chapter three

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the next day.

I wake up to the sound of thunder, it looks to be a rainy day once again. I look over at the alarm clock and see the time 5:47am. I sigh, realizing I will not be able to go back to sleep. I turn to see Alejandro fast asleep. I carefully slip out of bed, grab my phone, and walk over to the closet. I grab some gym clothes before walking out to the living room. I quickly change and grab my AirPods. I usually go to the gym every other day, I enjoy going as it helps clear my mind and makes me feel good about myself.

I head out the door, and take the elevator down to the gym. The nice thing about the apartments here is there is a gym and spa everyone can use whenever they want. It helps that it is not far. I walk into the gym and order myself a smoothie from the juice bar, and grab a granola bar. I quickly eat before beginning my workout.

"Helloo there" I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I take my AirPods out and smile as I see Alejandro and I's friend, Jadon. Jadon Sancho also plays for Manchester United, and he is one of the closest friends that Alejandro has made so far.

"Good morning" I smile as he stands in front of me.

"I haven't seen you in awhile. I thought you were gone"

"Well, you know how Ale is sometimes. He hasn't really wanted to go out much, we just stay home" I reply taking a sip of the smoothie.

"Hmm. Well at least you'll be coming over tomorrow for the party, no?"

"What party?" I say now confused.

"Oh..shit. Well Antony is throwing a party for his birthday. Alejandro said he was going, so I assumed you were as well. I'm sorry"

"Oh. No its not you're fault. I am going away this weekend, so maybe that's why he didn't mention it" I smile so Jadon doesn't feel guilty.

After an awkward conversation, we say goodbye as I decide to head back home. I grab my phone and make my way back upstairs.


I enter the apartment and notice Alejandro is already awake and sitting on the couch.

"Where were you?" His voice sounds tense.

"Good morning to you too" I reply slightly annoyed. He does not reply.

"I was at the gym actually" I sigh as I begin to take my shoes off. I am not in the mood to argue, so I make my way to the shower to get ready.

A few minutes later, Alejandro walks in. He begins to undress himself and walks into the shower with me.

"Ale, what are you doing?" I say surprised

"Shh amor" He says as he wraps his arms around me and begins to kiss my neck.

I was annoyed with him, so I am not really in the mood.

"Ale, not now please" I sigh. But he does not stop.

"Come on baby, you look so sexy"

"I just don't feel good. Im not in the mood" I reply.

"Amorr please" He pouts and continues to kiss me. Eventually I give in. I was still annoyed, but I didn't  want to upset him.


I cleaned myself up, and finished taking a shower. Alejandro had already walked out and went to change. I don't know why I felt upset. I leaned my head against the wall and began to cry. This hadn't happened before, I was confused. He didn't force me, but I felt pressured and being in that position was the worst.

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