Chapter forty eight

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the next day:

Today was a big day here in Barcelona. It was a home match against Atlético Madrid which was going to be a tough match. I was still debating if I should go or not, but had the rest of the day to think about it.

Eric went out with the girl he had been talking to, leaving Mateo and I back at home. Which meant I had plenty of time to relax and do nothing. Of course Mateo is still too young to do much beside eat and sleep.

I ate breakfast while he slept in, and then I watched tv. I caught up with Alejandro on FaceTime, and then eventually got up to clean around the house.

Mateo wakes and I walk over to the room.
"Buenos días amor" I smile as I take him into my arms. He whines, so I get ready to feed him. I sit in the sofa in the living room and turn the tv on while I feed him. I burp him, and then get him changed for the day. I change his diaper and get him a fresh set of clothes.

I cover him up and decide to take him outside and walk around for a bit. Even though it feels like he just woke, it'll be time for his first nap soon and he gets fussy when he doesn't go down on time.

We walk around the neighborhood, it's a quiet private neighborhood so it's safe. I wave at a few of the neighbors and narrate everything we see to Mateo. He looks around but obviously is too young to comprehend.

Suddenly a familiar car begins to slow down and pull over near us on the way back.
"Nani?" A familiar face says as they roll the window down. I smile at ferran as I step close to the window.
"Are you following us?" I say jokingly raising my eyebrow, he laughs.
"I was coming to see you, get in I'll drive slow" he says. I nod and walk around to the passenger seat.

I hold Mateo in my arms as we drive down the street and arrive at the house.

I unlock the door and we walk inside, with ferran following behind.

"So what brings you here?" I ask as we sit in the living room.
"I just wanted to see you after last night, make sure I didn't make things weird. And...I also bought a gift for Mateo" he smiles and pulls out a bag.

I smile as I begin to open it with one hand. Eventually I pull out a tiny Barcelona jersey, the new one for this season. I hadn't had a chance to buy one yet and it was so cute.
"Aww this is perfect. Thank you Fer" I smile and stand to hug him.
"You didn't have to, but thank you" I add.

"Look Mateo, you have the perfect outfit for tonight" I say. Mateo smiles and then begins to rub his eyes.

"He's tired" ferran pouts as he sits beside me. I nod.
"Let me grab his bottle and put him down" I say.
"Here let me hold him while you get it" he replies. I hand him over and he carefully holds him. I can tell he's never held a baby before and it's adorable.

I quickly walk to the kitchen and begin to make Mateo's bottle.

I return and see him holding Mateo's tiny hand in his and he's trying to keep him entertained.
"I'm back" I say. Ferran smiles and I take Mateo back into my arms. I feed him and gently rock him to sleep in the meantime.

"So how's this new path in your life going? Was it hard to adapt now being a mom?" Ferran asks as I see him watch Mateo closely.
"You know. Adjusting but I'm glad to have Mateo, he brings me so much joy even though it can be stressful. But I'm glad I have help around me"
He nods.
"Yeah how are things with Garnacho now? I know before it was complicated"
"Way better. I'm so glad we got back to being best friends. I would be so lost and alone without him" I smile as I think of him.
"That's good. I'm glad things worked out. You deserve to be happy" he turns and faces me now. Our eyes connect, and I feel my cheeks flush.

"Oh looks like he's asleep. Let me go set him down" I smile and walk away quickly trying to avoid my blushing.

I set Mateo down and turn the baby monitor on before walking back to the living room. I sit next to ferran again.

"So I did want to come and apologize about my messages if they came off a weird way, I just-"
"No no it's okay. Don't worry" I smile.
"I just. I don't know what came over me. I had just seen you and you did look really beautiful yesterday. I mean every day, I just-"
"Fer, it's okay. I promise" I put my hand on his lap and he nods.
"Okay. Good, I'm glad" he replies.

Suddenly I find myself leaning toward him, and he begins leaning toward me. Our faces inches apart and my breathing begins to quicken. He moves his hand up and cups my face before planting his lips on mine. This sends sparks and butterflies to my stomach, the move in perfect sync. I scoot closer to him and he pulls me onto his lap without breaking the kiss. I place my hands behind is neck and caress him.

Like always the moment is ruined by his phone vibrating in his pocket. We stop and look at each other and both laugh.

I move off from his lap and sit beside him again.
"Ugh. It's Eric" he smiles while grabbing his phone. I roll my eyes jokingly, of course it is.
"Shit. I have to get to the stadium. Sorry I have to go. Will I see you there later?"
"Hmm I don't know yet"
"You should come. It'll give me some motivation to score, remember our deal?" He winks.
"Okay fine" I smile.
"Good. Can't wait" he leans over and pecks my lips one last time before standing up.

"Good luck tiburón" I wink and kiss his cheek.
"See you later" he smiles and walks out the door.

I grab a pillow and scream into it like a child. I can't believe that just happened. It was so spontaneous and in the moment and it felt good. It didn't feel emotional it was more playful and in the moment that I loved the rush of adrenaline. I smile at the thought that it could happen again.

Part of me knows it's wrong because he's friends with Pedro. But part of me decides not to feel guilty. After all Pedro left me like I was a piece of trash.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now