chapter twenty

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"Buenos dias guapa, happy 1 year" im woken to the softest kisses placed all over my face.
"Buenos días amor, te quiero" I smile opening my eyes
"Te quiero tanto" he adds with a smile.
"I can't believe it's already one year" I turn to my side to face him.

We lay in bed, with his arms wrapped around my waist. One of my hands behind his neck. He spent the night so we could celebrate all day today. I was the happiest i had ever been. Pedro was my whole world, nobody mattered more than him to me. Eric and I had gotten so close again, and our relationship was well. And luckily I hadn't heard from Alejandro ever since the last message he sent me. It was for the best. 

"Me either. I'm so excited for today. I have a surprise for you" he smirks.
"Pedro, you know I hate surprises" I jokingly roll my eyes.
"Te prometo, you'll love this one" he kisses me one last time before getting up. I sigh and do the same.

He walks over to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. I grab my phone and scroll through Instagram for a bit before deciding to get up. I make the bed and fold the blankets. Pedri always takes forever to shower, I always have to remind him to hurry. Luckily today I didn't.

I head to the bathroom once he's done and shower and get dressed as well. Once I'm done I walk back to the room.

"I already packed your bag, but you can't look. It'll ruin the surprise" he smiles, placing a small duffel bag on the bed.
"Okay fine, can we have breakfast now? I'm hungry" i laugh.
"Sure, let's see if Eric is up yet" he smiles. We walk out of the room, and to my surprise Eric isn't in the living room or kitchen.

I walk over to his room and gently knock, no answer. I begin to open it carefully, but he's not in bed or in the bathroom. I notice a note on the bed.

Buenos días hermanita y Pedro,

I went out to meet a friend. Enjoy yourselves on your special day. And Pedro don't do anything stupid with my sister, I'll kill you even though we're friends.

Adios, your favorite person ever <3

I roll my eyes and laugh. He's such an idiot. I walk over to the kitchen to show pedri. We then go ahead and get started on breakfast. Pedri said that the place he's taking me too is far, so we need to leave as soon as possible.


We pack our bags into his car, and get inside. I text Eric that we're leaving and will be back tomorrow. Pedro drives off, still not telling me where we're going. He holds my hand and quietly sings to the music that's playing. I can't help but stare at him, he's so cute. He blushes and looks away.

"You make me nervous!" He laughs.
"Eres tonto, te quiero" I laugh.

The drive is seeming pretty long, i scroll on my phone and sing along with him to the songs. We reminisce on everything we've done together this past year, and how life brought us together. The outside world might see him as shy and quiet, but Pedro has so much to say if only he was more outgoing. He's one of the sweetest boys you'd ever meet.


As we're approaching the destination, I realize we're arriving at the airport.
"Pedro, what's this? How far are you taking me?" I smile, getting excited.
"Princesa, its a surprise" he smiles and kisses me before getting out of the car.

We grab our things and he leads me inside. He makes me wear my headphones, and play music  so I can't hear what the destination is yet. Obviously he won't be able to hide it once we get to the gate. In the meantime I text Eric because obviously we won't be back tomorrow.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now