Chapter Fifty Eight

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It had been hours since I last spoke with the doctor. They should be coming anytime now with update on surgery. Ferran helped me keeping Mateo asleep as he held him and walked around.

The doctor walks out of the room and over to us. We stand quickly to see what news we might get.
"So the surgery went well. We were able to reduce the inflammation on both of them. However, now we have to wait. There's no telling when they'll wake. Could be tomorrow, could be next week. But we'll keep them under supervision and do our best so they can come back" the doctor explains.

I broke down into tears as ferran rubbed my back.
"Thank you doctor" ferran replies and the doctor walks away.
"Olivia, I know it's hard. But at least they'll be okay, right? That's what matters. We'll do everything we can for them to come back" he says to me.
"And what are we supposed to do in the meantime? What about Mateo? He's not accustomed to anyone besides Delaney" I continue to cry, upset at the situation.
"Well, what about Alejandro? We should call him. He's used to being with him, he'll know what to do" ferran says. I nod, he's right.

I grab my phone after wiping my tears and call Alejandro. He responds, just as in shock as I was. I hear him break down into tears and freaking out. He tells me he'll take the next flight to Barcelona, and be on his way.

"We should get you both home, get some rest. There's nothing else we can do" ferran says.
"I should stay, what if-"
"Olivia, we're 5 minutes from the hospital. They'll call us if anything. It's better to go home and rest. It's what Eric would want"

I nod and follow his lead. Beside, we should get Mateo home to rest in bed. It's going to be a long day for him tomorrow.


the next morning:

It was early on the day, I could hardly sleep. Alejandro came in around midnight and slept with Mateo. I'm glad he's here so that Mateo has some stability. I can't bear to tell him about his mother on my own. I miss Delaney and Eric so much already. Things were going so well.


Eventually Mateo and everyone in the house was awake.

Alejandro POV
"Ale! You're here?" Mateo says with excitement as he wakes up. He jumps into my arms and I hug him tight.
"I'm here Teo. I missed you so much and wanted to see you" I tell him. He smiles and looks up at me.
"Where's Mami?" He asks.
I sigh.
"Let's eat some breakfast, then I'll tell you, okay?"
He shrugs and nods.

I pick him up and we walk out. Ferran was out on the sofa where he slept last night, and I found Olivia pacing around outside.

"What do you want Teo? Some cereal, eggs, or pancakes?" I ask.
"Hmm an egg please" he says. I nod and sit him on the counter.

I look for an egg and begin cooking as I show him step by step what I'm doing. He pays close attention to me and once I'm done we serve his plate. He begins eating while I make him a smoothie. We always have smoothies together in the mornings.

"Can you wait in here while I go talk to Olivia?" I ask. He nods and ferran stands up.
"I'll stay with him" he says.
"Thanks" I reply.

I walk out to where Olivia is. I pull her into a hug.
"I know it's hard Olivia, but we have to be strong. For Mateo especially. This is going to be tough to explain to him. I'm not sure how he'll take it" I say as I rub her back. She cries into my arms and lets go.
"I know. I just miss them so much"
I wipe her tears.
"They'll be back before we know it. For now we'll have to do our best to keep pushing" I say. She nods.
"We should tell Mateo, he deserves to know"
I nod.

We walk back inside where ferran is with Mateo. He had finished eating by now and was getting ready to play.
"Teo, come here. We need to tell you something" I say. He looks up and runs over to my arms.
"So you know how Mami isn't here and you were asking about her?" I ask. He nods.
"Well. Mami was in an accident. And she got a big ouchie, but she's going to be okay. The doctors did a good job and helped her feel better, but they had to give her some medicine so she can sleep. She's really tired from the surgery, and needs to sleep for sometime, so she's going to stay in the hospital" I explain. His face looks confused as he tries to follow along.
"But I want Mami to be with me" he pouts. I see his little brown eyes start to tear up.
"I know Teo. But the doctors will take care of he. And she'll come home soon. And if you want, we can see her" I say. He begins to cry and nods.

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