Chapter thirty two

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a few weeks later.
I had finally been feeling back to normal. I was able to leave the hospital fairly quickly and I was on my road to recovery. Obviously I was still upset about the loss, but I was doing my best to move forward. I was back at home with Eric, and things with Pedro were getting a bit better.

This weekend was the champions league semi-final against Manchester City. Of course I knew I had to be there for both Pedro and Eric. Especially since we had to travel far for this match.

Pedro was supposed to meet us this morning at the airport. I would be traveling with the team again. I grabbed my suitcase, and followed Eric out to the car.


We arrive to the airport and after checking in we walk straight to our gate. Few players are already there. I find Pedro and immediately walk over to him. He turns toward me and stands up.

"Buenos dias princesa" he puts his arms around me. I hold him tight. It had been a few days since I had been able to see him. The team traveled to Sevilla for a match, and then he had been busy with trainings. I missed seeing him. I can tell by his hug he missed me too.

"Buenos dias Pedro. I missed you" I pout, and look up to meet his eyes. He smiles and places a kiss on my lips.
"Me too" he rests his head on mine for a second.

He greets Eric, and we turn around to sit. I sit beside him, he holds my hand in his lap and I lean my head on his shoulder. Eric sits across from us, and we wait for the rest of the players to arrive.

"Are you excited?" he looks over at me as we scroll on tiktok together.
"YES, really excited. But I'm also really nervous. My stomach hurts" I laugh.
"What? dont have faith in us?" he raises his eyebrow.
"I do, I do. But it's going to be a tough match" I smile.
"I know. I'm just messing with you. I'm a bit nervous too" he smiles.

We're called to the plane, and I sit beside Pedro. Across from us are Pablo and Eric. The flight is going to be long, so I prepare myself to nap. Pedro lays his head on my shoulder. I use my hand and run my fingers through his hair.

"Psst" Pablo whispers halfway through the flight. I open my eyes and see him smirking.
I raise my eyebrow, "what?" I smile.
"Should I wake him" he begins laughing. I see him holding a small pillow, getting ready to toss it.
"No, you know how he gets when he's woken, leave him alone" I laugh.
"Come on, it'll be funny"
"Pablo, mess with my man and you'll see"
"Okay okay im scared" he says jokingly. I laugh along with him.

I smile as I look down at Pedro. He sleeps so peacefully. I kiss his forehead, "te amo tanto Pedro. I'll never stop" I whisper.


We arrive in the coldest Manchester weather ever. I'm cold but I was used to it from living here. I laugh as I look over at Pedro who shivers. He has his hoodie on, and a jacket on top.
"Can't handle the cold, canario?" I smirk.
"Keep laughing and you'll see what happens" he shakes his head. I put my arm around him playfully.

The bus takes us straight to the hotel. I smile, looking out the window as I recognize many of the places we pass. I hadn't heard from Alejandro since the day of the hospital, so I don't really feel worried to be here.

We check into the hotel, luckily Pedro got a room for the both of us. I set our things down, and Pedro runs to the heater. He turns it up, causing me to laugh.

"I'm so tired " I yawn as I sit on the edge of the bed.
"Come here, let's take a nap before lunch" he walks over to me and pulls me closer to him as we lay in bed. I rest my head on his chest, trying to keep him warm.

After lunch with everyone, the boys left to go train at the Etihad stadium. I hung out with sira around the town to pass time.

the next day
"Today is the day amor" I say to Pedro as he slips his shirt on.
"I'm so excited to play, I dreamed of this as a child. We're one step closer" he smiles like a child.

He genuinely looks so happy, and I can't wait to see the team play. I hope and pray that they advance to the finals. It's all I wish for.

After we're both ready, we head downstairs to the lobby. Sira and I will ride the bus with the other families of the players, and the boys with the rest of the team.

"This is it. I won't see you the rest of the day until tonight" Pedro puts his hands on my waist and pulls me so his head rests on mine.
"I know. I hope when we meet it's to celebrate" I wink.
"Me too. Te quiero, guapa" he smiles down at me.
"Te quiero tanto mi mago" I smile back and stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. He smiles into the kiss.

"Okay okay you two. No more distractions. Let's get going" Xavi's assistant says walking over. He gives a small smile and grabs Pedro by the arm.

Pedro waves goodbye, I blow him a kiss as he walks onto the bus. Sira and I wait to the side for the bus in the meantime.


We arrive eventually at the stadium. It's packed, there's so many people. The vibes are only making me more excited though. It's much darker out, and there's a bit of a fog. Sira and I sit beside the rest of the other Barcelona fans. There aren't many of us, and for safety we're set aside from the City fans.


The match begins and immediately the sounds of the fans intensifies. Sira, myself, along with the rest of the Barcelona fans do our best to make ourselves heard. To give the players a sense of hope and pride for making it this far. and hopefully to give them that feeling of desire to win. It's been a rough few matches on the way to this, so I only hope we can make it to the final.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now