Chapter forty six

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a few weeks later:
I was finally getting into a routine now that I was at home. I was still staying with Eric but I saw my parents often. They would watch Mateo a few hours throughout the day so that I could get some things done. Luckily work was flexible and I could work from home even though I was in a whole different country.

This morning I had just woken up, and it was around 6:00am. Mateo usually doesn't wake up until 8:00, so I had some time to make myself breakfast. I made my bed and walked over after checking Mateo.

I grabbed some eggs and bacon from the refrigerator and began to make my meal. I made something for Eric too, who should be waking soon.

After I finished, I walked over to the living room to watch some Netflix. I was still trying to wrap my head around seeing Pedro. I was torn between how to feel. I didn't know if I should reach out again to see if he changed his mind about being involved with Mateo. But the other half of me felt anger and I didn't think he deserved to be in our sons life. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Eric yawning as he walked over toward me.

"Buenos días" he smiled.
"Buenos días" I reply.
"I made you some toast, it's over in the kitchen" I explained. He nodded and walked over and then returned with his plate.
"So I was thinking-" he began to say.

I paused my show and raise my eyebrow as I turn to him. He laughed causing me to shove him lightly.
"So I was thinking that maybe you could come to practice and watch, then we could go out to lunch with the guys?"
"Eric, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean you know Pedro will be there"
"So I don't want to make things awkward"
"They won't be. He probably won't even see you"
"I don't know Eric"
"Just think about it, please? I know the other guys on the team and Xavi also haven't seen you in sometime, it would be nice of you to at least come once"
"Okay. Fine. But Mateo will be with mama and papa. So I'll have them come over earlier"
"Sounds good" he smiles.

We finish breakfast and then each head off to get our day ready. I check in on Mateo who is still asleep, and then return to clean the kitchen. Eric goes to clean his room in the meantime, and begins to get his things ready for training.


Eventually Mateo wakes up and I get him ready to go with my parents. I feed him and then change his diaper. He's such a calm baby, and is always happy. Today wasn't any different. He smiles up at me as I poke his cheek.

I choose a change of clothes for him and get him dressed.
"You look so handsome Mateo" I wink and kiss his cheek. He puts his hand out to my face and smiles.

I pick him up and walk him over to the kitchen. I carry him in my arms as I pack his bag, since my parents will arrive soon. I prepare his bottles and diapers and all those important things and set it by the door.

"Buenos dias Mateoo" Eric coos as he walks over. Mateo giggles as he hears Eric's voice. He's gotten so used to them. I love their relationship already.
"Here let me help you" Eric says as he reaches out. I hand Mateo to him as I finish up.

I hear the door signaling my parents arrive so I let them inside. They greet us with hugs and immediately walk over to Mateo.

"Okay let me know if you need ANYTHING" I say to them. My father grabs the diaper bag, and my mother takes Mateo from Eric's arms.
"He'll be okay. Just like he is every other day" my mother laughs.
"Okay okay. I know. Los quiero" I smile and hug them both.
"Te quiero Mateo. Be good" I kiss his cheek.

They walk out and load the car and then drive off.

I rush over to my room to get myself ready for the day so that we aren't late for Eric's practice.


We arrived at practice and were one of the first, like always. I looked around the locker room and the facility, taking in everything that had changed since I'd been here. Slowly the players start to arrive and I greet them as they come in. They're all very sweet and surprisingly knew about Mateo so few of them ask.

Ferran and Pablo arrive together. They each pull me into a hug as if I hadn't seen them in years, causing me to laugh.
"I didn't think she'd come" Pablo says.
"It took some convincing" Eric says.
"Well, Eric told me that you're buying me lunch after so how could I say no" I joke. Pablo freezes and looks at Eric, we all laugh.
"I'm joking" I say.
"No, no. I'll buy you lunch. Don't worry" he replies.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Pedro arrive.
"I'll see you out there" I say quickly and head out to the side door, hoping he didn't see me. He looked too busy on his phone though.

I walk out to the bleacher and choose a spot in the shade to sit back and watch practice. Some reporters and other family members show up. I check up on Alejandro in the meantime.

I know if had only been a few weeks since I'd seen him but things were going well for him at Manchester United. I was really happy for him.


Practice ended, and I stood up to get closer to the exit. The boys still had to head in to get dressed so I still waited outside. In the meantime I ran into Xavi who was glad to see me.

"I heard your big news. Congratulations on your son, Eric is always talking about him" he says
"Gracias Xavi. He is the sweetest gift to me. I'm so happy"
"I'm glad. I've seen a few photos. He looks just like his father" he says with a sad face.
"Oh. I didn't know, I-"
"It's okay. You didn't have to say anything. It was obvious whose it was. And I'm sorry that he isn't involved. I wish he'd be different but one day he'll regret not being there since day one" he says putting his hand on my shoulder.
I hold back my tears and nod.
"Anything you need, I'm here. I promise. Eric and you and your family are always very kind to me"
"Of course. Thank you for everything" I smile and he gives me a small hug.

I walk over to where the boys were now calling me. I catch up to them and we head to the parking lot.
"So we'll meet you there?" Ferran says to Eric.
"Yeah. Follow me" Eric replies.
"Woah woah. Where's everyone going without inviting me?" I hear an all too familiar voice say.
"Ugh. Why does he have to be everywhere?" I sigh and roll my eyes.

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