Chapter fifty four

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"Wake up Teo, we're here" I smile as he yawns and looks out the window. We pulled up to Eric's house and the excitement in his eyes was so cute. We had never really traveled outside of England for him to have remembered, he was still too young.

Eric helps me get him out of the car seat, while I unload the bags. We walk inside, and are greeted immediately by Olivia.

"We've missed you!" I say as we hug each other.
"I know me too! I'm so glad you came" she smiles.
"And how's my handsome boy?" She says to Mateo. He smiles at her as she lifts him into her arms.

He knew her well from the many times we FaceTime with Eric. They're the only family he's known, so he loves them both so much.

"We tried to make some comfortable space for you both, so you can go ahead and set your things down" Eric says. I nod as I take Mateo and we head to what used to be my room. Everything was in the same spot I had left it. Except there was now a toddler bed for Mateo. He runs over and jumps onto the bed pretending to nap.

"Are you tired amor?" I laugh as he closes his eyes.
"Not yet mama" he replied with a laugh.

I unpack our things since we'll be here for a few days. Eric begged us to stay for a few days longer, and Mateo was excited to come so I agreed.

We relaxed for a bit until we decided to plan to head out for dinner. I got myself and Mateo dressed and we headed outside to wait for Eric. He always took the longest.

I sat on the curb of the sidewalk as I watched Mateo run back and forth on the yard. When suddenly a very familiar car pulled over. They park and the drivers door opens, revealing someone whom I'd missed so much.

"So when were you going to tell me you were back in town?" Ferran says with a big smile. We walk over to each other and he pulls me into a hug, spinning me around and kissing my forehead.
" it was last minute, we just flew in" I reply.
"I know, Eric told me. I'm so glad to see you" he says.
"Me too" I reply.

He let's me go and Mateo runs over.
"Remember me Mateo?" Ferran asks as he crouches down to be his height. Mateo nods.
"El tiburon" Mateo says with a smirk, causing us both to laugh.
"That's right, good job amor" I smile and kiss his forehead .

Ferran and I still kept in touch, but we knew our little fling wouldn't last and we just stayed friends. Neither was hurt by the decision, we both still care for one another. Occasionally we would FaceTime, and of course Mateo knows him from the Barcelona matches we watch.

"Ready?" We hear Eric call out as he approaches. He greets ferran and we all get into Eric's car.
"Pablo is meeting us there" ferran says as he looks out the window.
Eric nods and we drive off toward the city.


We arrive at a restaurant that seems pretty busy. We get out and I carry Mateo in my arms just to be safe. He leans his head against me as we follow Eric. We check in and wait for our table to be ready. They call us over and we're finally seated.

I sit beside Mateo and Eric, and ferran sits across from us. Suddenly we're joined by Pablo who I stand up to greet.
"Gavi!" Mateo smiles as he looks up at him. I pull Pablo into a hug and he kisses my cheek.
"We've missed you Nani. You look beautiful as always" he says.
"You're too sweet Pablo. I've missed you too" I reply as I mess with his hair.

He lets go and walks to Mateo.
"It's so good to see you Mateo. You probably don't remember me" Pablo says as he gives him a high five.
"He knows you from the team, right Mateo?" I say. Mateo nods.
"Ah I didn't know you watched the team. Who's your favorite?" Gavi smirks.
"Frenkie" Mateo says confidently. Gavi turns to me and pouts jokingly causing us to laugh.

He takes a seat beside ferran and the waitress walks over to take our order.

We catch up on our time away, obviously I was able to keep up with them via social media and such but it was still different. Mateo was grown, talking a lot more now, and he was beginning to show his true personality. They got to know more about how he is and the things he likes. Mateo got along with everyone and I felt bad that eventually we'd go back home and it would just be us and Alejandro, and Anna.

But instead of being upset about it, I decided to take in the time and enjoy it.

"So, we actually invited you all here to share with you some news" Eric says clearing his throat. We all stopped eating and turned to face him.
I smiled as I got excited thinking of the many things it could be.
"We're engaged!" They say in sync. I pout and smile as I feel tears of joy. They look so happy together saying it, and I couldn't believe it.

I stood up and hugged them both. I was so happy Eric found someone to be with him for the rest of his life. I wished my parents were here to see this, but I would do my best to make her feel like family.

We all clapped, including Mateo, and raised our glasses to cheer.
"We'll be announcing it later to everyone else but we wanted to tell you all, since you're our closest friends" Olivia says. Eric nods and agrees, "We haven't told Pedro yet so don't spoil it" Eric laughs.
"Why didn't he come?" Pablo asks.
I turn around to help Mateo wipe his face and try to ignore the conversation.
"I think he was helping Tania move her things back into the apartment. You know how they've been on and off" Eric whispers but I can still hear.

Well, it's not my business to get into but Pedro deserves it.

We finish having dinner, and eventually everyone goes their separate ways. It got late and was time for Mateo to go down for bed.

We walked into the house, Eric held Mateo and set our things down. He helped me carry Mateo to the room and we say goodnight.

I slowly change Mateo into his pjs, and get him into his bed.

"Buenas noches Mateo. Te quiero" I whisper and kiss his cheek.

I walk over to my dresser and get dressed as well before heading to bed. So far this trip has gone smooth, let's hope it stays.

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