Chapter twenty four

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Our last day in Tenerife was today. I woke up to the beautiful sunrise, as the light began to fill the hotel room. I stood up, made a coffee and walked out to the deck. The scene was amazing, the waves and everything could not have been more perfect. I leaned over on the deck, as I suddenly felt Pedro's arms wrap around my waist. He set his head on my shoulder, I turned to face him and kisses his lips.
"Buenos dias guapo" I smiled.
"Buenos días mi futura esposa" he smirked.

I handed him my coffee and gave him a sip, he's not much of a coffee person. We stood and watched the waves, every now and then he'd look over and place kisses on my face. He was very affectionate and I loved that about him. Breakfast from the hotel eventually arrived and we brought it out to eat.

"So I was thinking today we could visit La Peña today, where I grew up watching Barça. You could meet some of my fathers old friends and people I grew up with. Sometimes even fans show up" he smiled, I could tell he was reminiscing of his time there.
"Sure, I'd like that" I reply.

After breakfast we showered and got dressed, and began walking to la Peña. It was early and children were off to school, parents heading to work and everyone seemed busy. When we arrived however, there were some people already at La Peña. I smiled as I noticed all the photos they had of Pedro on the walls, each of his achievements and pictures of him as a child. He held my hand as we stood by and he spoke with someone. I'd never been to a place like this and it was incredible. He introduced me to his fathers friends, and they were all very kind and congratulated us on our engagement.

"Guess you're not our little tiny boy anymore, running around with the ball at your feet, breaking things and hiding from your mother so she wouldn't yell" the one man laughed. Pedro blushed and shook his head.
"Ahh so what I'm hearing is he doesn't follow the rules" I smirk.
The man laughed, " just be careful when you move in together, he'll want to play futbol anywhere" he smiled. I playfully shoved Pedro, who looked down and smiled.
"We're going to have to talk about that" I joke.
"Whatever you want princesa" he winked and leaned down to kiss my lips.

We continued walking around and talking to people. I was surprised there was this many people so early in the day. More and more fans began to show up to take photos and get things signed by Pedro. They form a line that made it outside. I stood by and helped them take photos.
"Señorita Nani!" I heard a voice that was very familiar. I turned around and saw Nicolas and Mateo with their parents. They smiled and waved as they stood in line.
"Hola chicos, I'm so glad to see you" I smiled and pulled them into a hug. I greeted their parents.
"They wanted to come see Pedro one more time before you guys left" their mother said.
"They're so adorable. I'm glad you came" I said to her.

Eventually they made it up in the line to Pedro. The boys ran over and gave Pedro the biggest hug. He kissed their forehead and smiled.

"This is my favorite picture" I said with tears in my eyes

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"This is my favorite picture" I said with tears in my eyes. It was so sweet and I knew that it would be one to always remember. I gave their mother my number so we could keep in touch and so she could send me the picture. Pedro spoke with the boys until it was time for them to head out.

"Remember, keep practicing, I want to be there when you're playing for Barca too, okay? We'll see you both very soon" I smiled hugging them one last time.
"Gracias Senorita Nani" Nicolas said with a smile and kisses my cheek.

I hug their mother goodbye and they walk out


Later in the afternoon, it was time for dinner with everyone. We made a reservation and planned to meet there. Pedro and I got dressed and got ready.

We walked out but took an Uber to the restaurant since it was a bit later. I lean my head on his shoulder as we drove there. We got off and walked inside, some people were already here.

"Hermanitoo" I smiled walking over to Eric. I leaned over and hugged him, he kissed my forehead and smiled.
"You look beautiful Nani" he smiled.
"Gracias" I blushed.

Ferran, Sira, and Pablo were also here, I hugged them as well. I sat next to Eric and Pedro. The boys sat across from us. Then arrived our parents with Fernando. We sat at a long table and everyone began to talk. I'm glad our families got along.

They took our order and walked away.
"So, when's the wedding?" His father asked. There was a pause at the table. Pedro and I look at each other and laugh.
"If I could I would do it this instant. But we want to make it special, and big, and beautiful. We're thinking maybe in a year? What do you guys think?"
"A year?!" Eric says choking on his water.
"What? Did you want to get rid of me before then?" I laugh.
"No I just think that's far away" he smiles.
"Time goes fast Eric. Trust me it'll feel like tomorrow" my mother smiles.

Our parents agree that a year is good enough to plan. It does feel like forever, but we do want to plan this with time, not rush into it.

When dinner is over, we all say goodbye to each other. The barça boys will head back to Barcelona tonight, my parents and Fernando are flying tomorrow morning. Obviously pedros parents are staying. I hug them the longest since I know we might not see each other for awhile.
"Gracias. For accepting me, and for allowing me to come into your sons life. I'm forever grateful" I say, my eyes watering.
"Hija, don't cry. We love you like our own daughter. You make our son happy and for that we're grateful to you" his mother says wiping my tears. They hug me back tighter and eventually let go.

"See you back at home" I say to Eric. He finishes wiping my tears.
"Nani, don't cry. You're so emotional I would have guessed you were pregnant" he laughs.
"Eric! Don't joke like that" I playfully roll my eyes and smack him.
"Ow! Okay okay. Te quiero" he smiles and kisses my forehead before heading out.


We arrive back at the hotel and begin packing our things. Luckily we didn't unpack too much, so it's quick. We clean up the hotel so we don't leave a mess for the cleaning ladies.

Pedro grabs the suitcases and we walk out. The Uber picks us up and drives to the airport.
"Adios Tenerife, you were amazing" I pout and say as I look out the window.
"We'll be back princesa, I promise" he leans over and kisses my lips. I smile and place our hands in my lap.
"I hope so" I whisper so no one can hear me.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now