chapter four

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I finally land in Barcelona. It's around 10pm by now. I grab my luggage and make my way off the plane . I take my phone off of airline mode so I can send a message to my brother to let him know I am here. I look for my sunglasses in my purse and put them on, I don't want Eric to ask any questions immediately.

I walk towards the baggage claim, where I grab my other bag. I hear someone shout my name, and I turn to look. Eric runs towards me with his arms open, I smile and let go of my bag. He wraps his arms around me, and an immediate feeling of comfort overcomes me. I begin to cry into his chest as he rubs my back.

"Te extrañe hermanita" He says kissing my head. I still hold him tight as I take it all in.

"Woah, didn't know you missed me this much" He jokes, causing me to laugh and I wipe my tears letting him go.

"Perdon" I reply taking a step back.

"Let's go home" He smiles grabbing my bag. I walk behind him as he leads the way. I follow him outside to where his car is parked and I get into the passenger seat while he loads up my suitcase in the back.

"Ready?" He says pulling away from the parking lot.
"Yes. I want to lay down" I whine, causing him to laugh.

I look out the window as we pass the beautiful city lights. I missed the feeling of home. I am glad to be back, and away from him especially.

We make it to Eric's home, which happens to not be too far from the city. I had only been here once since Eric moved here. He helps me with my luggage and we walk into the house.

"Typical Eric" I smile as I see everything is very neat and organized. The house is minimal and has a modern touch to it. It's perfect.

"Gracias hermanita, it took me awhile to get it looking this good" he smiles. He motions for me to follow him as we head upstairs. Eventually we make it to a room where he sets my things down.

"Welcome to the guest room" he sits on the small sofa that's in the corner as I take a seat on the bed.

"You can take the gafas off now" he laughs. I sigh, as I slowly take them off. I watch as his expression slowly turns from a smile to a concerning look. I look down, and he gets up quickly walking over me to me.

"Nani, what happened?" He says looking closer. Tears begin to form as I feel the same pain in my chest. My heart beats faster as I recall the events from earlier.

"I'm sorry Eric" I cry as I begin to tell him everything that has happened these past days. He begins to walk back and forth tirelessly in the bedroom, scratching his  head.

"Did you tell anyone? The police? I don't know. I'm going to beat the shit out of him. What the fuck?!" He yells.

I had thought about it, and I didn't plan on telling anyone. I know what Alejandro did was wrong but I don't want to ruin his career because of his careless and drunk actions. I don't want to go through that entire process. I'm already dealing with my own emotional pain. And besides the only person who saw was Jadon. I don't want to put him in a situation to have to testify against his good friend. But no matter how I told this to anyone, they wouldn't understand.

My heart begins to race so I take a seat to calm down.
"Perdon Nani. I'm sorry. I shouldn't yell. I'm just so pissed off" he says walking over to me. He gives me a hug and holds me tight in his arms.
"I'm so sorry Eric. I let this go too far. I didn't listen to you, when you said he wasn't the right one for me" I sob into his chest.
"Nani, no. It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't ever blame yourself" he rubs my back.
"You're not going back right?"
"No, I wasn't sure where else to go though. I just packed quickly and ran to the airport. Is it okay if I stay with you until I figure things out?" I ask as he lets go.
"Of course. Please stay as long as you want, I'm here for you"
"Te quiero eric. Gracias" I kiss his cheek and wipe my tears.
"Anything for my favorite sister" he smiles.
"I'm your only sister weirdo" I say, causing me to laugh.

"It's been a rough day for you. Want to get ready for bed?" He says getting up. I nod. He shows me where the bathroom is so I could shower. I grab my pajamas as he walks out towards his room.

I take a quick shower to try and clear my mind. When I walk out I brush my hair and lay in bed.

"I'm right next door. Just yell if you need anything" Eric peaks into the room.
"Gracias Eric. Buenas noches" I smile.
"Buenas noches hermanita" he replies walking out.

I turn the tv on and keep the volume low. This is definitely not how I expected today to go.

I look over at my phone as it vibrates.

Jadon Sancho

hey, did you land already?

yes I did, awhile ago. Thanks for checking in.

no problem. I'm sorry about all of this. I'm always here if you need anything.

thanks Jadon. have a good night.


I set my phone down to charge. I try and take my mind off of everything so I could get some rest. Before I know it I'm fast asleep.

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