Chapter twenty nine

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I finally feel myself come to my senses. But everything is dark, I can't see anything. I can't feel my body, my eyes won't open and I can't move my fingers. I hear beeps and machines, and feel multiple things connected all along my body. I eventually realize that im in a hospital room, laying on the bed. What happened? All I remember is me going outside after Eric left. I do my best to try and move, but nothing.

"Come in" I hear a voice say. I hear footsteps approach, but still cannot move. I feel my body shift as I feel someones hand on my face. Its a soft touch. Their hand is cold.

"I can't believe this" the second voice says. I recognize it as Alejandros. But why is he here? If only I could move and smack his hand away. I was so upset with him, he had a lot to do with Pedro and I breaking up. He was so selfish, he made me suffer. And I am still suffering because of him. I wanted him miles away from me.

"Come on Nani, please wake up. You're stronger than this" he says, I can hear his shaky voice and he sounds sad. I still couldn't care. I wish I could yell at him right now, tell him how this was all his fault. I know it was mine too, but he had a lot to do with this. If only he let me move on with Pedro I wouldn't be in this position.

Minutes pass, and I feel him get up and start walking around the room, speaking with the other person, who I assume is a doctor or nurse. I can't hear them anymore, they must have walked farther away.

My heart hurts, Pedro should be the one here with me and he's not. Every time I hear footsteps I hope it's him, but he probably won't come. And its all my fault. I don't expect him to want to see me anyway. He probably doesn't know I'm here, or what happened. He's probably away in Tenerife, or with someone else. Meeting anyone else, and I was here all alone. With Alejandro who I didn't even want near me.

Suddenly the door slams open and someone comes running in.

"Get out! Get out I don't want you here. You already ruined everything else for us, at least let me be alone with her!"

Pedro? Is it really you? What I would give to stand up and give him the biggest hug. See his beautiful brown eyes, and the sweetest smile he always has. But again, I can't.

"I can be in here if I choose to. Besides I found her, you were too busy ignoring her" Alejandro yells back.

"Leave before I beat the shit out of you" Pedro says.

"Alejandro, please leave. She wouldn't want this. Just let them be, please" I recognize Eric's voice. My sweet brother, he's probably so upset and so worried.

I hear Alejandro sigh and footsteps leave the room. The door is shut.

"Guapa, why did you do this? Why did you do this to yourself? You don't know how much it hurts me to see you this way" I feel Pedro sit down beside me. He grabs my hand and holds it in his. He lifts it up to his face and kisses my hand. I feel his other hand caress my face, and he puts my hair behind my ear. He puts his hand on my chest, like when we first met. I can feel his heartbeat.

"You're stronger than this princesa. Im sorry for giving up on you so quickly. I know you never meant to hurt me, I let myself become selfish. Ill never forgive myself because now our beautiful baby is gone" I hear him begin to cry, eventually he's sobbing.

Baby? What- what he is talking about?

"Im not sure if you knew, but we were expecting a beautiful baby. You were a few weeks in, it made me remember our night in Tenerife" he pauses, "And now he's gone. And I don't want you to be upset or blame yourself, its all my fault. I gave up on you both, I left you both" I feel his tears on my hand fall one by one.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now