chapter eleven

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Today was the day we flew to England for the match against Manchester. I kept telling myself this was the right thing to do. I wanted to be there for my brother, and this could be the only match in awhile where he would play. I didn't want to miss the opportunity.

I had my bag packed, and was ready to head out. Eric still needed to get ready, so I make is some breakfast that we could eat on the way to the airport. I was lucky enough to be able to fly with the team. I made us some oatmeal and put them into small containers.

"Ready to go?" Eric smiles as he walks into the living room. I nod and smile. I walk over and hand him his breakfast, and take mine as well. I made an extra one, for pedri. Just because, um I don't know.

Eric smirks as he looks at my hand, with the two containers.
"I'm guessing the one that has a P and the heart is for Pedro?" He raises his eyebrow. I blush as I look away.
He waits for my response and I laugh.

"Si, he doesn't like blueberries in his oatmeal, only banana so I made sure to label it" I respond. Eric shakes his head and opens the door.
"Mmhm" is all he says. I grab my suitcase and follow behind him.

We called an Uber to pick us up, so we can get dropped off at the airport.


We get to the airport and check in and all that, and make our way towards the gate. We have to wait in the waiting area until the plane is ready, so we sit next to each other in the waiting area.

"Are you sure you want to come along still? It's okay if you're not comfortable. I understand" Eric says as he looks straight into my eyes.
"Estoy bien" I reply, with a slight smile.
"Okay. I promise nothing will happen to you, regardless" he says hugging me. I smile.

A few minutes later, Pedri appears with Gavi. Like always he probably gave him a ride here. I smile and stand up to hug them both as they greet me. Gavi walks away to go meet the other players, and Pedri sits next to me.

"I brought you some breakfast. I wasn't sure if-"
"Gracias princesa. I was starving" he says grabbing the container, causing me to laugh.
Eric nudges me and winks as he walks away, laughing. I blush and roll my eyes at him.
"No problem. It's the least I could do for everything you've done for me" I reply. He smiles before beginning to eat.

Eventually it's time for us to head onto the plane. I sit besides my brother, and Pedri sits across from us. I tell myself this is the right thing to do, right before we take off.


We arrive in Manchester, finally after a few hours. The weather is much colder, I can tell. It's a rainy day. I grab my suitcase as we get ready to get off the plane. I follow everyone else, as we head down and into the airport. It's been so long since I've been here and all the memories come flooding back.

We walk out towards the exit, and wait for an Uber to arrive. Fans instantly crowd around, and surround us. They're all very kind, but part of me just wants to get out of the open and into the hotel room after the flight.

The Uber arrives and we quickly get inside. We head straight to the hotel, which thankfully I get to share a room with eric. Pedri and Gavi have their room across from ours, so they're close by. We head into the hotel room and I jump straight to bed.

"I'm so tired already" I say to Eric, as I place my head into the pillow.
"It's so early, we have the whole day ahead of us" he laughs.

We hear a knock at the door, and Eric walks over to open it. Of course it's Gavi and Pedri. They walk in, and Gavi jumps onto my bed, like a child. He leans against me, causing me to laugh.
"You're so comfortable" Gavi says to me as he rests his head on my stomach .
"You're such a child" I reply, as I mess with his hair. I look over at Pedri, who smiles.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now