Chapter Sixty Four

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Delaney POV
"Call the doctor! Call the doctor!" I hear voices yell as I seem to finally be able to move.

I had the worst headache, and felt my body so numb. I open my eyes to see the room surrounded by doctors. I look down and see myself in a hospital gown, confused I try to stand quickly.

"Señorita you need to take it easy, the doctor will be here" the nurse says and holds me down.
"But what happened? Why am I here?" I ask. I touch my head as I felt light headed and notice I have some scars and bruises.
"You don't remember? You and your brother were in an accident. You feel into a coma and-"
"What?! For how long? Where's Eric? And mateo, I-"
"Calm down calm down. We've called your sister in law, Eric is right here. He woke not too long ago" she says. Tears fall down my face as I think of my sweet Mateo being out there without Eric and I. I trust Olivia and I love her like a sister but Mateo isn't used to her.

I look over at Eric who had bruises on his head and looked slowly over at me. He reaches his hand out toward me. I slowly move my hand  to his and he holds it.
"It's going to be okay. Te quiero hermanita"
"Yo a ti Eric" I say.


Eric and I turn our heads as the door opens. Olivia rushes in with Mateo in her arms.

"Mami! Mami! You're back!" Mateo cheers as Olivia sets him down on my bed. He carefully scoots up to me and hugs me. I slowly move my hand, and hug him back. He kisses my cheek and looks at me with a big smile.
"Te quiero Mateo. Te quiero mucho" I begin to cry as I watch his sweet little face.
"Te quiero mami. I missed you so much" he says.

I smile as I look over at Olivia and Eric who look beyond happy to see each other. I can't believe this all happened and we were gone for so long. I mean it seems like it I still wasn't sure.
"So how long were we gone?" I ask
Olivia looks over.
"A little over 2 weeks" she replies.
I sigh.
"I'm sorry I left you all alone with Mateo, I-"
"Actually I wasn't totally alone. Alejandro came over and ferran helped too. Even Pedro" she looks nervously.
I raise my eyebrow.
"Yes mami, Pedri and I had so much fun together he's very nice" Mateo adds in.
"I'm glad you had fun" I reply.

"Mateo, go say hello to your Tio Eric" I say. He nods and jumps off the bed. Olivia walks over to me.
"We should talk about that. You know, we had to tell Pedro about Mateo. The truth, lawyers were involved and all. It's a long story" she sighs.

She tells me the entire story of how they were trying to get Mateo back to Manchester. I was upset with Pedro, why would he act this way if he never cared? Olivia says she was upset too but in the end he turned out to be very good with Mateo. And they spent a lot of time together. I wonder if he told him the truth. I hope he didn't, I want to be there to explain.

"And where's ale? I should call him to let him know-"
"Pedro is already calling him. Don't worry" she says.
"He's here?"
She nods.
My heart begins to race and I feel nervous. But why? I'm over him, I think.
"Why  is he here?"
"He brought Mateo"
"Oh. Well-"

My thoughts are interrupted by the nurse walking in with the doctor.


A few hours later they had checked us out and gave us medication to help with the pain. So far all looked well, Eric had a broken wrist and the bruises. My arm was broken as well as some bruises on my body. But nothing much worse than that. We would stay the night to continue monitoring but could leave tomorrow.

We hear a knock and Olivia tells them to come in. Pedro stands at the door looking nervous. We make eye contact and I feel the same butterflies I've always felt. But it might just be the meds. He has a bruised eye and his lip is cut. I wonder what happened, especially since he had Mateo.

"Hey" he says
"I'm glad you're doing better" he gives a small smile. I nod, "thanks. And thanks for taking care of Mateo"
"I was happy to" he replies.

He walks over and greets Eric.

"Liv, can you help me get to the bathroom?" Eric asks. Olivia nods and helps him up, taking him slowly to the bathroom.

Mateo was playing with his toy over on the sofa. Pedro walks closer to me.
"Look I don't want you to worry, I didn't tell him the truth. I thought you should" he says.
Surprised, I nod.
"Oh thank you. I really appreciate that"
"And I'm sorry I know I-"
"Pedro I don't want to talk about it right now" I say.
He nods.
"Sure, no problem. He's a great kid though, you did amazing"
"He's the sweetest" I smile as we both look over at him.
"He looks just like you too" I say
He chuckles, " as long as he gets most of your characteristics that's what matters to me" I smile.

It's quiet between us, but friendlier than before. I feel like saying so much more but I just can't.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now