Chapter thirty four

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Pedro paces back and and forth across the room as I explain the story quickly to him.
"Amor, I have to go. I think I should, I would hate for something-"
"Really? After everything he's done to you?" He pauses and looks at me with tears.
"I don't love the idea but I also don't want any thing bad to happen to anyone" I sigh.
"Well if you're going to go, then let me go with you" he says. I nod.

We finish getting dressed and take an Uber to the hospital. Like typical Manchester, it's raining and so cold. The sun hasn't risen yet, and Pedro and I sit in silence as we arrive at the hospital.

We enter and I check in with the receptionist who lets me know which way to go. I head toward the door, not knowing what to expect with Pedro following behind. He clenches his jaw, as we enter.

Alejandro's body lays on the bed, and I almost can't recognize him. He's so calm laying there. His arm is in a cast, as well as his foot. And he has bruises and cuts on his face. The nurse and doctor stand by and smile as we enter.

"Thank you so much for coming. I understand this is a complicated situation, but there's really no one else who could help" the doctor says. I stay silent and nod.
"So basically he suffered a heavy impact to the brain, causing some trauma. It's important to stop the bleeding and to reduce the swelling but we need to complete surgery for that" he pauses.
"Right. So why can't you go ahead and do that if it's important?"
"Well there's a risk to the surgery. Which is he may not wake up" he sighs.
"And if we don't do the surgery?"
"There's a risk that he would lose most of the strength and abilities in his legs. I know for his job it's very important" he explains.

He explains a few other things to me as I simply nod. I turn every now and then to see Pedro. He doesn't look mad or angry, he just looks upset and confused. Unsure how to feel. He's completely silent.

After discussing a few things with the doctor, I check in with Alejandro's mother but there's no answer. The doctor needs to know now what the choice will be, if not it may be too late.

I walk back and forth and pace around the room. My anxiety is through the roof and I hate this pressure. Pedro steps out to go to the bathroom, and I walk over beside Alejandro.

"Ale, why did you do this to me? To yourself? You know I suck at making decisions" I sigh and lightly tap his hand.

I know he hurt me, and I don't feel even a tiny bit of love toward him. But he was my best friend at one point and like I said, I'm not evil, it hurts to see him this way. He doesn't deserve it, and neither does his family. A tear falls down my face, as I remember the Alejandro who was my best friend. Not Alejandro my boyfriend, but my friend. Who was always thoughtful and cared for me, who protected me. And now it was my turn. I sit at the hospital chair and look out at the darkness outside.


"Ale! Ale! Stop! You're too fast for me" I laughed as I paused. Alejandro ran over to me and lifted me over his shoulder.
"Flaca, come on! You can do this" he laughs. He sets me down and places me in front of him. We were inches away from each other, and I felt like kissing him. But we were just friends, and I didn't want to make it uncomfortable or ruin our relationship. He smiled as he looked down at me.
"You take it too seriously" I sigh. We were playing futbol in his backyard. I had learned a few things from Eric, but I wasn't amazing obviously. But Alejandro never went easy on me, he said it built character.
"Sorry, I have to. I love playing, I coudlnt imagine ever not playing. Me without futbol just isn't the same. I would hate myself everyday" he sighed as he sat beside me on the grass. I leaned against his shoulder.
"Well, don't worry about that. I know you're going to be an amazing player. Trust me" I kiss his cheek and lean back on him.
"Gracias flaca. I hope you'll be there with me when I make it" he wrapped his arm around my waist.

A tear falls down my face, but I clean it quickly as I hear the door open. Pedro gives me a small smile from across the room.
"You ready amor?" He walks over and wraps his arm around me. He avoids looking at Alejandro. I know this is hard for him.
I nod.

The doctors enter and bring the paperwork that I need to sign. I decided on the surgery. It's the best choice.
"I'm going to call Pablo to let him know we'll be back soon. I'll wait for you outside" Pedro says.
"Gracias amor" I smile and he leans over to kiss me before walking out.

The nurses begin to prepare alejando for surgery. The doctor said I could leave since the procedure lasts hours. And hopefully Alejandro's mother was already on a flight back and that's why she didn't answer.

"I'll let you say goodbye before we take him. Thanks again miss" the doctor waves as he leaves the room.

"I hope this is okay ale. But I know you're a fighter, and you don't give up easily. Trust me I would know" I laugh as I say to Alejandro.
"I know you're a fighter and you'll wake up soon. And I know you'd rather not live than not be able to play futbol. But knowing you everything will work out. And you'll be happy again. Keep fighting, you got this" I kiss his cheek and walk out the door.

Pedro sits at the lobby, and smiles as our eyes meet. The Uber was outside already so we hurry in. We're taken back to the hotel again, the sun just starting to rise.

We get to our room and I sit at the edge of the bed.
"Sorry for putting you through that Pedro. I know it was hard" I say.
"I'll always be there for you princesa. I know you were only trying to do good" he smiles and sits beside me. He lifts me onto his lap.
"Can we nap? I'm exhausted" I pour.
"After last night..I'm sure you are" he winks. I blush and smile.
"Eres tonto, but I love you" I wink. I lean over and kiss his lips, holding on a bit longer than usual.
"Te amo princesa" he kisses me back.

He lays us down in bed and covers us with the blanket. I lean on his chest and fall back asleep.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now