Chapter forty five

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"Please be safe Nani. Call me if you need anything, and I'll be here waiting for you" Alejandro smiles as he pulls me into a hug.
"I'll miss you Ale. Thank you for everything" I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek.
"Adios principe. Have fun" he says to Mateo, kissing his forehead.

We wave one last goodbye before I pick up the car seat and head off toward security.


I arrived finally at the gate just in time. Since I had a baby, I was one of the first to be let on the plane. Luckily I had checked my luggage in, so all I was carrying was the car seat and a small bag with our necessities. It was only a 2 hour flight so should be smooth. I bucle Mateo's car seat into the plane seat and then get myself situated.

I was so excited to see Eric and my parents. I couldn't wait to be back in Barcelona. But I wasn't ready yet to move back completely.


The plane lands finally in Barcelona. The weather seems much nicer already. The flight went well, Mateo slept most of the way and only woke up for his milk.

I'm let off the plane first once again, and head out toward the gate. Eric was picking me up, but first I had to go toward baggage claim.

I looked around and struggled to find it. But once I did, I used one hand to pull it and the other to carry Mateo's car seat. I wobbled my way out to look for Eric.

"Nani! Nani!" I hear. I smile as I see Eric run towards me. He lifts me up and pulls me into the biggest hug.
"I missed you so much hermanita" he says with tears in his eyes.
"I missed you more Eric" I cried. He wiped my tears and kisses my forehead, and then sets me back down.
"I can't believe this. He's even more adorable in person" he says as he bends down. He looks into the car seat and Mateo begins to open his eyes.
"Mateo, this is your Tio Eric" I say. Eric smiles and grabs his tiny hands.
"He's perfect Nani. I can't wait to hold him" Eric pouts.
"Well let's get going then" I smile.

Eric helps me with the car seat and I pull my luggage as we walk to his car. We load the things and I get in. And I was right the weather was much warmer here. It was perfect.


We arrive at Eric's house and he helps me down with the car seat again. He leads the way inside and I'm in shock as I see everyone who's here. My parents, ferran, sira, and Pablo.

I run over to my parents and hug them. I'm so glad to see them. Despite everything there always there for me. And I can't wait for them to get to know Mateo. I then walk over and greet my friends who have also been there through everything for me. I'm so happy to see them all.

We sit in the living room and I slowly bring out Mateo. Everyone is excited to meet him. Mateo is wide awake at the moment and begins to look around at this surroundings.

"He's so confused" sira says
"He's only used to see Ale, me, and his doctor" I laugh.
I stand up and walk over to my parents. I hand my mother Mateo and they both look in awe at him.
"Everyone will have a chance, patience" I smile.

I sit back down and take a deep breath. It felt so good to be back at home. I missed it.
"So how have things been here?" I ask.
"Well you know. The team is alright. We've had some bad matches but we're still in the title race so we'll see" ferran responds.
"Mhm. I've seen. But why? What's wrong?"
"Well we've had a few injuries. You know. Ter Stegen, Pedri-"
"Shut up" Pablo says nudging ferran.
"It's okay Pablo. I've heard. I can't hide him unfortunately" I say lightly smiling.
"I'm still sorry he hasn't reached out Nani. I can't believe him" Eric sighs and runs his hand through his hair.
"Not your fault or your problem. I just have to move on"
"At least you have us" Sira smiles and pulls me into a hug.
"I wouldn't choose any other way" I smile back.

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