Chapter Sixty Two

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a few days later:

Pedro POV
Mateo and I had been having the best of times these past few days. We were becoming closer and closer everyday. I can't believe I missed out on his first few years. I hated that I couldn't go back in time and fix things. But all I could think about now is my son, and spending time together.

Today we had practice, and I had been promising to take Mateo with me. He was so excited last night when I told him, he almost didn't sleep. As long as Olivia was okay with it, I planned to take him today.

I woke up early to bring back some breakfast. I felt bad for taking up the space at Eric and Olivia's home, so I wanted to help out as much as I could. This meant buying food and groceries every now and then.

I brought back breakfast sandwiches and waffles for Mateo, and waited for them to wake up. In the meantime I finished up our journal from yesterday. We had written so much about our past few days, and Mateo was drawing some pretty good pictures on each page. I couldn't wait for Delaney to show her.


"Pedro!" I hear Mateo yell from the hall. I stand up to meet him as he gives me a hug.
"Buenos días campeón. How did you sleep?"
"I was so excited for today. I couldn't sleep" he giggles.
"Well we have to ask Olivia first if she's okay if you come. Let's have breakfast first" I say.
He nods and runs toward the kitchen.

I sit him up on the chair and serve his plate. Olivia walks in shortly after.
"I bought breakfast, so come on over" I say. She smiles and sits down.
"Buenos días. And thanks" she said.

We sit down and have breakfast together. Everyday she seemed more sad about not having Eric around. I felt bad, didn't know how I could help. But the doctors were more hopeful as the days passed. It had been a week already since the accident.

"So I was wondering if it was okay to bring Mateo with me to training today. You're welcome to come too-"
"That's fine with me. You've earned my trust" she smiles.
"Yes I'm sure. Besides I want to head to the
H O S P I T A L" she spells it out so Mateo can't understand. He worries and gets upset when we bring it up.
"Sure. Let me know if you need anything" I say. She nods and we finish eating.

"Alright Teo, let's get you dressed so you can go with Pedro" she says as she stands up. He runs off to the room with her. I stay back and clean up the kitchen.


Mateo and I were off toward the training center. I was so happy with how excited he was. I knew everyone would be happy to see him too. They were the first people who would find out he's my son. I actually hadn't even told Fernando or my parents. I wanted to wait for Delaney before.

We arrive and hurry in to avoid the fans that are crowded outside. I hold Mateo in my arms as we walk in. We head first to the managers office to meet Xavi. I wanted to make sure he was okay with Mateo being here.

We walk in and he looks out the window with his hands in his pocket.
"Sir" I call out.
"Yes? Oh hello Pedro, how's it going?"
"Good sir. I just wanted to come and ask if it was okay for Mateo to join practice today?"
"Sure, of course! Happy to see you again Mateo" he says. Mateo waves. I set him down and he walks over to peak out the window.
"No update on Eric or his sister yet?" Xavi asks me as he walks beside me.
"No. Sadly no"
"I feel terrible about the situation. And Mateo must be devastated"
"He was, and still is at times. We're doing our best to distract him"
"You finally found out didn't you?"
"What? About Mateo?" I ask surprised.
"Yes. It was obvious he was your child. You were the only one too blind to see it" he replies.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now