chapter nine

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a few weeks later.

"Buenos días" I smile as I enter the house. Eric sits at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal.
"Buenos días" he replied with his mouthful. I make a grossed out face as I set my things down.

I had just come back from my workout, and was starving. I take a seat after serving myself a bowl and begin to eat.

Things have been a lot better recently, I only tend to get panic attacks every other day, usually at night time. I always see Alejandro in my dreams, and I wake up yelling or crying. I'm working on trying to get better. Otherwise, I've been filming a lot more for my YouTube channel, and working on building my social media. Pedri and I have become closer, he, Gavi, and Ferran come over a lot. They're the closest ones with Eric. Apart from the boys Sira has become my closest friend.

Eric returned back to his normal days working, so for the most part I stay home. Unless sira invites me out, or I take the metro.

"So you're sure you want to go alone?" Eric asks as he's cleaning up our plates. I plan to film another cooking dinner video, since most people love to see my recipes. But I needed a few things from the store.

"Claro. I'll be fine on the metro" I reply. He seems unsure still.
"I'm not a child anymore Eric" I smile.
"I know. But I still worry" he pouts. I give him a small hug and mess up his hair.
"Gracias hermanito" I say before walking over to my room.

I hop in the shower to get out of my sweaty clothes. I get out and choose an outfit to wear for the day. I brush my hair and do my makeup before walking back out to the living room.

"Well, I have to head out to training now. Please text me if you need anything" Eric says while he looks down at his phone. He rolls his eyes, annoyed at something he must have received.

"Todo bien?"
"Sorry yeah. I forgot pedri won't be at training today. He for the day off for being early all of last week" Eric says putting his phone in his pocket.

We hug each other goodbye as he walks out the door. Immediately I get an idea. I take a seat on the sofa and grab my phone.

Pedro 🔆

holaa pedro

Buenos días Nani :)

I heard you're off today...

Oh, did you? 🤔

Si si, do you have plans? I need some company

Nothing better than hanging with you 🙃

🫶kk come over, and I'll explain

I'll be there soon 🫶

I smile and set my phone down.


I get up as I hear a knock at my door. I smile as I look through the window to see Pedri. I open the door as he pulls me in for a hug.

"How have you been?" He smiles, and looks at me. As if waiting for a genuine response.
"I've been a lot better"
"I'm glad" he replies shutting the door behind him.

We walk over to the living room and sit next to each other.
"So what should we do today?" He asks.
"Well I need to go to the grocery store for some ingredients for a dinner video I'm doing. Can you come with me please?" I pout.
"Ooh. Only if you let me try the food after" he smiles. I nod.
"Let's go then" he gets up and grabs my hand to pull me up.

I make sure the lights are all of in the house and we walk out the door. He opens the passenger door of his infamous mini cooper so I can get in. I smile to thank him as he walks around and gets in the driver.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now