Chapter fifty nine

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Olivia POV
Alejandro has his hands in a fist and I can see his face turning red. He's clearly very upset, and I understand. But I don't want Mateo to panic with the situation.

"Ale, why don't you step out for a minute? Call the lawyer to come over, please?" I say to him as I pull him back. He takes a deep breath and nods. He walks outside toward the front of the house.

Mateo stands behind me, and smiles at Pedro.
"It's okay Mateo. Why don't you introduce yourself" I say to him. I sit across from Pedro and sit Mateo on my lap.
I can't read Pedro's expressions, he seems blank and with no emotion. I assume he's still processing.

"Hola Pedri, I'm Mateo" he says softly as he waves.
"It's nice to meet you Mateo" he replies.
"I went to the game the other day" Mateo says.
"Oh yeah? Did you have fun?" Pedro asks.
Mateo nods and smiles.
"I wish I can come again"
"Why don't you?"
Mateo shrugs.
"Mami says it's safer in Manchester. We have a lot of fun with Ale and our friends there" Mateo replies.
Pedro seems hurt by his response but just nods.

Slowly Mateo gets comfortable and begins to build a conversation with Pedro. He shows him his favorite toys and things he had around the house. Pedro seems to begin to open up as well. Part of me is annoyed with Pedro, but deep down I think it's important for them both to be in their lives.

Alejandro returns and explains that the lawyers are in their way. I hope we can figure out a plan and good decision for Mateo. He's suffered enough.


They arrive and we all take a seat in the living room. Ferran takes Mateo out to the backyard in the meantime. As per Pedro's request, the lawyers had brought back a DNA test to confirm that Mateo was his son. Pedro's reaction was the same, except I could see a few tears in his eyes as he looked out toward Mateo.

"So reviewing all that we've spoken about, it seems that there's one clear decision. Since Pedro is the father of Mateo, and he is not granting permission for Alejandro to take him out of three country, there's nothing that can be done. Pedro is currently the guardian of Mateo, and holds full custody until Ms. Garcia wakes up" the lawyer explains.
"What?! But he can't do that! He's never spent more than a day with him! That can't be allowed" Alejandro says frustrated"
"It's not fair, but unfortunately they're the rules"
"Pedro, I understand how you're feeling. But also think of Mateo, he needs stability and comfort. He's not used to you, what's your plan? To take him and figure it out on your own?" I ask. Pedro fiddles with his fingers.
"I can't let him go. Now that I know for sure. I want to be in his life" Pedro replies.
"Bullshit! You're not thinking of him. You're only thinking of yourself!" Alejandro yells.
"Ale, yelling isn't going to fix anything" I say.
"Shut up. You don't know me" Pedro snaps back at Alejandro.
"Okay, okay everyone let's calm down. Can we maybe work together toward a solution? What if Mateo stays with Olivia half the day? Or maybe Pedro can spend the days here at this home, that Mateo is comfortable in?"'the lawyer says.
"I mean, I'd feel okay with that. We have plenty of space for you to stay. I know it's not my place to take your child from you. But I think it'll help Mateo to be around me and in a space and home he's used to" I say.
Pedro stays quiet but eventually looks up.
"Sure. I guess I can try that" he says.

The lawyers nod and begin to write everything down. It's best if we all have it on paper what we'll agree on. As we're finishing up, a loud knock sounds on the door. We look over confused and Alejandro walks over.

"What are you doing here?" We hear him say.
"I'm looking for my boyfriend, is he here? Pedro!" The voice calls out. Alejandro moves over and the person rushes in. Immediately I recognize her as Tania.

"Pedro! Why aren't you answering me? I had to track your phone here" she says annoyed.

Track his phone? What a weirdo.

He rolls his eyes.
"Tania now is not a good time. I'll call you later "
"What? No. What's going on?" She asks

Pedro begins to explain everything to her and she just looks in shock.
"Okay, but who cares? I thought you didn't want kids. Just let them take him until his mom comes back" she replies.
He looks back at her even more annoyed.
"Tania what the fuck? He's my son! Why would you say that. I'm not leaving him"
"Don't yell at me Pedro. Geez. I'm just saying that I don't get what the big deal is. We aren't set to be parents and he's better off with Alejandro" she says again.
"It's not your decision. I already made my decision. I'm staying here to spend time with him"
She laughs.
"Fine then I'll stay too"
"Woah woah no one agreed to this" I say.
"Tania, please don't get involved. Just go home" Pedro pleads.

They argue for a few minutes before I give in.
"Okay okay. She can stay but if she even LOOKS at my nephew with a bitchy face she's leaving" I say. She smirks and sits on Pedro's lap. Pedro looks annoyed, but it's not my problem. He should be a big boy and breakup with her if he's done.


We all agree on the final decision and the lawyers head out. We bring in Mateo for a late and to get him soon ready for bed.

Alejandro and I explain to him that Pedro will be spending more time with him and staying here with us. I don't feel like it's my spot to be in to explain how he's his father. So we just tell him a made up story that he seems to buy.

"Let's get you ready for bed Teo. Say goodnight to everyone" Alejandro says. Mateo nods and walks around saying goodnight to everyone.

While they walk off to the room, I clean up the kitchen. Pedro and Tania sat in the living room watching tv. Ferran had left by now.

"So Mateo and Alejandro really get along right?" Pedro says as I hear him approach.
"Yeah. They're really close. Mateo loves him, Alejandro has been there since the beginning"
"Well yeah because they were together it makes sense"
"Pedro. When are you going to listen? Alejandro and Delaney were never dating when she returned. He was her best friend and support system, that's all" I say.
"Really? I thought they were together-"
"Nope. Never. But they do care a lot for each other. Which is why Mateo is really close to ale. He's been a good role model for him" I explain. Pedro looks upset and nods.

Pedro POV
People might think I'm being selfish with my decision. But I really want to be in Mateo's life. Maybe this all happened for a reason and it's time to step up. I can't let him grow up without me. And Tania is just going to have to deal with it. I'm going to do all I can to get Mateo and I to gain a trusted relationship.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now