Chapter thirty five

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few hours later into the day, Pedro and I decided to get up finally. We had a team dinner to celebrate the win last night, and would fly back to Barcelona tonight. Before leaving, we wanted to go out into the town for a bit and explore.

I showered and got dressed to head out. Pedro sat on the sofa and scrolled on his phone as he was already ready.
"Hermosa" he smiles and looks up from his phone. I walk over to him and put my hand out to help him up. He wraps his arm around my waist and pecks my lips.
"Te quiero canario" I wink.

I grab my purse and we walk out hand in hand, taking the elevator down to the main lobby. We walk out luckily without anyone noticing us. It had been awhile since it had just me us two, most of the time we have our friends with us. Nothing wrong with that, but I also love our alone time.

We begin walking down the streets of Manchester, it's cold but the sun is out so it's not too bad. Pedro holds me close, keeping our hands interlocked. As we walk along I point out some of my favorite stores and places from when I lived here. Few fans recognize him, and some even recognize me.

We enter some stores and do some shopping for our families back at home. It's a bit easier to walk around here than in Spain, we don't get stopped too often. I help Pedro pick out some clothes. Don't get me wrong, I love Pedro but his style of clothes isn't always the best. Luckily he allowed me to choose a few fits for him. He needs to lose the skinny jeans.

We make it to the baby section and I stop by to look at the clothes. It's a habit at this point. I pout and aww at the small tiny sized clothes. They're so cute.
"Can I buy this" I pout and look at Pedro. He chuckles.
"Why do you need that amor?" He grabs the tiny onesie I hold on my hand.
"To save for one day" I smile.
"Fine. But this one is better" he leaves the one I chose and picks up the outfit next to it. I smile and agree.
"Deal" I reply. I hold it as we continue to walk around.


After shopping, we arrive at one of my favorite restaurants for lunch. We enter and the owner immediately recognizes me. He smiles and walks over to us.
"I can't believe it's really you! We've missed you so much around here lovey" he pulls me into a hug.
"I've missed you all too. And the food" I smile.
"Ah, this is Pedro, my boyfriend" i motion toward Pedro who smiles and shakes his hand.
"I've heard a lot of you. Nice to meet you" he gives a small smile.
"So, have you heard anything of Alejandro? We've all been so worried about him" he sighs.
"Um well I saw him earlier. He was supposed to go into surgery" I explain and avoid eye contact with Pedro.
"Hmm well hopefully he comes back soon. He's our golden boy here" he says. I smile and nod to be nice. We catch up for a bit and he walks away.

Pedro seems upset. He clenches his jaw and stares intensely at the menu.
"Amor, what's wrong?"
"Nothing" he smiles. I can tell he's lying, but I won't push him.
Our order is taken and we wait for our food. In the meantime we talk about next the next match. Our excitement that we both have. I can't believe we'll be going to the final.

nanigarcia te quiero canario 🫶🏼user1: pedrii 😍ferrantorres: hmm no invite pedri: te quiero flaca 🫶🏼user2: they're so cute omg____

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te quiero canario 🫶🏼
user1: pedrii 😍
ferrantorres: hmm no invite
pedri: te quiero flaca 🫶🏼
user2: they're so cute omg

Hours later we arrived back at the hotel. It had been such a perfect day together. We had a lot of fun walking around, just the two of us. And I loved showing Pedro around.

We were just about to get ready for a dinner with the team before flying back to Barcelona. Pedro and I got dressed up to meet the boys in the lobby and head over together. I slipped on a tight black dress, and Pedro changed into a button up that he bought today.

"Maybe we should stay back instead" he smirked as he spun me around. He walked up behind me and kisses my neck softly. I hold onto his arms that wrap around me.
"Mmm" he says into the kiss.
"If you behave maybe later" I smirk, and turn myself over. I kiss his lips, causing him to smile.
"I'll try" he winks.

We walk out hand in hand down to the lobby. When we arrive Ferran, Sira, and Pablo Gavi are already seated and waiting. We all greet each other and walk out to the Uber.

The entire ride there the boys cannot stop talking about the match. Sira and I laugh at their excitement and catch up on our own things.

We arrive at the restaurant where the players along with their partners are arriving. They rented an entire restaurant just for us. Pedro holds my hand the entire time as we walk around and greet the other couples. Finally we meet up with Eric and I pull him into a big hug.
"Hermanito, you look so handsome" I pout and playfully mess his hair.
"Woah woah watch it. It doesn't take two seconds to look this good" he smiles. We both laugh and he hugs me again.
"You look beautiful" he kisses my forehead.
Pedro and him greet each other and we stand there talking until eventually we have to find out seat.

We sit near Ferran, Sira, Eric, and Frenkie with his girlfriend. Our drinks are brought out and we begin all talking. My phone begins to vibrate suddenly so I pick it up.

Unknown caller


hello is this Miss. Garcia?

yes this is she.

I'm calling back from the hospital, there was a complication with the surgery and we need you to return.

isn't his mother back? Have you tried calling her?

we just spoke with her, unfortunately there's a problem with her Visa and they are not allowing her to travel until it's resolved.

I really shouldn't go back, like I said Alejandro and I aren't anything any more

Miss it's really important please.


I hang up and look around me. Everyone looks so happy, laughing and chatting and getting along. I don't want to leave. I know this is going to upset Pedro. I know I don't have to go, but I feel like I should.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now