chapter fifteen

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We arrive a few hours later back at home. Finally. So much drama during this trip happened. But I also loved being back in Manchester. I miss it, the people especially. I lived very great memories there. But also really bad ones.

"Nani, you in here?" Eric yells from the hallway.
"In my room!" I yell back. I hear footsteps approach as he walks into the room.
"Oh, pablo sent me a message, the guys were planning on going out to a party, quieres venir?" He sits down across from me.
"Hmm, no I'm okay. I'm still so tired from the trip" I reply. He nods and gets up, "okay, I'm going to go get ready then" he replies. I smile as he walks out.

I get up and decide to take a shower and change into a new set of clothes for the rest of the afternoon. I tie my hair back and change.


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I walk back out into the living room where I find Eric dressed and fixing his hair.
"It's a party not dinner" I joke with him as I mess his hair up.
"Nani!" he laughs, "I have to look good for the lucky girl I end the night with" he winks at me.
"You're so weird, I don't want to know" I make a disgusted face causing him to laugh even more.

I walk towards the kitchen and look in the refrigerator, somehow we've gone through most of the groceries so there's not much to work with.
"We should go get groceries tomorrow, I just realized earlier there's not much" Eric yells.
"Yeah, I guess I'll just order something for dinner" I yell back.

"Are you sure you don't want to come? It'll be fun. And you can distract yourself, find someone to distract yourself with" he smiles.
"I'm fine. I'll be okay" I reply.
"Okay. Te quiero. Call me if you need anything" he kisses my forehead and grabs his car keys before walking out the door.

I sit on the sofa and turn the tv on while I scroll to see what restaurants are nearby.

Pedri POV
"QUEDATEEE QUE LAS NOCHES SIN TI DUEELEN!" Gavi and I yell as we jump up and down. The smoke from the machines surround us and fill the room, while the lights flash.
"I thought you two would be tired from the trip back" ferran laughs as he nudges me.

We were currently all at a party from one of the La Masía kids. I was feeling tired, but who can say no to a party? I take a sip from my drink as I limp over to the table where we all sat.

"The real problem is Pedri shouldn't be here" Gavi rolls his eyes and points at my foot which is still in a brace.
"The doctor said that I couldn't play, not that I couldn't party" I wink and ferran tries to hold in his laugh.
"He has a point" he says to Gavi who shakes his head.
"Where's Eric? He's taking too long" I ask as I look around.
"He's probably already run into a girl on his way here, you know how he is" gavi replies.
"Maybe he's bringing his sister" says ferran.

I smile as I think of her. What happened at the hotel. I hope she comes. She's so beautiful, so kind and funny. I really enjoy spending time with her. I don't know how Garnacho ruined things with her. She's the sweetest girl ever.

"Hello?! Pedro! Wake up" gavi slaps me.
"What? What?"
"We asked if Fernando was coming" ferran says.
"Oh, sorry no. He's not" I reply and snap out of my thoughts.

A few minutes later Eric enters with a smirk. Which can only mean he's already hit it off with a girl. He seems innocent but he's the flirtiest out of all of us. He enters alone, surprisingly. He greets us each and orders a drink immediately.

"Where's Nani?" Gavi asks
"Home. She didn't want to come. I know she had a rough time seeing Alejandro" Eric replied as he chugs his drink.

Shit. He's right. I didn't even follow up to see how she must be feeling. I feel so bad having fun out here while she's alone. I should go be with her. But I don't want to make things awkward or have anyone suspect, so I have to play it off.

I wait awhile before planning my exit.
"My foot is actually starting to hurt" I lie to Gavi.
"I told you" he smacks my head.
"Ow! What the hell?" I laugh.
"Want me to take you home?"
"No, no. But I should head out to take some medicine" I say.
"You were drinking, you can't. But you should go rest" he replies. I nod and say goodbye.
"Tell the guys I left" I say before limping away.

I make it to the car and drive off. Instead of heading home I head towards Eric's house. It's about 20 minutes away.

I pull into the driveway, and walk up to the door. I ring the bell a few times before I get an answer.
"Sorry, sorry I was looking for change" a voice says as the door opens. I smile as our eyes meet.
"Oh, pedro-?" She smiles back.
"Buenas. I heard you were staying in and wanted to keep you company" I reply.
She moves to the side and let's me in, "sorry I thought you were the pizza delivery man. She laughs.

We walk over to the living room and sit beside each other.
"I should change, I-"
"You look beautiful. It's fine" I reply. I watch her blush and look away.
"I'm guessing you were at the party?"
I nod, "yeah but it was too boring" I smirk.
"Yeah I'm sure it was" she laughs.

Eventually the pizza arrives and she gives me a slice as we watch tv. It's definitely a much better time hanging out with her.
"So how are you feeling after coming back from Manchester? I know the memories must be hard" I say.
"Yeah, it was tough. But things happen for a reason I suppose" she replies.
"That's true. You wouldn't have met me" I say.
"True. And how would I live without you" she smirks.
"Ah you want to joke like that, huh?"
"No but seriously. I'm glad we met" she says.

I put my hand on her leg and nod.
"Me too"
I lean in a place a small kiss on her lips.
"You can always count on me. I'll always be here for you" I smile as I see her blush.
"Gracias Pedro" she replies.

We finish eating and watching tv.
"So how's your leg feeling?" She asks me.
"Better" i lie
"Pedro, I'm being serious"
I shrug, "it is what it is".
"I'm sure you'll get better soon. Stay positive" she smiles, taking all my problems away.
"I hope so" I reply.

We choose a movie and she leans over to lay on top of me.
"Is this okay?"
"Perfect" I reply. Her head lays on my chest, as we both lay on the sofa. I rub her back slowly as we watch the movie. I could lay like this forever.

I realize I want something more with her than just messing around and being friends. I want to be with her. I want her to be mine. And I'm going to ask her.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now