Chapter thirty

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With tears in both our eyes, we don't say anything except hug each other. I sob, as I missed his hugs. He holds me in his arms for a while.

"we should talk" he sighs and let's me go. I nod.
"Did you know you were pregnant?" My heart hurts as I hear the words. I guess I heard right.

I shake my head. My breath quickens and my chest hurts.

"Calma princesa, calma" he sniffles.
He puts my hand on his chest once again like he used to do to calm me down.
"I didn't know and I'm so sorry Pedro. It's all my fault I lost our baby"
"It's not your fault. I promise. We're going to get through this together, for our Angel in the sky" he tries to give a smile but I can tell it's forced.
All I can do is nod. He wipes my tears away, and we both don't say much besides try and comfort each other.

"Princesa, I want to apologize to you. I shouldn't have given up on us. I loved you, I do love you. And I didn't show it. I should have trusted you, I was selfish and jealous and it was unfair to you" he says, now sobbing. I had never seen him like this.
"Pedro. It's okay I was at fault too. I should have told you the truth. I was dishonest and it was wrong. Especially when it had to do with him" I wipe his tears as he holds my hand.
"I hope you can forgive me and-"
"Of course I forgive you. And I'm sorry too"
"What do you say we work on things and work to being back how we were?" He asks.

I look away, as if thinking about it. I can tell he's worried of my answer. I turn to face him and sigh.
"I'd like that" I smile. He pulls me into the biggest hug and kisses my lips.
"Te quiero guapa"
"Te quiero tanto Pedro" i smile. He wipes my tears away and sits beside me.

"I brought you some food from Fernando, he made me promise to only save them for you" he says grabbing a small container. I open it and reveal some croquettes. I smile.
"Gracias Pedro"

I begin eating slowly. I don't have much appetite, but I know if I don't get better I'm stuck here for days. And I don't want Fernando's food to go to waste.

Some people might think that we're forgiving each other too quickly, but I can't live without Pedro. He's everything to me, I don't want to lose him again.


I finished eating, and the match had just ended. Barça won 1-0 with the goal by Gavi.

"So when do you think I will be allowed to leave? I want to be in my own house, in bed" I say turning to face Pedro.
"Soon princesa. Be patient, we need to make sure you're all good" he smiles, and takes my hand in his.
"I will be good once I'm home and my life is back to normal"
He nods and turns away.

My parents show up suddenly, and run over to my side. I hug them both tight. Pedro moves to the side.
"Mi hija, im so glad you're back with us" my mother kisses my forehead.
"Los quiero mucho" I wipe their tears away and hug them again.

As we talk, I can't help but notice my father keep ignoring Pedro, or just side eyeing him.
"Papa is something wrong?" I raise my eyebrow.
He shakes his head.
"Fernando and the guys are outside, let me go get them" Pedro says. I nod as he walks out of the room.
My father clears his throat.
"Hija, are you sure you want to get back with Pedro? After everything? You suffered too much"
I look at my mother but she just looks worried.
"Papa, we were both wrong- it's not just his fault"
He shakes his head, "he abandoned you and my grandchild!"
"He didn't know-"
"I'm sorry, I can't have this conversation right now. I'm very happy you're okay. I just can't be in the same room as Pedro right now. It's going to take me awhile. We'll see you later, te quiero" my father stands up and hugs me. He kisses my cheek. Without giving me a chance to convince him to stay. My mother reassured me she'll speak with him, so I nod.
"Los quiero" is all I respond.

Was my father right? I wasn't expecting him to react this way. I thought they would be happy. It put me in a weird situation now, I don't want to upset anyone. But being with Pedro is what makes me happy.

Pedro enters with Fernando, Ferran, Gavi, and Eric. at first he looks surprised that my parents are gone.
"They went home" I whisper to him, he nods.
The boys walk over and each give me a hug, Eric giving me the longest one.
"You had a great match Eric. I'm glad you went" I kiss his cheek.
"And I'm glad you're okay" he smiles back.

I congratulate them all on a great match. It's a bit tense, obviously we hadn't told them that Pedro and I were getting back together. I guess this is why they were being awkward. Pedro and I look at each other and smile.

"Guys relax. It's okay, we're back together" Pedro says out loud. The boys all look at each other and smile.
"Oh good. It was horrible seeing you both upset with each other" ferran laughs. Eric and Gavi nos and agree.
"Especially me, I always had to hide when I would go see Pedro. And I was always upset with him" Eric adds.
"We're sorry we put you all through that, but what matters is we're going to be okay" I sigh.

"So when's the wedding now?" Pablo smirks. Eric nudges him.
"One step at a time" ferran smiles.
I nod.

They go back to having their conversations about the match.
"Guapa" pedri whispers.
"Hmm?" I turn to face him.
"Don't worry about the wedding. I promise as soon as we get you out of here, we'll plan something really special. I still want you to be my wife, and I can't wait" he smiles, and grabs my hand. He plays with the ring that I'm wearing, which I never took off.
"I'd love that" I smile.
"Te quiero Pedro"
"Te quiero más" he leans over and kisses me.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now