Chapter twenty three

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"Te amo guapo, te amo, te amo, te amo" I say placing a kiss on his lips between each say. I cup his face with my hands, while he rests his hands on my waist.
"Yo también princesa, te amo tanto".

We wipe each others tears. He rests his head on mine, our foreheads touching.

"Okay, okay, we get it. You're so in love" Eric jokes as he walks over. He pulls me into a hug.
"Eric, i can't believe you didn't tell me!" I jokingly smack him.
"I wanted to see your face when you realized it was a surprise" he winks.
"You deserve this happiness nani, enjoy it" he kisses my forehead.

One by one everyone begins to walk over to us and congratulate us. Ive never felt this amount of happiness in my life, everything felt perfect.


"Thank you so much Don Pedro for inviting us" the mother of the boys who we met earlier says as she walks up to us.
"You can call me Pedri, or just Pedro. Por favor, I'm not an old man" Pedro says with a smile.

She smiles, "You look beautiful, congratulations to both of you. This is so exciting, and I know my boys will never forget this" she says as the boys play in the yard with Ferran, Eric, and Pablo.

"Gracias señora. They are such sweet boys. Thank you for being a part of this. I will never forget it either" I lean against Pedro.
"Enjoy some food, you can stay as long as you'd like. You're like family now" Pedro assures her. She thanks us and walks away.

"how did you find them to help you on short notice?" I turn to face Pedro.
"I have my ways" he smirks.
"It was very sweet, and thoughtful, gracias" I kiss him once again. We hold hands and walk around to speak with everyone.

pedrimy future wife 😮‍💨user1: wife?!?! heart been broke so many times user2: aww omgnanigarcia: te amo, futuro esposo 😉pablogavi: yes everyone, I've been replaced 💔ferrantorres: you're so weird for that

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my future wife 😮‍💨
user1: wife?!?! heart been broke so many times
user2: aww omg
nanigarcia: te amo, futuro esposo 😉
pablogavi: yes everyone, I've been replaced 💔
ferrantorres: you're so weird for that


"We're going to head out. Thank you so much for having us" the mother of the boys says.
"Anytime. We'll make sure you're all at the wedding" Pedro smiles shaking her hand.
"Adios campeones. Thank you again" Pedro says hugging each of the boys.
"Thank you, you were all so sweet. What are your names again?" I bend down to their height.
"Nicolas y Mateo" they both say.

I smile and look over at pedri. He smirks. While he starts talking to their mom, the boys call my attention.
"Señorita, we had a lot of fun today. Thank you for saying yes to pedri. Please take care of him, he's very important to the team and we love him" Nicolas says to me. With tears in my eyes, I smile.
"I promise I will. I'm very lucky" I wink.

I hug them goodbye and they walk away.
"So where did you get your baby names from again?" I smirk.
"Te quiero guapa" he smiles and kisses my lips, not answering.

Slowly people begin to leave, the party ends late around 1:00am, and everyone is tired. My parents are staying at a hotel nearby with Eric. Ferran and Pablo are too, and Fernando of course is staying here. We planned a dinner tomorrow before everyone leaves back home. I say goodbye to everyone and hug my parents goodnight.

Pedro and I drive off toward the hotel, happy as ever. We arrive to our room, and begin to get ready for bed.

"Are you sure you're ready for this? I didn't mean to put you on the spot, I-"
"Of course I'm ready. I want to spend my entire life with you" I say, reassuring him.
He smiles, satisfied.
"Have you ever thought about sleeping under the stars?" I say randomly.
"No, not really" he laughs.
"Should we try it?" I smile.
"Why not" he shrugs.

We laugh as we struggle to pull the mattress from the bed out to the deck. It's still warm out and there's a breeze from the ocean. We use blankets and such to make it more comfortable. We lay down and listen to the waves crashing on the sand. The moon is bright and lightens the entire deck. I lay my head on his chest, he rubs small circles on my back. Eventually we both fall asleep.


Pedri POV
I smile as I look over at her sleeping so peacefully. The night couldn't have gone better. Everything was perfect, I wouldn't have changed a thing. I smile, reminiscing.

"Mama, I need to figure out who the boys are. It'll be perfect if they're here. Please help me" I whine, I was on the phone with my mother.

Delaney was still asleep. I was pleading to my mom to help me find the boys we saw earlier at the park. The town is small, everyone knows each other I'm sure she must know.

"Oh, yes your father says she's been into the restaurant. We'll find her number and call her, tranquilo"
"Adiós mami, los quiero" I hang up.

Not too long after she calls me back and tells me they've found the boys and their mother. I explain to my mom what to tell them and they agree to help me.


Later on, I had snuck through the fence to surprise her. I was so nervous, but everyone was in position and all I could do was hope she went up to the door.

"Pedri?" Mateo says looking up at me.
"Yes?" I smile
"Don't be nervous. She's beautiful, I can tell she's kind and she'll say yes" he replies.
"Gracias campeón. You're right. And she is beautiful, I'm very lucky to have her" I rub his shoulder and pull him toward me, waiting.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now