Chapter forty four

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(sorry for all the time skipping, I want to get to the good part lol)

"It's okay amor, mami has you" I whisper to Mateo as I try and calm him. I'm reminded everyday that I'm doing this alone for the most part. Alejandro is always a big help, but I try not to bother him because we're not his responsibility. He's helped enough with letting us stay here.

It was 5:30 am currently and rainy like usual. I tried to calm him down quickly so he wouldn't wake Alejandro. I changed his diaper and fed him, eventually getting him to calm down.

And today Mateo was finally 3 months old! Which meant I was able to plan out my trip to Spain. Luckily I was able to get a temporary visa for him in the meantime, since it takes longer to get him a normal one so we could stay for more time.

While Alejandro was out at the training camp with the team, I planned to go get Mateo's passport at the post office.

While I fed Mateo, I turned my tv on and watched the morning news as the sun began to rise.


I set Mateo down to nap again while I got up to get ready for the day. I walked to the kitchen and made breakfast for us to eat before we each went our separate ways.

"Buenos días" Alejandro yawns as he walks out from his room, stretching.
"Morning Ale" I smile.

He makes his way over to the kitchen and smirks as he sees the meal im preparing.
"What am I supposed to eat when you leave?" He pouts.
"You should be paying attention so you know" I laugh.
He raises an eyebrow and begins to focus on every step I'm doing as I prepare our omelettes.

One they're ready I serve us each a plate and we sit at the kitchen island to eat.
"So want me to drop you off before I head to training?" He asks before taking a bite.
"No, I'll just take an Uber. It should be quick and I don't want to rush you" I explain. He nods.
"Okay. Oh and don't worry bout dinner for tonight. I'll bring some takeout"
"Sounds like a plan" I smile.

Once I finish eating, I walk over and clean up the kitchen. I put everything away and wash the dishes, keeping everything organized. I know as soon as I return from Spain it'll be a mess. Afterwards, I walk back to the room to shower and get dressed. I check on Mateo, and seeing as he's okay, I head to the shower.

I finish up and walk over to dry my hair. I apply some makeup, light only because I don't have much time. I then pick up Mateo and change him into a fresh set of clothes.

He smiles as he looks up at me.
"Te quiero Mateo, don't tell anyone but you're looking just like your papa everyday" I say trying to hold back my tears. I lean down and kiss his cheek as he smiles one more time.
I take him into my arms and walk over to the living area.

I set him down on his playmate, and he begins to look up at the toys that hang. I grab my laptop to begin looking for flights in the meantime. Alejandro is to the side playing video games.


After Alejandro left for training, I put Mateo into his car seat and get prepared to leave. I put on my rain jacket, and cover his car seat with a blanket. I make my way quickly out of the apartment since the Uber is outside. I get in to avoid the rain and sit back as he drives off.

When we arrive at the post office, I check in and fill out some paperwork to finish up the application. They take a photo of Mateo and begin to set up the passport right there.

We leave the day after tomorrow, Alejandro has a match and I wanted to surprise him by going to one match before we leave so I didn't want to miss it. Meaning I only had about a day to pack.

We finish getting Mateo's passport, and walk out. Luckily it stopped raining so I make my way across the street to a cafe to buy a smoothie. I take a seat in the meantime, and decide to call Eric.

Hermanito 💗

"Buenos diass"

"Buenos días hermanito, how are you?"

"Good good. I'm out with the guys right now, we had the weekend off so we came to the beach"

"Oh okay. Sounds like fun" I smirk.

"What about you? How's my nephew?"

"Good, happy as ever" I smile as I turn the camera to him. Eric smiles and begins to pout.

"He's getting so big I'm so sad"

"I know I know. I actually have a surprise"


"I just bought our tickets to go see you all! This morning actually"

"No way! When? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I'll leave the day after tomorrow. I wanted to surprise you" I smile.

"I'm so happy, I can't wait to see you both. And our parents are going to be so happy"

"Me too. I miss you all and can't wait for you to meet him"

We continue talking for a while I wait for my drink. When my name gets called, I hang up and let him know to call later. I call an Uber and we head back to the apartment.


I change Mateo's diaper and feed him once again before sitting on the sofa with him.

Alejandro then walks in with dinner, right on time because I was starting to get hungry. We eat dinner and watch Ted lasso like usual. It's coming to an end soon which is so sad.

After dinner, I get Mateo in the bath and wash him up. I put him in his pjs and feed him.

"Nani can I come in?" Alejandro asks as he knocks on my door.
"Sure" I call out.
"Here, let me help you" he smiles as he walks over.

I hand Mateo to him and he smiles as he takes him into his arms. He rocks him slowly as he smiles down at him. He walks around the room, rocking him slowly to bed.

"Buenas noches mateo" I hear him say and he kisses his forehead before setting him down.
"Gracias ale" I smile and stand up to hug him.
"I'm going to miss you both" he pouts.
"It's only for a few weeks. We'll be back" I smile.
"I know. And you need to see your family but I got used to you guys" he chuckles.

We head back to the living room to not wake Mateo. We turn the lights off, leaving only the lamp on. Alejandro turns on his twitch stream while he plays video games. In the meantime I turn the tv on and lay back to watch Gossip Girl.

I'm so so excited about going home. I'm going to miss Alejandro so much too. But I can't wait to see my parents and Eric. Hug them all and see them get to meet Mateo. But I'm also nervous, I'll be in the same town as Pedro. I'll probably see him and I'm not ready to do that yet. I can't.

Pedro POV
"We should plan her a surprise party when she comes then" I hear Pablo tell Eric.

We were currently at the beach, just for the weekend. They sat outside by the bonfire and I was walking over with some drinks.
"Who's coming?" I ask.

They all look around at each other awkwardly.
"Delaney. Come on guys we can't keep them away from each other forever. Don't need to hide her from him" ferran says.
"We don't have to talk about it though" Eric clears his throat.
"Why not? Pedro should be man enough to own up to his actions. He left her and their ba-"ferran says
"Oh fuck off ferri, you always go on about this. Just forget I asked" I tell him annoyed.
"Guys calm down. This is why Eric never wants to bring it up. Just move on. We all know Pedro messed up, but if he doesn't want to own up to it we can't for e him" Pablo says.
"Whatever" I say angrily before walking back inside.

I couldn't believe she was coming. I didn't know how to feel. Part of me wanted to see her to see if she was okay. I was curious to see her as a mother. But the other side of me wasn't ready to see her.

I loved her, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. And now we were like strangers.

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