Chapter fifty

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"Ferri? What are you two doing here?" I hear the voice approach and stand right at our table. I give a small smile and look up as I see Fernando, Pedro's brother.
"Oh. We just- well we-" ferran stutters as he tries to explain.
"We're not doing anything wrong. We're just out for dinner, why does it matter?" I respond.
"I knew my brother was right. I knew he wasn't the father" Fernando crosses his arms.
"That's not true. And I'm done trying to get you all to believe me. If you want to miss out on his life, it's your loss"
Ferran looks shocked at my response, but then gives me a sympathetic look.
"I don't-"
"You don't have to say anything Fernando. Just go away please. It's hard enough. One day you'll all know the truth and I hope you don't regret it" I sigh.

He takes one last look at Mateo who was still in Ferran's arms. Without another word, he walks off leaving us alone.

"I'm sorry I-"
"It's okay. Let's just move on" I smile.
Ferran nods and we continue our conversation.


We finished dinner, and surprisingly time went by quickly without us noticing. I had a really great time. We were becoming really close friends, and I was feeling like nothing else mattered.

He drove us back to Eric's house, and helped me get Mateo inside.

"Can I help you with anything else?" He asks as we step inside.
"I'm okay. It's late so I just need to get Mateo to bed" I explain.
"I can help you if you want"
"Sure" I shrug.

We walk over to my room and I set Mateo down on the bed. Ferran leans over him and pokes his cheeks to get him to giggle while I get his things ready. I choose his pjs and grab a fresh diaper and then walk over.

"He loves you" I smile as I see Mateo reach up for ferran.
"He's so sweet" he replies.

I show him how to change a diaper, and after a few minutes he finally gets it on. He dresses Mateo and kisses his cheek.

"I just have to rock him to bed now. Thank you for helping me" I smile.
"I'll stay until he's down" ferran says. I nod.

I grab Mateo and hold him on my arms as I feed him his bottle and rock him to bed. He begins to whine and becomes restless. I begin to hum a song I always sing to him to get him to calm down and sleep. My mother used to sing it to me. It was a song about the moonlight at night that she made up. It always soothed me as a child and always got Mateo to sleep quickly.

I caught ferran smiling as he looked at me. Mateo finally fell asleep so I set him down in his crib.

"That was a cute song, luna " ferran winks as he whispers.
"It's the only thing that gets him to calm down" I say as he sits right beside me. We sit at the edge of the bed, looking down at Mateo. The moonlight comes in through the gap in the curtains and lights up the room. I lean my head on Ferran's shoulder as I take in Mateo's presence. He's so peaceful and calm. I never felt a stronger love for anyone in my life.

"Nani? Nani! You home yet?" I hear my brother's voice approaching. Ferran and I stand up and walk toward the living room.

"In here" I call out. He stands in the living room with the biggest smile as we approach him. He gives me a big hug, and then greets Ferran.

"We were just putting Mateo down for bed" I say. Ferran nods, and Eric smiles.

We take a seat in the living room and catch up. The boys have a match coming up in Madrid, so all they could talk about is the trip there. Unfortunately my trip was coming to an end here, so all I could think about us how much I would miss them both.

I suppose in all my thoughts, I ended up falling asleep because I can't remember much else.


The next morning:

I woke up right around sunrise today, I couldn't sleep probably because I never made it to bed. I found myself still laying on the sofa in the living room with a blanket thrown on top of me. I looked beside me and found Ferran on the other sofa, causing me to laugh.

I stood up slowly and covered him with the blanket I had used. I stretched and walked over to my room to check on Mateo, who was fast asleep. I turned the baby monitor on and walked back out to start my day.

I made myself a quick protein shake and had some fruit for breakfast. Like always, Eric was already awake and I saw him out in the backyard training. I walked out, letting the brisk cold air hit my face.

"Buenos dias" i smiled as Eric noticed me and smiled.

"Buenos dias, couldn't sleep?" He asks as he took a break.

"Just wanted to head on my run before Mateo wakes, mind if I leave you with the baby monitor?"

"Sure, no problem. Oh and I was thinking, maybe you and Mateo should come to Madrid with us. It'll be the last match that you'll see in awhile, I'd love it if you came"
"Really? Yes! I'd love to!" I cheer as I pull him into a hug causing us both to laugh.

I walk back inside and to the front door as I begin my run.


It was later in the day and we were having lunch with Olivia and Eric. Ferran had left back home to get prepared for the trip to Madrid.

I held Mateo in my arms as we ate the pasta that Olivia had helped me make. She was slowly becoming a good friend of mine. Which I was excited for because I've always wanted a sister, and I hoped we'd soon become close.

We planned out the trip to Madrid, we'd be leaving tomorrow. Olivia was joining us and she and I would fly separate from the team with Mateo. Luckily I only had to pack a few things since it would only be for about 2-3 days.

I'm glad I was going, and Eric was right. It was the last Barcelona match that I'd see in a long time. I didn't plan  to return to Barcelona until Mateo was at least walking. It upset me, but deep down I kept telling myself this was the right thing.

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