Chapter 1

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 He Yan knew that he was going to die. He was stabbed in the dark night. The other party seemed to have great hatred for him. Even though the guide dog kept biting his trouser leg and dragging him, he did not let go of his hand holding the knife. The knife was very deep, and almost broke the internal organs. When the severe pain spread, He Yan gritted his teeth, and quickly rushed over with his excellent arm strength, pulling the people who were trying to kick him into the river. into the rushing river.

Before he fell, he heard the other party yelling at him by his name, but he only caught the most important sentence "I've been thinking of you in prison for so many years".

He Yan froze for a moment, and when he sank into the water with the struggling man, he remembered who the other party was.

Before retiring five years ago, he once helped the police catch a gangster who almost escaped in an unexpected situation, but he was also injured in that incident and lost his eyesight.

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow for a shooter.

Five years have passed, and he has gradually come out of that period of despair and confusion. Although he can't see with his eyes, he has a cute and docile Labrador guide dog who can take care of him even by himself. be yourself.

But he didn't expect that the gangster would be released from prison, and even seek revenge on himself.

Enduring the pain, he thought it was very funny. He had never done anything bad in his life, but his eyes were ruined by this guy, leading to the destruction of his dreams and future, and now he was stabbed again. Damn it...he should take revenge that person? !

He Yan knew that he couldn't survive, and the only thing he could do was to use his superior arm strength to tightly hold on to the struggling man in the water.

Even though his consciousness had been lost in the end, the man's hands still instinctively tightly wrapped around the gangster's body.

No matter what, he must not let him live.


so cold and wet.

This was He Yan's first thought when he regained consciousness. He subconsciously moved his body and found that he seemed to be still submerged in the water.

He was amazed that he was still alive.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that he struggled to open his eyes and looked at the endless jungle on the bank and the thick and tall giant trees in it, that he realized that something was wrong.

The place where he fell into the water was the river under the bridge in City B. Even if he was destined to float along the river to the wild, it would be impossible for him to have such a jungle like the one in the primitive world!

No, he seems to have forgotten something more important...for example, his eyes...seem to be able to see! ! !

The scenery in front of him is naturally not fake, he can really see it!

That pair of eyes that were sentenced to death by all the doctors, is that good? !

He Yan was tremblingly stretching out his hand to rub his eyes to confirm again, but it was a wet paw that fell into the eye socket... Congratulations: " ???


He immediately looked down at the change.

It turned out to be a big crocodile that was quietly approaching him...

When he quickly slipped to the shore with the dog planer, He Yan felt that if he had participated in the dog planer swimming competition just now, he would definitely win the championship!

Panting heavily, he walked to a rock far away from the water, looked around, and felt safe, so he lay down on the rock, revealing his rolling white belly.

He frowned sadly.

When he had just left that river, he had already seen his current appearance through the water on the bank: white hair, a round head, small pointed ears, four legs, a face like a cat, and a chubby body like a panda ...He doesn't even know what kind of thing he is now, anyway, he is not a human being.

Under the scorching sun, He Yan, who was lying on the stone, stretched out his chubby claws, and took a bite with all his strength.

Uh, it hurts...not dreaming.

After the initial shock, he stood up in confusion, shook off the water droplets on his hair, and began to look around with complicated emotions, and finally walked into the strange jungle, trying to figure out what was going on.

After entering, He Yan discovered that it was not only the huge trees and eye-stems that were unusual, but also many flowers, plants and fruits of various shapes and colors that he had never seen before. Dare to pick it off and eat it casually.

They were all plants he had never seen before, so it would be bad if they were poisoned to death.

He cautiously continued to walk forward, and from time to time, some strange-looking little lizards would crawl quickly past his feet. At first, he was frightened and screamed softly. After walking for more than half an hour, he gradually got used to it. .

Soon, he came to a conclusion that this should be a place that has not been discovered by humans or does not exist on the earth at all. The latter is more absurd, but it is also more in line with the real situation.

After all, in his cognition, except for the primitive era in the movie, the earth in 2050 where he lives does not have such a jungle.

In fact, whether it's the surrounding environment or his appearance at this time, they are all stating a fact to him, he... should have timetraveled after death.

He even traveled to a weird world where he didn't even know the background of the times!

He Yan stopped walking with some melancholy, but at this moment, his sensitive little ears suddenly heard a strange sound from not far away, like some kind of wild animal panting.

Since it is a wild jungle, there are wild beasts, but it is not impossible!

He Yan subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide quickly, but as soon as he lifted his forelegs, a black shadow flashed on the ground, and Xiao Xiaoyuan's body was crushed and instantly sank.

He was easily pressed to the ground by the thing that rushed over him, unable to move at all.

Physically, the opponent is completely suppressed.

He Yan turned his head to look with difficulty.

He guessed right, it was a huge beast, but it was a species he had never seen before, a bit like... a tiger with scales.

He was really freaked out.

The beast seemed to think that it was impossible for him to escape from his palm, and was not in a hurry to do anything to him. It laid down a little leisurely, and only let out a proud look when all the beasts with the same appearance as him approached from behind. low growl.

It seems to be saying, my prey, let's eat together.

Congratulations clearly saw several huge heads approaching slowly, showing rows of terrifying fangs to him.

He Yan involuntarily raised the ears of the plane back, but no matter how hard he tried, the only deterrent sound in his mouth was "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

It's not like a deterrent in a desperate situation, but more like a pitiful wail...

He is so weak that he can't even break the opponent's claws.

Finally, a beast opened its bloody mouth and bit towards him...

When the teeth suddenly cut into his thigh, He Yan was so painful that tears came out, but he still could only whine.

Countless times of trying his best to fail and struggle made him realize how weak he is in front of these terrifying beasts.

He couldn't escape. In the face of the huge pain, he even began to hope that these terrible guys could swallow him in one gulp, so that he would suffer less... Just as he was screaming, the ground

suddenly There was a slight tremor, and even the dead leaves trembled.

Congratulations with his face on the ground at first thought it was his hallucination before he died, until he noticed that the beast that was biting his thigh suddenly let go of its huge mouth and started to stare at the ground motionlessly.

The other beasts also became tense for no reason. The beast holding the congratulatory message seemed to be their leader. It looked around and suddenly growled a few times.

Based on the reactions of the other beasts, He Yan guessed that they were aware of some kind of danger. Under the order of the boss, they were about to retreat. Before he could be happy, his neck tightened, and it turned out that the beast was holding him by the head. The neck is ready to go!

However, in the next second, with a sound of " ", it suddenly fell straight down.

He Yan fell from its claws, and he fell into a pool of blood. The whole beast was stunned, but Yan Chu stared straight at the huge monster behind the beast.

It was a monster, a terrible monster.

It has a huge body, at least two meters high, with slender limbs and body, a thick tail, and a sharp horn stretched back between its brows. hair, and a pair of huge black wings growing on the back...

No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a human being, rather than a beast, it's more like some kind of alien after evolution.

Its nails were like a large and sharp iron hook, easily piercing the ferocious beast's body to death.

The other wild beasts were frightened and scattered as early as the moment the beast fell.

It didn't chase, but looked at He Yan motionlessly.

He Yan's little stumped leg couldn't run any wild beasts at all, so he could only shiver and pretend to be dead on the spot with his eyes closed.

When the other party came over and stretched out its claws and began to tease him, he tactfully rolled down the side gully, facing it with his butt motionless.

He knew that some beasts did not eat dead things.

The "monster" not far away didn't leave just yet. It stared at the blood-stained little white dumpling froze in various ways, pretending to be dead, and narrowed its narrow and sharp eyes slightly, as if it was a bit novel.

When it was picking up the prey, out of the corner of its eye, it suddenly found that little white and soft beast was moving secretly... But once it moved its eyes over to see what he was doing, the other party immediately became like a monster. The statue is generally fixed, and its butt is facing it firmly.

It narrowed its eyes again, this time it directly raised its feet and walked over, grabbed the round ball, and then... it lightly licked his injured thigh, and finally let the trembling little beast go On his back, which was carrying the prey, he began to run quickly towards the outside of the jungle.

The congratulatory message that he thought he would be eaten just now was messed up in the wind.

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