Chapter thirty seven

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I wake up to a loud sound coming from outside. I look out and it's thundering. Just great. I sigh before grabbing my phone that's almost at 40%, I'm tired and sore from sleeping in this hard chair. I look over at Alejandro who lays peacefully.

Eric 💛
hola Nani, i heard what happened with you and Pedro. I'm so sorry. I'll talk to him, he shouldn't be upset with you. You're only trying to be a good person

no you don't need to get involved, I don't want it to hurt your friendship. please

but are you really just going to give up?

if he really knew me he would know that i don't want to regret not being there for Alejandro and his family. im not a bitch

I know. But fine I won't get involved. I'll see you back in Barcelona? I dropped off your bag at the front entrance. They didn't let me in farther

yes, te quiero Eric. Gracias

Te quiero hermanita. Be safe and call me if anything

I set my phone down and the doctor comes in.
"Good morning, how'd the night go?" He smiles
"Good. I think, he didn't wake" I reply. The doctor nods and walks over. He pats Alejandro causing him to wake up.
"How are you feeling Mr Garnacho?"
"Sore" Alejandro yawns as he wakes.
"But overall okay?"
"Yea, I think so" Alejandro smiles. The doctor nods and checks the monitors.
"Well, we'll keep you here for a few more hours to keep an eye on you. But you might be able to go home tonight" the doctor smiles.

He leaves the room after letting us know that breakfast would be in soon. I look out the window to avoid making eye contact with Alejandro. I'm still upset about Pedro.

Alejandro POV
The doctor leaves and I can't help but watch Delaney look out the window. She looks beautiful. I never got to ask her why she was dressed so nicely but she looks great. I can tell by her facial expressions that she's sad though. I wonder why. I'm just glad she's here, it brought me comfort and helped me sleep last night.

I know that I fucked up with her, and I hurt her terribly. I regret it and I was doing my best to change. I know we won't get back together because I ruined my chances, but I still care about her. She's important to me. After she told me to leave her alone I began going to anger management classes and getting help. I was doing great until last week, I began to drink again and I guess that's when I was in the accident. I honestly can't remember much from it.

"Nani" I call out. She gives a small smile and stands up. She walks over to me.
"What's wrong?" She asks concerned. Her eyes are puffy, I know she's been crying. It hurts me to see her this way.
"Sorry, everything's okay. I just wanted to ask if you knew where my phone was. I want to call my mom" I say. She nods and walks over to the counter. She grabs my phone and hands it over to me. I turn it on, and realize it's dead.
"Oh. Here you can use mine" she smiles and hands me hers. She opens the FaceTime app and I see her click on my mothers contact.

sra garnacho💛

I smile at the name that she never changed. She and my mother always had a great relationship, my parents loved her. They treated her like a daughter.
"Gracias" I smile and she holds the phone in front of me. One of my arms was still in the cast so it was harder to use. As the phone is ringing I see a notification pop up.

pedro ❣️
whatever, idc I said I need space and I don't want to see yo. stay as long as you fucking want

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