Chapter forty one

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few months later:

Time has passed so quick and it hadn't felt like it. I was  only a few months away from giving birth, and was feeling excited. But also deep down I was upset and angry at myself. I was going to be raising this child on my own, and it wasn't how I planned things. I couldn't believe how Pedro reacted, and the fact that he never reached back out. Of course I would see news of him, and would see him while watching the Barcelona matches, and it was hard. I heard he had a new girlfriend, the same one he was caught with when I flew to Barcelona, so I suppose he was moving on. And it was time I did too. I just couldn't do it.

I was still living in Manchester, I moved out of Alejandro's apartment, but we live in the same building on the same floor. I didn't want people to get the wrong idea, and he was luckily slowly able to get things done on his own.

This morning I was woken by a knock at my door. I walks over with my coffee mug in hand, and open the door to reveal Alejandro.

"Nani, Nani, you won't believe what just happened" he says excitedly and pushes past me to walk in.
"Oh, please come in" I say sarcastically.
I shut the door and smile as I walk behind him.
We sit in the sofa in my living area, and face each other.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I raise my eyebrow.
"That I was just nominated for the golden boy awards" he cheers. My eyes widen and I smile and pull him into a hug.
"Ale! This is incredible I'm so happy for you" I say excitedly.
"I know I can't believe it either"

The golden boy awards for a big deal, they would be announced with the Balón D Or, which meant he was going to be able to attend the gala along with the best players in the world.

"We should go out and celebrate, dinner is on me" I smile as I let him go.
"Really? Are you sure you're ready?" He asks.

The truth is I hadn't gone out much these past few weeks. More and more people began finding out I was pregnant and would ask questions about pedri, which only made me upset. But today was important for Alejandro, and eventually I'll have to get over it.

I nodded and ale pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
"Okay. Let's plan for 6:00 tonight then" he smiles.
"And how are you feeling this morning" he refers to my stomach.
"Better" I lie.
"I can tell when you lie remember, your cheeks flush" he smiles poking my cheek.
"I'm just stressed out. I still need to get a few things ready, find out the gender, and I'm just scared"
"Well I'm here for you. You're not alone I promise. And I actually have a surprise for you later" he winks.
"I don't like surprises" I pout.
"You'll love this one though, I promise"

We sit back and watch tv for a bit before he has to go to training. I wish him luck, and get up to start my day. I clean up a few things around the house, and make a quick breakfast. The apartment is small, it's only a one bedroom, and my living room and kitchen are together so it gets pretty cluttered easily. I'm slowly having to figure out a space for the baby.

I answer a few work related emails, I had started working for a marketing company, which is mostly from home that is through Manchester United. Obviously Alejandro put in a good word for me, and it was easy and flexible and allowed me to make some money.


Later in the afternoon, Alejandro met me down in the lobby so we could head out. We took an Uber across town to his favorite restaurant for dinner. We checked in and were taken to our table where we sat across from each other. It had been awhile since I dressed up a bit and looked presentable, and it felt good.

"So what's my surprise" I smiled.
"Patience patience" he said while looking at the menu.
"Alee" I whined.
"Nani, be patient. I promise it's worth it"
I rolled my eyes playfully and looked back at the menu.

We then placed our orders and he talked about how training went. The team hasn't been great lately, and it's been a struggle. I'm glad he's not the same Alejandro he used to be. He's easier to talk to and calmer about the situation.

The food then comes out and we begin eating. We would get a few looks from people but thought nothing of it. I was feeling good, and nothing was going to ruin our celebration. I was proud of him and that's all that mattered.

We celebrated with a desert, and afterwards decided to head for a walk on the town. He took my arm and locked it with his, as we walked along the streets. It was a big cold out but felt nice.
"You look beautiful by the way" he whispered down to me. I blushed and thanked him.
"And no I'm not flirting. I know my place" he pouts causing us both to laugh.
"I'm glad we can be like this again. We're in a good place Ale" I smile as I look up.
"Me too. I'm happy to be here with you" he smiles back.

We reach the end of our walk and catch an Uber back to the apartments. He walks me up to my door and waits for me to open up. As soon as I open, the lights turn on and I'm greeted by a:

I drop my bag and smile wide as I see Eric, Pablo, Sira, and Ferran. I run to my brothers arms and cry tears of joy as he rubs my back.
"Eric?! What are you doing here?"
"It was all Alejandro's idea" he smiles and points back at him.

So this was my surprise.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now