactions.

"Alright, let's get you settled with Olivia and Pablo, okay? He should be here soon" I say as I take his hand and lead him outside.

We wait in the hallway for Pablo to arrive. When he does he greets some of the players and then takes Mateo.
"He'll be safe with us, we promise" he smiles. I nod.
"I know he'll be fine. Be good Teo" I say.
"Okay Tio Eric. Good luck!" Mateo cheers. I wink and walk away, leaving Olivia and Pablo with Mateo.

3rd person POV
Pablo and Olivia walk over to their seats in the VIP section of the stands. There aren't many people yet but it's quickly starting to fill. Luckily they're set aside from the rest of the fans. Mateo cheers and claps along with the fans. He's so excited to be there.

The players begin to walk out onto the field to greet the fans. It's still early on, so it's not time to warmup yet. Suddenly a familiar face appears and walks over to them.

Pedro POV
I see Pablo from miles away and walk over quickly to greet him. And I also had his phone to return to him, he forgot it last night while we were together at a party.

As I get closer I see a boy sitting beside him, cheering on the team. He's dressed in the entire Barcelona kit and looks happy.

"Pablito! Here's your phone, be more responsible next time" I laugh as I hand him the phone. He rolls his eyes at me and thanks me.
"Oh, Mateo, do you know who this is?" Pablo says to the boy.

Mateo! I knew I recognized him. It's delaneys son. He looks just like her. He smiles at me and nods as he puts his hand out for me to shake.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I like your jersey" I smile.
"Gracias" he replies.

I wave at Olivia who sits beside Mateo. I take a seat next to Pablo. I still have like 20 more minutes until I have to go get ready.
"You watching him?" I whisper to Pablo. He nods.
"Hmm none of your business" Pablo smirks, he knows I hate secrets.
"Asshole" I say as I shove him.

"Pedro?" I hear Mateo's soft voice say, causing Pablo and I to quickly look at him.
"Um, yeah?. Sorry yes"
"Can you sign my shirt please?" He asks nervously.
"Oh. Sure, come here" I smile. He walks over to me and hands me a marker. I softly grab his shirt so I can sign it. I look down at the birthmark that reminds me of mine. But he quickly pulls away after.
"Gracias Pedro. Good luck" he says to me and walks away.

"You should get going, it's getting late. And where's Tania?"
"don't even mention her. She got pissed off because she thought I took her on vacation to propose" I roll my eyes.
"Why would she think that?"
"Don't know. I guess she wants to get married"
"And you don't?" He raises his eyebrow.
I shrug, "it's complicated"
"It's really not. I mean do you see yourself with her and having kids?"
"Well we haven't talked about having children. And I can't technically get married yet. I never cancelled my registry from when Delaney and I had filled it in" I look into the crowd as I reminisce.
"Well you should do that. It's been forever. And talk to Tania about having kids. I know it's important to you, if she's not the one you have to man up and tell her" Pablo replies. I nod.

He's right. And I hate that he's right. I say goodbye to them and walk off to get ready.

Delaney POV
Once we wrap up at my parents house, I quickly drive off toward the stadium. It would be about 15 minutes into the match, which isn't terrible.


I make it inside and meet up with Pablo, Mateo, and Olivia. The match is tied at 0-0, but I'm so happy to see Eric out on the field doing what he loves. I missed seeing it, and I missed watching the Barcelona matches in person. Mateo is also beyond happy and I can't contain my heart by seeing his emotions. He cheers and sings along with everyone. I wished we could do this more often.

I mean we do go to Manchester matches to support Alejandro but it's not the same.

We sit back and enjoy the match. After all our time is coming to an end. I hold in this memory and I hope Mateo does too. But I can't help but stare at the number 8 out on the field, wondering if he ever thinks of me. And just out of luck suddenly even though we're far away, our eyes interlock.

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