chapter nineteen

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"Campeones! Campeones!" I hear from inside the locker room. Pedri walks out, shaking his head. His undershirt soaked from his sweat, he still wears his shorts.

"They're crazy, we only advanced in the league, we haven't won anything...yet" he smiles as he walks over to me.
"You will, I know you will" I smile and place a kiss on his lips.
"Nos vamos?" He asks putting his hand out for me. I nod and take his hand. He leads us out to his car, I send Eric a text message before leaving to let him know pedri will take me.

Pedri opens the door for me as I get inside, he puts his bag in and then sits in the driver spot. He takes my hand into his, and kisses me again before driving off.

Alejandro POV
I know kissing her was wrong. But I couldn't help myself, I still love her. She was everything to me. I let my stress and the drinks take over, it was unfair to her. I'm going to do whatever I can to get her back. I'll give her some time for now to think, I know that she'll come back to me.

I walk into the locker room with my head down. I was so annoyed that we had just lost to Barcelona, and that the dumbass of pedri had to score. I slammed my fist at the locker before grabbing my things and walking out. I didn't bother to change.

As I walk out to the bus, I see her get into his car. They hold hands and kiss. And my blood just boils. That should be me.

Delaney POV
"Can you spend the night tonight? Fernando won't be home, and I know you haven't slept over in awhile" he smiles as we come to a stop.
"I'd love that" I reply. He takes a turn and instead begins driving toward his house.

When we arrive, he leads us inside and sets his things down.
"Let's go upstairs, I need a shower" he says to me. I nod and follow him. He grabs his towel and heads to the bathroom.

I look around seeing the mess in his room. He's so unorganized, and I can't stand for him to live this way. I laugh, and begin to pick things up. Boys.

As I wipe the bedside table I come across a frame with a photo of us. Our first ever date together. One of my favorite memories. I smile realizing how much it meant to him. I place it back down carefully and continue cleaning.

I stand back and feel content. There's nothing on the floor, and I wiped down his dresser and desk. His bed is made, even though it's late.

When he walks out of the bathroom, he smiles.
"What happened in here?" He says, walking out in his towel wrapped around his waist.
"I was helping you" I smile back, proudly.
"Gracias guapa" he leans over and kisses me. He grabs his boxers and quickly changes.
"I can't promise it'll stay like this for long" he laughs.
"I know. But I'll always be back to clean it" I lean over and kiss his cheek.
"That's why I love you" he smiles.

"Breaking Bad?" He smirks, grabbing the remote.
"Sounds perfect" I reply, it's our favorite show to watch together.

He jumps onto his bed, laying down. He motions for me to lay beside him. He wraps his arms around me. My head resting against his bare chest. I run my fingertips lightly on his chest and abdomen.

Things with us are simple. My favorite nights together are spending them like this. Pedri isn't much of a party person, and I don't mind that. I love laying in bed with him, and if I could do it everyday I would.

"Amor?" I look up at him.
"Que pasa?" He looks down at me with his beautiful brown eyes, and gentle smile.
"You know that I love you, right?"
"Hmm I'm not sure actually" he says.
"I'm joking. I know. You tell me all the time" he blushes and kisses my lips.
"Te quiero tambien" he says.
I sigh.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now