Chapter 15

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After He Yan came out of the warehouse with a large piece of meat in his mouth, he came to pick him up when he left Si Lu suddenly, took the meat from his mouth, and stretched out his hand to hug the whole beast into his arms.

    He Yan knew that he had gone to the hunting team not long ago, so he asked how he was doing.

    The man's voice was very low: "Go out hunting with them tomorrow, and I will be back before night."

    That's it!

    After all, it was the other party's first official job, so He Yan raised his two pads and clapped his hands to show his encouragement, and then... he saw Silu smile.

    She smiled very shallowly, even the corners of her mouth moved very low, but she was taken aback by the congratulatory words.

    He suddenly remembered a small incident when he was alone, a very small incident.

    At that time, he was not blind, let alone retired. During a training camp, he was suddenly confessed by a senior.

    The opponent was a shooter who had won countless medals at the time, and his appearance was also very handsome in the eyes of the public, with a cheerful personality and very popular.

    He Yan knew him, but he hadn't usually paid attention to him. Ever since he came into contact with shooting, his mind was full of everything about shooting. He had never been in a relationship and had no time. At that time, in order to reject that person, he asked a special question: "What do you like about me?" The other person actually

    said There are many, but only one sentence of congratulations is clearly remembered.

    "I can't tell. When I see other people laughing, I just know it's a smile, but when you just smile casually, I think it's very beautiful, especially... I really want to keep watching." Not long after

    that person was rejected by him, he and another People who look better than him when they smile are together.

    At that time, he only regarded that sentence as a provocative love sentence that can be seen everywhere and has no logic.

    But at this moment, he actually felt that those words were extremely reasonable for Si Lu.

    In the end, He Yan could only sigh and conclude, it should be that good-looking people look good in everything they do.

    When they were about to return home, Granny Awen was standing at the door of their stone house with a cane. When she saw the little beast in the man's arms, she rushed up angrily: "I thought you ran away! Do you remember the hay?! "

    The man subconsciously protected the little beast and stared at her warily.

    He Yan was struggling to get down, but Granny Awen yelled angrily: "Hey, hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at? It was your beast-shaped partner who promised to help me collect hay these two days! I didn't bully him He was the one who stole my hay for you, and I caught him..."

    Hearing Granny Awen retelling everything that happened yesterday, Congratulations became overwhelmed.

    What made him even more nervous was the word "partner" that the other party said.

    He was really afraid that Slut would refute or correct the fact that they were partners, and then he might face the crisis of being thrown out...

    But until Granny Awen finished her last sentence, Slut didn't target that " The word "partner" expresses no opinion, but hugs him tighter.

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