Chapter fifty two

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"Our hearts are with Eric and his family in this difficult time. The team has his back no matter what and we're here for anything he needs. This win is dedicated to him" I listen as the tv plays in the background of the hospital hallway. They were replaying the after match interview that Araujo had given. The boys were probably on the way back to Barcelona after their win in Madrid.

Eric and I sat out on the chairs outside my parents hospital room. We had no updates yet, they were currently in surgery. Eric held tight onto my hand as we prayed together, it's what my mother would want us to do. I tried to hold back my tears as I still couldn't process what was happening. I was so thankful that Olivia was here too. She was so supportive and had offered to take Mateo for a walk in the hospital to give us some space. I felt terrible, it was past his bedtime. But I didn't want to leave my parents side.

"The surgery is going to take a few more hours, do you want to go home and get Mateo to bed? I'll call you if you need anything" Eric says.
I shake my head.
"I can't leave Eric, what if-"
"Nani please. You need to rest" he says with puffy eyes. But how could I rest knowing anything could go wrong at any moment. As he realized he couldn't change my mind he gave up and simply sat back. I laid my head on his shoulder and we waited.


A few hours later I see someone come running down the hall. Ferran. Behind him is gavi as they make their way toward us. They each carry a bag and we stand up to greet them. Ferran pulls me into a big hug as I begin to sob.

"I'm so sorry about this lunita,but you need to be strong. Hold on for your parents, for Mateo, okay?" He kisses my forehead and lets me go. Then gavi gives me a hug and I hold onto him for awhile. It meant so much for them to be here.

"We brought you some things. I went and brought some  change of clothes for Mateo, some diapers, and some formula for his milk. Eric told me you didn't want to leave so I brought what I figured you'd need" he explains. I smile as I wipe my tears. It was very thoughtful.
"And I brought some snacks, and some toiletries you may need. It's going to be a long night" Gavi says.
"I can't thank you both enough" I say as they hand me the bags.
"We're here for you both" gavi smiles.

They sit beside us and now the four of us are waiting here in silence. Olivia returns with Mateo and she hands him to ferran. He holds him and manages to get him to stay calm. The love that Mateo and I are surrounded with makes up for Pedro not being in the picture. I'm beyond grateful.

I grab the bag ferran brought and change Mateo's diaper and his change of clothes into more comfortable clothes. I wrap him in his blanket and feed him the bottle. I rocked him to sleep as I hummed his favorite song to him and eventually he fell asleep. I kissed his forehead, hoping he'd stay asleep the rest of the night.


The surgery was finally over and the doctor walked over with results.
"I'm very sorry we did all we could" the doctors face drops as he explains that my parents had passed.

I blur out the rest of the conversation that Eric has with the doctor as I stare into space. It can't be. This wasn't fair. I feel my head spin and I feel myself slowly losing myself. Eventually the doctor walks away and Eric looks at me and pulls me into a hug.

We sob into each other's arms as ferran and Pablo try to console us. I can't speak, no words come to mind. I just couldn't believe this was happening. Not on a day that was going so perfectly. 


a few days later:
"Hey,let's get you out of bed, yeah? It's time Nani. Mateo needs you, we need you to get better" ferran sits at my side as I lay in bed.

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