Chapter Sixty Five

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a few days later:

We were back at home finally. Olivia has been a big help with our recovery. I can finally walk around a bit, and was feeling better. I felt bad because Mateo barely left my side. He was being so helpful though.

I hadn't seen Pedro in the last few days since the hospital. I was kinda bummed, I wanted to thank him to talk with him. But I guess he didn't want to see me, he probably was off with Tania and had moved on.


I had just finished breakfast and was making my way outside for some fresh air. Eric was inside with Mateo as they finished up. I held my wrist as it began to hurt and sat down by the bench. Olivia walked out and sat beside me, pulling me into a small hug.

"You okay?" She asks
"Just in a bit of pain but I'll be fine" I smile.
"It's not just physical pain right?" She nudges me.
"You're wondering about Pedro, I can tell" she laughs.
"I just-"
"Look, I do want to tell you he was so incredibly helpful. I don't know what I would've done without him. I know the situation was hard because of Ale, but Pedro really stepped in. He and Mateo we're inseparable these last few days"
"Really? I don't even know how to feel. Part of me is mad because Pedro could've been this way since the beginning. But I'm also glad they got to know one another"
"I agree. He'll come around just give him space or reach out whatever you feel is best"
"He's probably busy with the match tonight and Tania"
"Didn't you hear? They broke up. Well he broke up with her" she says.

She explains the entire situation between them while I was gone. I was pissed at Tania. Why would she talk about Mateo like that? I'm just glad pedro realized she was a bitch and told her the truth. I felt bad for being happy that they had broken up. Because was part of me hoping to fix things with Pedro? But at the same time he hurt me and I'll never be able to forget that.


Later in the afternoon, we had ordered pizza and wings to be delivered to watch the match. Mateo was all dressed in his Barcelona jersey and we sat together on the sofa. We practiced his numbers and the alphabet while we waited for the time to come. Eric sat across from us with Olivia. He leaned on her shoulder as he scrolled on his phone.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Assuming it's the pizza, I stood up to take the food. Suddenly I was greeted by the last person I expected. Pedro stood there with the same goofy smile that made me fall in love. Dressed in his Barcelona jersey and jeans.

"Hey, I thought you would be in Sevilla for the match?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"I wanted to come over and watch the match together, if that's okay?"
"Sure, of course" I reply as I move over. He walks in and we make our way over to the living room.
"Pedri!"mateo cheered. He stood up and ran over to hug him.
"Hey, I'm happy to see you too" Pedro smiles.

He greets Eric and Olivia and sits on the sofa beside me.
"I'm glad you're both doing much better. I'm sorry I hadn't been around, I wanted to give you space. Mateo really missed you and I thought it best he spend more time with just you"
"Thank you. I was wondering why you just disappeared. Are you okay? What happened to your eye"
"It's a long story, maybe we can talk later" Pedro replies.

I nod.


It was halftime and Barcelona were leading 1-0. We had finished the pizza by now and Mateo was just happy to be spending time together with all of us. The truth is I was more than happy too.

Olivia began to clean up while Eric took Mateo to the bathroom. Leaving Pedro and I.
"Hey" we say in sync causing us to laugh.
"Go first" he smiles
"So I was thinking, maybe we should talk more about the situation with Mateo. We should tell him the truth, we can talk about a plan if you want to be involved or not"
"Yes yes of course I want to be. I was going to ask the same thing"
"Great. I'm glad he's going to be so happy too"
"How about dinner tomorrow?"
"That sounds great"
"Cool. I'll come pick you both up" he says. I nod and we sit back to wait for halftime.

*just a filler chapter I'm sorry I promise I'll try to be more active*

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now