Chapter twenty six

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A week later:
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Pedro smiles at me as he puts my strand of hair behind my ear. My arms wrapped around his neck.
"I'll stay with Eric, we should spend some time together. Sorry guapo" I reply, and pout.
"It's okay, you have a good point. It sucks he can't come with us. Te quiero princesa, I'll be back so soon" he says with a smile.
"Te quiero tanto amor" i kiss his lips as he cradles my face.

He holds me in his arms before letting go. He grabs his bag and waves goodbye as he walks out.

"Good luck!" I call out. He blows a kiss and smiles as he walks out.

Pedro was leaving to Madrid today, he was called up for the national team. It was only for a meeting and training session, so the team could begin getting used to each other. He invited me to go, but I felt bad that Eric wasn't called up, and I figured I should stay back to spend time with him. Besides, I had a few things with the model agency to finish up. I had a photoshoot in a few days that I had to get ready for.

I walk over to Eric's door. It's closed, I knock softly but there's no answer. I open the door and find him still asleep in bed.

"Eric" I call out. I walk over and he begins to move around in bed. He gives a small smile as he realized its me.

"Buenos dias" I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed.
"Buenos dias nani" he yawns.
"Any plans for today? I was thinking we should do something fun"
He shakes his head, "I only have training in the morning. Maybe after? Did Pedro leave?" He sits up and leans against the bed frame. I nod.
"I thought Xavi gave you the day off"
"He did but I want to still go. I can't lose focus" he replies.
"Okay well I'll make breakfast for us while you get ready. Maybe we can meet for lunch?"
"Sounds good. Gracias hermanita, You're not annoying after all" he jokes and begins to tickle me.
"Okay okay I get it" I laugh and push him away. I playfully smash him before getting up.

I walk to the kitchen and begin making breakfast. I'm not great in the kitchen, but I'm decent. I know he doesn't like to have a big breakfast early in the day so make something light.


We finish breakfast and Eric heads off toward training. I clean the kitchen and clean my room. I take a quick shower, I still haven't been feeling great these past days, but the pain comes and goes. I ignore it and do my best to move along.


Hours pass, and I decide to head to the restaurant where Eric and I are meeting for lunch. It's in the city and I want to leave early to avoid traffic. I change into a cute outfit and grab my purse before heading out. I drive toward the city blasting Bad Bunny. It's a sunny, beautiful day out. I find a parking spot and still have to walk a few blocks.

nanigarcia🤍solo tú 🤍user1: the outfit >>user2: lindaa 😍siracmartinez: guapaaa    nanigarcia: ^ you moree😫

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🤍solo tú 🤍
user1: the outfit >>
user2: lindaa 😍
siracmartinez: guapaaa
nanigarcia: ^ you moree😫

I walk eventually making it to the restaurant, as I'm about to turn I bump into someone. Dropping my phone and purse.
"Shit" I say.
"Perdon Perdon" they say. Immediately I recognize the voice. They pick my things up and hand them to me. I look up at them, we make eye contact.
"Nani! I can't believe it's you" he smiles.
"Alejandro? What? Why-"
"I'm happy to see you too" he ignores my questions and pulls me into a hug. I'm still in shock. Eventually I push him away.
"You look incredible Nani" he says again with a smile.
"Gracias" I reply.
"So how have you been?"
"Good. I'm good. I'm happier"
"I'm so glad. I-"
"Alejandro, with all respect, I don't really wish to talk to you right now. You look okay, and I'm glad you are. But seeing you brings me a lot of bad memories that I don't want to remember" I sigh.

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