Chapter 12

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It was a very handsome man.

    Although a head of long black hair covered more than half of his face, the sharp outline revealing the profound facial features made the middle-aged man couldn't help but let out a low voice.

    "Perfect human form! He, he was able to evolve in a seriously injured state... It's unbelievable." He said, pinching his wings to control the excited congratulatory words, and then let out a piercing beast cry in the air .

    The cry lasted for about ten seconds before he stopped. After that, the middle-aged man completely suppressed his smile. He lifted the greeting in his hand and stood straight beside the stone steps, as if he was waiting for something.

    Not long after, there was a strange sound of wind in the distance, and countless giant monsters appeared in the air in an instant. Their appearance was very similar to that of Si Lu, and they quickly turned into human shapes before they flew to the stone steps, without even saying hello. To the pool of blood.

    He Yan knew that the man lying there was Slut. Although everything that happened today was too bizarre in his eyes, Slut was Slut!

    He thought those people were going to do something bad to Slut, so he tried his best to stop them, but before he could escape from the middle-aged man's grasp, he was dragged away by a short man who came over, "Pa "With a sound, he was locked in a wooden cage.

    The man locked the cage and confirmed that the screaming little beast couldn't get out, then he stood up and said to the middle-aged man with a serious expression: "Uncle Saier, the beasts in human form are basically very cruel, and you have been dealing with him with your bare hands. "

    The middle-aged man named Saier raised his eyebrows and said: "It's okay, I have experience in dealing with them."

    The other party wanted to say something more, at this time, there was a low cry from behind, they had thoroughly checked the blood Boris. Once again, the expression has changed from the initial solemnity to surprise.

    "It's a human form! The evolution is very good, we want to take him away and heal his injuries as soon as possible!"

    The originally anxious congratulatory words were startled when they heard this sentence, but when they thought about it again, their eyes were wet with joy.

    They didn't come to hurt Sloan!

    Slaughter is saved!

    Saier was not surprised by this result at all. He looked at the little beast with bright eyes in the cage, and asked those people: "What about him?" The short man before replied: "Of course he should be

    thrown out quickly, and he is not Human form."

    The others all acquiesced to this answer, turned their eyes away after only looking at the cage, and returned their attention to the unconscious man.

    He Yan didn't care about these.

    Although he can't stay here and can't see Si Lu getting better, he is a little disappointed, but compared to the situation not long ago, they have survived a desperate situation.

    He didn't want to leave before, because Slut was seriously injured, or because of him, he couldn't let him lie there and die... Now that someone can save him, he can feel at ease.

    The outside is very dangerous, but he has many years of human wisdom anyway, as long as he is more vigilant, finds a safe cave to live in, and tries to make some protective weapons, he should not be eaten so easily by other wild beasts.

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