Chapter forty three

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4 months later:

"Come on Nani, I know you can do this. I'm here for you. A few painful moments for a lifetime of happiness" Alejandro says as he holds my hand. It had been 2 hours since I'd gone into labor and I couldn't do it anymore, but he was right.

I pushed through and thought of all the people I had around me to support me. This was it, the moment that would change my entire life.

I did one final push as I held on tight to Alejandro's hand, squeezing it to ease my pain. Suddenly the room filled with screams and sounds of a baby crying. I took a deep breath and tears rushed.
"Congratulations he's beautiful" the doctor smiles as I see them pull him out. He continues to cry as they pass him to the nurses and then over to me, placing him on my chest.

"Oh my god. My sweet sweet boy. You're perfect" I say between tears as I try and catch my breath. I rub his cheek and hair, he has a full head of hair.
"You did great Nani, I'm so proud of you" Alejandro smiles as he looks over at the baby. I smile up at him, thankful that he was here for me and I wasn't alone.

Moments later the nurses have to take him to run tests and get him cleaned up. They clean up my the area as well, and help me to try and get back to feeling normal in the meantime.

I lay my head back down, feeling a sense of relief that all that pain is over.

They finally bring him back with his tiny little pjs. He's calmed down now, I'm sure he's much warmer. They hand him off to me and help me fill out the paperwork for his birth certificate.
"Everything looks great, we'll keep you overnight to be safe and you can go home tomorrow morning" the nurse explains. I nod and she walks out of the room.

I can't help but stare in awe. He's literally perfect, so handsome and so sweet. I'm in love and can't believe this is reality. I wipe my tears as I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"What are you thinking?" Alejandro smiles as he looks over.
"I'm happy. I'm so happy"
"You should be. He's perfect, you did well" he says rubbing his cheek softly.
"I should call Eric. He must be with my parents now" I say. Alejandro nods and walks over to grab my phone. He helps me begin the FaceTime call and after a few rings he answers.


After talking for what felt like hours to Eric and my parents, we hang up the phone to get some rest. I'm so excited for them to meet him. I'll have to wait until he's at least 3 months to fly, so it'll be awhile. But I'm sure time will pass quick.
"Want to hold him?" I ask Alejandro. He smiles nervously and nods. I hand him over carefully and smile at the sight. Never thought I'd see him this way. He coos and lightly touches him, trying to get a smile out of him and is successful.

I begin to try and feed him after awhile, and get him to go to sleep. I'm ready to go home, I just want to be in my own home with him already.

the next morning.
Everything went well overnight, so we were in the process of getting ready to head out. We checked out and got all documents before packing up. Alejandro helped me with the car seat, as I slowly followed behind still in pain. We walked out and thanked the doctors as we made it outside to his car.

He loaded the car seat and I sat in the back.
"Alright Mateo, time to head home" I whisper as I lean over and kiss his cheek. Alejandro gets in, and drives off before we attract any paparazzi.


We finally get to Alejandro's apartment. He insisted that he had the extra space in the meantime while I found a 2 bedroom. His apartment had 3 rooms, and one was empty so he was allowing us to stay. Mine was more of a studio apartment and was much smaller.

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