chapter fourteen

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the next morning. (Smut warning))

I wake up to the sound of Eric laughing. I lift my head and realize I'm laying on Pedro still. I carefully grab a pillow from beside me and throw it at Eric.
"Ow!" He turns and looks at me.
"It's so early Eric, why are you so loud" I say. He laughs.
"Sorry, I just saw a funny video" he replies.

I sigh before getting up slowly. Thankful Pedro doesn't wake up, he looks so peaceful.
"Should we go grab breakfast? I'm starving" Eric says. I nod. I throw on a hoodie over my shorts, and tie my hair back.

We walk out the door, as quiet as we can so we don't wake the boys. We head downstairs to the lounge area, where they're serving breakfast. I follow behind him as we go through the kitchen and grab our plates. We find a table in the lounge, and take a seat.

"Soo..." he smirks
"Yes...?" I reply taking a bite of my food.
"You and Pedro seem to be getting along pretty well"
I pause and look up slowly at him.
"Uhh, yeah I guess we are" I blush.
"Do you like him?"
"Is this some sort of test" I laugh.
"I'm just curious. You know, you seem happier. And all I want is to see you happy"
"I know, gracias Eric. I do really like him, but I'm not sure if it's too soon. I went through a lot. And I'm scared to fall in love again and have them become someone who they're not along the way. I thought i knew Alejandro, I loved him. But you saw how things turned out"
"But you shouldn't let that get in the way. I get it, but I know Pedro and I know he wouldn't hurt you" he replies.
"I know that, and I want to believe it. But that's what I thought about Alejandro too"
"I don't know Eric, I just have to take it slowly" I interrupt him. He sighs and nods.
"Okay. I understand"

I go back to finishing my breakfast. People walk up and ask to take pictures with Eric, which I'm still not used to seeing in person. I pick up my plate and take it to the trash. I walk over to the buffet and pick up another plate to take up to Pedro. As I'm in line, Gavi walks up behind me to serve his own plate.

"You really left Pedro upstairs by himself?" I ask.
He shrugs, "I had a feeling you would take him food upstairs" he smirks. I roll my eyes as I walk away toward the elevator.

I head up to the room, with the plate in my hand. I enter the room and find Pedro trying to sit up.
"Buenos d-, Pedro! Be careful you're going to hurt yourself" I run over and set the plate down carefully. I grab his arm and slowly help him up.
"I'm okay. Gracias" he smiles.
"Well, I brought you some food from downstairs. Since clearly your two friends are useless" I say sarcastically.
"It's okay, I'd rather you bring it anyway" he blushes as he looks down. I hand him the plate, and sit on the other bed.
I turn the tv on, and it automatically switches to the sports news channel. They're talking about the match from last night.

"Soo, do you miss it here?" Pedro asks. I turn and look at him.
"Yeah, I do a bit. Even yesterday as we were heading to the stadium the fans remembered me, and they were so kind. I miss the town"
"Would you ever come back?"
"No, I mean. I don't think so. Why do you ask?"
"I'm just curious" he replies. I nod and then back to watch the tv.

Pedro finishes and I grab his plate to clean up.
"Could you help me over to my room? I need to start getting ready" he smiles.
"Sure" I smile back. I turn the tv off, and walk over to his side.

I hand him the crutches and he'll him up from the bed. His leg is in a cast, so it's difficult for him to move it. I follow behind him out of the room. We walk across the hall to Gavi and his room. We walk in to a mess, clothes everywhere.

"I can't believe you guys live like this" I laugh.
"To you its messy, but trust me I know where everything is" he laughs back.
I watch as he tries to pick things up, but struggles.
"Pedro, let me help you please" I say. He shakes his head, "I can do it".
"Pedro. Seriously" I say and walk closer to him.
"Okay. Fine" he looks down and sits on the bed. He tells me what things are his, and I begin to pack them into the suitcase.
"Leave those out, I still need to shower" he says.
"How are you planning to shower, you can barely stand on your own without the crutches" I laugh.
"I sweat yesterday, I need to shower, I feel gross" he says.
"Well you'll need someone to help you" I smile and look down. I feel his eyes on me and I look up.
"What?" I ask.
" can?"
"Maybe you can help me. I mean if you're okay with-"
"Yes. Okay, I'll just close my eyes" I say. I try and hide my cheeks flushing.
"Great. We should go then before Gavi comes up" he says. I nod.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now