Chapter thirty three

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"GOAALLL FROM PABLO GAVI! BARCELONA'S STAR BOY DOES IT AGAIN!" We hear on the speakers. Sira and I hug each other, tears of joy run down my face.

They did it! We won 2-1 and we're on our way to the finals! Ferran scored our first goal and most of the match was tied. However Gavi scored a beautiful header in the 87th minute to give us the win. The boys cheered and celebrated like crazy out on the field. I couldn't believe we advanced to the final. It would be played against Real Madrid and in Dubai, in a few days. I was so excited, I couldn't wait.

Eventually they let family members of the team pass onto the field, and sira and I ran out. I searched everywhere for Pedro, excited to see him. I congratulated the players I saw on the way, until eventually Gavi signaled me over to where pedri stood. He was so happy laughing and celebrating with Kounde, that he hadn't realized I was nearby. When he realized, our eyes met and he smiled like never before.

I ran into his arms as he lifted me up.
"Princesa. Te quiero te quiero tanto"
"Pedro im so proud of you. You did amazing, and I can't believe you won man of the match. You had a perfect match. Te quiero mas mi mago" I smiled, causing him to blush. I cupped his face and gave him a long kiss. He smiled and let go.
"I'm so lucky" he winked and set me down. He held me close to him as we looked into each others eyes and recapped the match.

Pedro did have an amazing match, having assisted both goals. His passing was all completed and he defended pretty well.

"Pedro! Come receive your trophy" Xavi called out. Pedro nodded and took me by the hand. We walked over to the sideline where the person handing the award was. He shook his hand and they posed for a picture. Then a journalist came, a woman from the Spanish newspaper. She smiled and winked at Pedro as they greeted each other.

I clenched my jaw and stood to the side, watching.
"Buen partido!" I heard her say before the camera began.
"Gracias" he smiled back. His smile was contagious, and he looked so good. His sweat dripping down his face. His hair sticking to his forehead, and it was all messy. His flushed cheeks from running, it was one of my favorite things about him. The way his cheeks would turn slightly red after running.

I cleared my throat and tried to keep focus. The interview began and the entire time I could tell she was flirting. Pedro wasn't even saying anything funny and she was cracking up being all giggly. I rolled my eyes.

"You're funny" Pablo Gavi laughed as he walked over to me. He put his arm around me and smiled.
"I've been watching you. Try to hide your reactions" he laughed.
"Tonto" I joked and smacked him lightly.
"Don't worry, pepi loves you, he wouldn't try anything with her" he reassured me. I smiled.
"I know"
"Of course I am" I replied confidently.

I leaned against his chest as we watched Pedro. Gavi was like a brother to me. Through all this time of getting to know Pedro and spending time with them both we've gotten along well. I'm glad I had him to confide in as well.

Eventually Pedro finished his interview and walked over to us. He and Pablo hugged each other again, causing me to smile. They whispered something to each other and then Pablo left to the interview.

"Let's go find Eric, have you seen him?" He asked me. I shake my head.

He holds my hand as we make it to the lockerroom.
"Everyone! Get some clothes on, there's a lady entering!" He yelled before letting me in. I hear noise and then eventually he lets me inside.

The few players inside smile, and I run over to Eric who was at the end.
He hugged me back with no words. I felt his tears. Today was a special day because not only did they advance but Eric got to play the full match, which rarely happens.
"I love you Eric. You deserve this and more. You did great" I smile and kiss his cheek.
"I'm glad you're here. I couldn't be happier" he smiles back.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now