Chapter sixty nine

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a few days later:

With my bags ready, I sat everything I needed by the entrance. I held Mateo in my arms, who was a bit sad about me leaving. But deep down I knew he would be fine staying with Pedro. I peek out as I watch Pedro pull into the driveway. I say goodbye to Eric and Olivia before heading outside. I only had 2 small bags, since I had clothes back in Manchester.

Pedro steps out and loads my things into the car. He greets us both with a hug and I then set mateo into his carseat. I sit in the passenger seat and we drive off toward the airport.

"Thanks for offering to bring me, I appreciate it" I say to Pedro. He smiles as we come to a stoplight.

"Of course, it's not a problem with me" he replies.

On the way there, my phone begins to ring and I realize it's Alejandro. Pedro pauses the music so I can take the call.

Ale 💛

buenos diaas

buenos dias Ale, what's up?

just calling to make sure you're still coming *he laughs*

yes of course, we're on the way to the airport

good good. im glad. I've missed you so much. Can't wait to see you

I've missed you too.

I'll let you go, I'll be waiting for you out front. In my blue car. Fly safe.

Sounds good, adios Ale

Adios Nani

I hang up and resume the music.

Pedro POV

I hear as she speaks to Alejandro on the phone. For whatever reason I start to feel jealous and upset. The way they talk to each other. I clench my jaw and try to focus on driving. It makes me so upset that she's leaving alone and spending time alone with him.

Delaney POV
We arrive to the airport and Pedro takes Mateo into his arms. I grab my bags and we walk inside to check in. After checking in my bags, we walk toward the TSA area and stand to the side.

"Okay Mateo. Be good with papi, and listen to everything he says. I'll call you every night, okay?" I say to Mateo as I rub his cheek. He has a sad look and slowly nods.
"Give mama a hug" Pedro says to him.

We pull each other into a hug and I kiss his cheek.
"Te quiero Mateo, mami will be back soon" I whisper. He nods.
"Te quiero mami"
We pull away and he stands to the side.
"Call me if anything happens. I'll be back before we know it. And thank you again for taking him" I say to Pedro. He gives a small smile.
"Of course. You call me if you need anything. And when you get there. We'll be fine"
"I know you will. Adios Pedro" I say.
"Adios" he gives me a small hug and let's go. I wave a so begin to walk toward security.

I head to my gate and wait for the flight to be called.


I arrive a few hours later in Manchester. I walk outside after grabbing my bags and look for Alejandro's car. I spot it a few feet away and head over. He sees me and gets out running over and lifting me into his arms.

"Oh Nani I've missed you so so much. I'm so glad you're here" he says.
"I've missed you too Ale" I laugh. He sets me down and kisses my forehead before smiling.
"Let's get out of here before a crowd swarms" he says. I nod and we head to his car.

We drive off toward the apartment, catching up on everything. Of course we're both upset that I'm moving back to Spain, so we're making every minute worth it.

Pedro POV
Mateo and I spent the day with ferran, out by the pool at my house. He seemed to be doing fine without Delaney. I suppose the time we spent together while she was in a coma helped him learn to be without her.

We had an early bedtime today since I had practice in the morning. I gave him a bath and we brushed our teeth before heading to my room.

Soon I'd like to get a bigger place. I only have 2 rooms in the house, one is mine and the other has some things that Tania never picked up. I'd like to get a place for Mateo to have his own room. For now this will do.

I lay down beside Mateo and pat him to sleep. He knocks out quickly, leaving me awake. I leave one lamp on in the room and sit up.

I grab my notebook, which my therapist advised me to keep if I ever wanted to clear my mind. Since I was having trouble expressing myself with Delaney, I knew this would be the perfect way.

Note One:
Today was the first day away from you. I felt so upset about it you leaving to Manchester with Alejandro. The truth is I'll always be jealous of what you two have. Sure he mistreated you in the past, but you worked through it and became best friends. I hope to one day have that with you.

I am happy you let me stay back with Mateo. You're one of the few people who make me feel like I can be trusted. I'm glad that we're working things through for Mateo. I hope we can do it for us too.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now