Chapter sixty one

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Olivia POV
I woke up early today to get everything settled. Alejandro was leaving in a few hours back to Manchester, leaving Mateo and I with Pedro and his bitchy girlfriend. I wasn't sure how I was feeling about the situation, but it is what it is.

I knew it would be a rough day, Mateo was going to have to say goodbye to Alejandro. The one person he was used to seeing. I was nervous about it because what if something went wrong. I felt complete responsibility.

Alejandro walked into the kitchen interrupting my thoughts. He was ready with his bags, we were going to have breakfast together and then Alejandro would Uber to the airport. I walked over to wake Mateo so we could eat. We bought food for Tania and Pedro but I didn't bother waking them.

Mateo was a bit tired after not sleeping much but he was happy to eat breakfast. The boy could eat, he eats more than I do. The three of us ate our breakfast together while we listened to Mateo tell his stories. He's such a good talker for his age. Delaney has done an amazing job raising him on her own. I really look to her for advice on when I have children.


We finished breakfast and the boys hung out for a bit. I have them their space while I cleaned the kitchen.

Eventually it was time for Alejandro to go. He held Mateo in his arms as he said goodbye.

"Teo I have to go now. I'm so sorry bud, you know I would stay if I could" he sighed as he noticed Mateo's eyes begin to water.
"Why can't I come with you ale?"
"Because- because you have to be here. In case Mami wakes up. And you'll be with your aunt Olivia. She's going to take such good care of you. And ferran will come over, and you have Pedro too" he rubs his back and wipes his tears.
"But I wanted to go with you. I don't want you to go!" He cried even more.
"I know Teo. But I promise you I'll be back in a few days. I have a match and training to go to. You can watch on tv, Olivia will turn it on. And then be for you know it I'll be back"
They hug each other tight for a moment before Mateo eventually calms down.
"Okay" Mateo says.
"Te quiero Mateo. Be good. And remember what I told you, okay?"
"Yes Ale. I'll miss you" Mateo replies. Alejandro kisses his cheek and sets him down. We say goodbye to each other and he walks out the door.

"Come here Teo" I say and pull him into a big hug. He's been such a strong boy with everything going on. I can't imagine how he's been feeling. I hate to see him like this.

"Why don't we get you dressed for the day?" I say to distract him. He nods and we walk to the room. I let him pick out his clothes and get him dressed. I comb his hair to the side and wash up his face. I help him make the bed before he proceeds to jump on it again, causing us to laugh.

"Olivia?" We hear Pedro call out from the hall. We stop laughing and stand up to make our way out. Pedro stands in the hallway, half asleep.
"Sorry we didn't mean to wake you" I say.
"It's fine. I've been awake" he replies.
"Buenos días Pedro" Mateo says.
"Buenos días Mateo, feeling better?"
Mateo shakes his head.
"Well we'll try to have a good day today. I don't have training so we can do whatever you want" Pedro says. Mateo's eyes light up and he nods.

"We got breakfast for you and Tania" I say as we all walk toward the kitchen.
"Thank you. And actually Tania left last night. I broke up with her" he clears his throat.
"Really? You did? I thought you two were getting engaged" he chokes on his food.
"No, no that wasn't the plan. Besides, I couldn't. Technically I was still engaged to Delaney" he whispers the last part.

I raise my eyebrow and ignore him. That's weird. Why would he break up with her? Did it have to do with Mateo?

Mateo runs off to the living room to play with his toys while Pedro eats.
"So I was thinking I could spend the day with Mateo. Like if you have anything you have to get done or-"
"Really? You're up for that?" I ask.
He nods.
"Look I know you're all hurt I didn't let him go to Manchester. But I'm so excited I got to meet him and spend time with him. I want to be a father, I want us to be close. I couldn't abandon that. I won't tell him I'm his father until Delaney and I talk, but I do want him to feel comfortable with me" he says.
"I get it. I am slightly annoyed with you. But I get it. And I think Mateo deserves to know who his father is and to spend time with you. I have no problem with you spending the day together. But if he so much as gets a scratch, I'll have to tag along the next time" I reply. He laughs and nods.
"Fine with me. I was thinking of taking him to the movies. They let you rent out a room to pick any movie. I know he wanted to watch spider man, and then maybe I'll take him to lunch"
"That sounds like fun for him. I'm sure he'll be so happy"
"You can come if you want-"
"No, no. It's fine. I actually want to head to the hospital and see if there's any updates" I say.
He nods.


We all got ready and he explained to Mateo their plan, causing Mateo to be beyond excited. We headed off in our own directions and agreed to meet back around nap time .

Pedro POV
"Before we go to the theatre we should buy snacks"I tell Mateo.
"Ooh yay! Can we buy candy?"
"Just one kind. It's still early" I laugh as I see his big smile.

We arrive at the store and I take him into my arms. We walk through the aisles and I let him choose his snacks. We pay and walk back out to the car.

We arrive at the theatre and check in. The room we rented should be ready in about 15 minutes so we take a seat at the tables in the lobby in the meantime.

"Mateo, I was thinking we should start a journal. Do you know what that is?"
He shakes his head.
"I bought this notebook. Everyday we can write in it what we do. Then when your mom wakes up we can show her everything you did and everything you learned. What do you think about that idea?"
"Can we add pictures too?" He asks excitedly.
"Sure that sounds like a great idea" I smile.

I pull out a pen and date it for today's date. Then label the top of the page:

Day One

While Mateo begins to eat his snacks, I begin to write how the start of our day went. I love his idea with the postures. I know he meant to draw a photo, but I decided to take pictures on my phone everyday of what we do. I want to show Delaney when she wakes so she can feel like she was here. Things didn't end well between us but I'm still reminded of how much I cared for her. What happened to her I would never wish to anyone. She deserves to be here more than I do. I hope when she gets better we can talk things through and I'll ask for her forgiveness and we can work things through for Mateo.

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