Chapter forty two

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"Nani! Look at you. You look amazing" Eric smiled with tears in his eyes. I hug him back tighter and wipe my tears. I missed my brother so much, more than ever.
"Te extrañe Eric" I replied letting go.
"Me too"

I went around and hugged each one of them. I missed them all, they were my best friends and I hadn't seen them in forever. I couldn't believe they were here.

"Well Alejandro told us that you planned to find out the gender, so he helped us surprise you so we can celebrate" Eric said as we all sat around the living room. I looked over and smiled at Alejandro, he was very thoughtful.
"Yes actually I'm supposed to find out tomorrow"
"Great, can't wait" Eric smiles.

We all hung out in my apartment and watched tv, and the boys played on the Nintendo switch in the meantime. I sat beside sira as we caught up on everything.
"I'm really happy you came. It means a lot, especially since I know you and Ferran aren't together anymore. It must be hard to be here together" I sigh. She nods.
"We manage. But I'd do anything for you" she smiles. I pull her into a hug.

It gets late, and Alejandro has a team meeting early so he decided to head out. Even though my apartment is only a one bedroom, I have an office which I set up for them to sleep in. They shower and get ready for bed, while I clean up a bit.

"Nani, I'm really happy to be here with you. I'm sorry it's been so long" my brother says as we sit at the kitchen barstools.
"It's not your fault, it's been busy" I reassure him. He sighs.
"But how are you really? I know it must be hard, it shouldn't be this way. You should be back home, and Pedro should be taking charge of his child" he says with his fists clenched.
"Eric, I don't want you to get upset. We can't force him, and I don't want you to lose your friendship because of me"
"It's not the same. How can I be friends with someone who isn't man enough to be a father?"
I don't know how to react so I just lean on his shoulder.
"He'll regret it" he says clearing his throat.

We get up and get ready for bed. Sira will be sleeping with me in my bed, Eric in the sofa, and I set up an air mattress for Gavi and ferran.


The next morning we wake up pretty late since we slept late last night. But eventually I'm woken to the smell of food. As I walk to the living room I see the boys making pancakes. I smile at the sight and walk over.

"Buenos días" ferran smiles.
"What's this all for?" I smile back.
"While we're here you're going to relax and take a break. Take it easy" Pablo says. I pour and my eyes begin to water.
"Oh no no no, there's no need to cry" Eric smiled as he walks over and wipes my tears. We all laugh and I nod.
"Fine" I say.

Sira wakes up and we all sit around the table to eat pancakes. By now I assume Alejandro is at training so I don't bother him.

After breakfast, I have to head to my appointment. Obviously we can't all come, so Eric decides to follow along. We leave the rest behind, and head out of the apartment after getting ready. We Uber over to my doctor office, and I feel more anxious as we arrive.

I check in and we're taken to the room.
"So any guesses?" Eric smiles looking over.
I shrug, "I'd be happy with either" I smile.
"Well I'm pretty sure it's a boy" he smirks.
"Hmm I don't know" I smile.
"Trust me. I'm right" he says confidently.

The doctor walks in and does his normal checkup. Everything looks great, thankfully. He then hands me an envelope which contains the sex of the baby. I planned to take it to a bakery and have them do that cheesy thing everyone does. This way we can all be surprised later when we cut the cake.

We finished at the doctor, and decided to walk back to the apartment. In the meantime we could catchup and enjoy our time together. Besides it wasn't too far.


Later in the afternoon, we planned to have dinner down by the pier. Well the boys planned it out. I invited Alejandro since he played a big part of this too.

I showered and got ready to head down to the pier. Alejandro met us at the lobby, and we drove off. I was so excited to find out what I was having. Sira helped me deliver the envelope to the baker, and we had the cake ready to go. On the way to the pier, we picked up dinner and drove off. It was about an hour drive so we blasted our favorite songs and sang along, enjoying our time. It was cool outside, not too cold and felt just right. The sun was getting ready to set so it was perfect out. I felt like myself again, surrounded by people who loved me.

We get to the pier, and each grab a bag. They brought a basket with a large blanket for us to sit on and things like that. We found a spot close to the shore, and luckily there weren't many others around.

We began with dinner, and joked around and talked about what we all thought it was going to be. I was glad everyone was as excited as I was.

nanigarcia posted on their story: come soon 🤍_____

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nanigarcia posted on their story: come soon 🤍

Finally the sun was setting, and it was the perfect moment. I grabbed the knife that they brought and opened up the cake box. Sira began to record for me so I could remember this day forever, and maybe even one day I'd show Pedro.

"I'm so nervous" I smiled as tears formed in my eyes. I slowly cut the cake as everyone stared intensely. I pulled the knife back and slid it under, pulling out the piece I had cut. Eventually it revealed a beautiful blue color. Blue!

"I can't believe it! A boy!" I smiled as I was now crying. The boys began cheering and clapped. Everyone celebrated and shared their happiness with me. They hugged me one by one and congratulated me.
"He's going to be such a beautiful sweet boy, I'm sure of it" sira smiled hugging me.
"I know it, and I already have his name" I said wiping my tears.
"Oh yeah?" Eric smiled.
I nodded, "Mateo" I said. They all smiled and agreed they liked it. And I loved it. But deep down all I could do was reminisce of my times with Pedro,

"That was sweet of you to play with them" I said to Pedro, as he finished playing with the boys.
"I need to practice for when we have our own kids" he replied.
"Oh yeah? So we're having kids together?" I smirk and try to hide my smile.
"Mhm, after we get married. Two boys, and then a beautiful princess" he kisses my cheek.
"You don't get to choose the order" I laugh.
"Trust me, I know how it'll go"
"You're that confident, huh?"
"Siempre. Mateo, Nicolás, y -"
"At least let me choose the girl name" I laugh.
"Okay, deal. Do you love the other two?"
"I do. You did a good job"
"One day we'll bring them all here and tell them this story. It'll be the happiest day of my life. After we get married" he winks.

I wiped my tears as I realized I was now sobbing.
"Hey, he's not worth it. You're strong, and you're not alone. I promise" I feel ferran say beside me, he puts his arm around me as I lean against him.
"It's just hard"
"I know. And it will be. But focus on the good. You have a healthy beautiful boy on the way. He's going to love you, just how we all do. And you'll never be alone" he replies kissing my forehead.
"Gracias Ferri" I smile and take a deep breath.

Everything he said was helpful. But he was right, it wasn't going to be easy. I couldn't move on and part of me still had hope that Pedro and I would find our way back to each other.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now