Chapter 43

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 The next day, He Yan followed all the adult beasts out.

He put on the pre-made scale armor, and carried a long scale bag for bows and arrows on his back as a quiver.

When you reach a high place, your field of vision is no longer limited and becomes extremely wide.

He Yanfei was in front, and he had been observing the places that the beasts on the ground couldn't see.

This is one of his advantages, and this advantage also determines which battlefield they are about to face.

When seeing suitable and objective prey, He Yan will immediately fly back to inform the location and quantity, so that all the beasts should be vigilant.

He then approached the past together and completed the surprise attack.

When seeing dinosaurs, as long as the number is not large enough to completely crush their current group of beasts, He Yan will hide on the top of the giant tree above the dinosaurs before the other beasts pass by, and wait for the other beasts to come and see them. When he arrived, he began to pull the string and quietly search for the target to shoot.

Naturally, he didn't just waste the limited bow and arrows on his body when he saw the dinosaurs, but first observed the ferocious beasts that needed support.

For example, Tiao Tiao is biting a dinosaur at this time, and suddenly another dinosaur trying to attack comes running behind it.

What He Yan has to do is to aim at the leg of the dinosaur behind Tiao Tiao and shoot an arrow.

Although it is not fatal, it is enough to distract it when it is tilted. He then aimed the bow and arrow at the opponent of Tou Tiao, helping Tou Tiao to end the fight, so that Tou Tiao can clean up the injured after it. Climbed dinosaur.

Looking at the lethality alone, his bows and arrows are naturally not as good as the close-range giant fangs and claws of the ferocious beasts, but because of the information he visited along the way and the accurate assistance in the air during the hunt according to the specific situation, Let their hunt end unexpectedly quickly, and for the first time a group has fought so many dinosaurs with almost no injuries.

When the beasts were packing up their prey after the battle, He Yan finally landed in peace.

All the monsters roared in unison when they saw him, obviously treating him as a hero behind the scenes.

He put away his bow and began to pull out the bows and arrows on the dinosaur. After trying to pull out one, the blue-eyed beast behind him had already pulled out the rest of the bows and arrows, and gently placed them in front of him.

When he put the bow and arrow back into the quiver, the blue-eyed ferocious beast, which was already full of prey, suddenly stretched out its forelegs, and lifted him onto its beast-shaped back.

Congratulations snorted, and shook his legs: "Lulu, I'm not tired."

The other party rolled his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes were persistent.

In the end, He Yan had no choice but to retract his wings and sit on him relaxedly.


As soon as the ferocious beasts returned with a full load, Junya, Awen and the little beasts who stayed at home were shocked by the number of prey on them.

After arranging all the prey, Jane, who turned back into a human form, was the first to speak: "Thanks to the congratulations, he is really powerful in the sky. Our hunting this time is completely different from before..." 

The other beasts nodded immediately , especially Tiao Tiao, even threw a dinosaur on his body in front of He Yan's nest.

"Sure enough, it's Xiaomei..." Junya murmured, since he saw Xiaomei's operation yesterday, he expected that he would have amazing performance in hunting.

But he also knew that if Xiaomei wants to protect herself, she must have the necessary weapons, so she and Awen have already started to help him make bows and arrows at home.

According to the method of congratulations, they have already prepared a batch of new bows and arrows.

As a result, everyone came back so quickly.

Surrounded by Junya and Awen, Janet began to tell about their hunting process.

The congratulatory words blushed a little after being praised: "Actually, it's mainly because we cooperated well!" He said, and remembered another thing, "By the way, the weather is warmer now, these prey can't be eaten in a short time, so hurry up Handle and marinate well..."

Hearing this, everyone dispersed one after another and began to quickly deal with the prey.

He Yan has completely handed over the pigs to the little beasts, and occasionally he will go to see the situation of the second pig when he has time.

Seeing its belly getting bigger and bigger, He Yan felt more anticipation in his heart. He prepared some more hay to replace them with, and then went to get fresh meat to make small animal food for the little animals.

A game has recently emerged among the little beasts.

It is a simulated hunting game, a bit like the eagle catching chickens in He Yan's cognition.

But among them, it should be dinosaurs catching small animals.

Most of the time in this kind of game, a small animal acts as a dinosaur, and then a larger small animal acts as an adult beast, and the rest of the small animals following it have to desperately catch the "dinosaur" Dodge and escape.

When making small animal food, He Yan found that they were playing this kind of game again, but this time, it was Xiao Huo who was in charge of the dinosaur.

Naturally, an adult who does not release water participates in children's games, and the ending is often very bleak.

Almost every time, all the little beasts following the "adult beast" were caught by the little fire of the dinosaur.

There is a reward and punishment system for winning and losing in this game, sometimes it is a little bacon, sometimes it is helping with work, sometimes it is changing the sleeping position...

Xiaohuo obviously continued this reward and punishment system with them.

Finally, under Xiaohuo's joyful eyes, the little beasts followed him to Junya who was marinating meat. They formed a group and began to massage Junya's legs, back and other places.

When massaging their backs, they cleverly put one little animal under it, and the other stepped on it and pressed it with its front paws...

Junya, who knew nothing about the previous situation, exclaimed in surprise: "Wow , Did you call them over, Xiaohuo? It's so comfortable! But you don't need to give me a special massage...Xiaohuo, I have to say, you are very capable of leadership..."

Xiaohuo flapped his wings flattered, took another good look at Junya, and then ran to continue handling his prey.

Congratulations who watched the whole process: "..."


The hunting after that went smoothly, He Yan cooperated with them a lot, and they became more tacit understanding.

Sometimes he makes a look and a gesture in the air, and the beasts below can understand what it means.

During this period, the Little Beasts grew up with a few beasts, and their hunting team grew a bit stronger.

Every time he hunts, He Yan and his group will change to ensure that there is a cooperative hunting with each group within a fixed period of time, but no matter how they change, as long as he is in the group, there will definitely be Si Lu in it.

At the end of spring, a newcomer finally came to their territory.

To be precise, it was a newcomer brought by Tiao Tiao.

The ferocious beast had just arrived near the volcano, but it encountered a group of dinosaurs as soon as it came. As soon as it realized the danger, it saw that the danger was extinguished by a group of ferocious beasts. one.

Before it tried to escape, Tiao Tiao stepped forward and knocked it unconscious and carried it away.

Finally, when they arrived at the territory, they learned that it was a female beast, and all of them were anxious.

There are very few females in the territory, and Tiao Tiao is a bachelor, so a hero's chance to save the beauty is screwed up.

Hearing that Tiao Tiao's congratulatory words were quite bandit-like, I was also a little anxious. After all, in the eyes of the other party, this is being attacked by the same kind, and it is a foreign beast. Naturally, it will not be easy to talk after waking up. , and will definitely "counterattack" them as soon as possible.

He Yan quickly asked someone to help tie up the female beast, especially the mouth and limbs.

This treatment is actually the same as the one who was injured and rescued by them. Although it looks more like a bandit... But after it finds out the truth, it is definitely safer to be locked up in their territory than outside.

That night, the female beast woke up, and Totiao Mao offered to deliver the meat herself.

He Yan was afraid of accidents, so he guarded outside.

Soon, he heard the female beast's roar and Tiao Tiao's very low humming.

After a while, Tiao Tiao, who went in with meat in his mouth, came out with an empty mouth.

It was sprayed with some minced meat on its face, but it was not angry. It seemed to be a little happy because the other party ate the meat, so it ran to continue tearing fresh meat and sending it in... After two days of hard work After communicating, the temper of the female beast finally became less irritable.

After all, it has also seen those dinosaurs living in groups with its own eyes, and knows that fighting alone will naturally suffer and lose its life, so it is better to cooperate with the same kind as soon as possible.

After He Yan confirmed that it had understood their approach, he completely untied it.

As soon as it came out of the hole, Tiao Tiao, who was guarding the outside, ran to rub against it.

Seeing Awen, Janet, Junya and Sill: "..."

This is an obvious pursuit and show of favor.

However, the girl's impression of it is still at the stage of being beaten and knocked out, and when she sees it, she roars and walks away.

It threw off the strips and found a place to dig a hole by itself.

Tiao Tiao looked at it and became anxious. He ran back to remove the boulder in front of his nest, flapped his wings and whispered to the other party to come in and live.

It took a long time for the congratulatory words to understand its meaning, and he was speechless for a while: "..."

...Ah, this is a bit rascal.

The female beast was so angry that it kicked the stone directly at it and roared three times.

He stubbornly greeted him for a long time and saw that the other party did not come, so Tiao Tiao had no choice but to go over to help dig the hole amidst the other party's roar.

Congratulations looked at it for a while, then sighed at Si Lu: "Is the pursuit of the pure animal form of the ferocious beast so straightforward?"

Sloan thought for a moment, then hummed.

He Yan was about to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he suddenly remembered something - he and Slut... have actually been living together since the first time they met!

Although he didn't have that kind of thought at that time...but...but he didn't have the position to tell Tiaotiao not to worry!


The second day after the female beast woke up, it began to participate in everyone's collective hunting.

Tiao Tiao is in a group with it.

Hunting is an extremely serious matter for the beasts. It is a matter of life and death, and it is related to important food. Everyone will basically not bring grievances into hunting. The female beast naturally thought the same way, and when she saw Tiao Tiao running in her group, she didn't have any objections.

Because a newcomer was hunting in groups for the first time, and there was no tacit understanding between him and the other monsters, so He Yan and Slut stayed in their group this time.

There were no accidents all day long. The new female beast had seen the group of dinosaurs before. Although she sometimes couldn't keep up with her actions, she was always cautious and didn't run around. Although she didn't gain much, she didn't let herself was in danger.

Tiao Tiao has been paying attention to it all the time, seeing that it is not cautious enough and has been able to protect itself, so he began to devote himself to hunting.

Tiao Tiao is currently the beast that cooperates best with He Yan besides Si Lu. Although he was injured a little because of his recklessness this time, the prey he got in the end is also the most and the best besides Si Lu.

On the way back, He Yan didn't know if he was dazzled, but he found that the female beast looked at Tiao Tiao differently than before.

Two days later, when He Yan came back from harvesting the vegetables, he saw that the female beast's new nest was suddenly empty.

Then...he walked to the entrances of the caves with hesitant steps.

Unexpectedly, he saw two animal-shaped shadows inside...

Congratulations: "!!!"

This incident gave He Yan a new understanding of the beast as a species.

But the beasts involved acted as if nothing had happened.

Except that they will enter the same nest, they usually hunt in the same way and handle their own prey separately. Sometimes when celebrating a big table meal, Tiaotiao will imitate the way Sill treats congratulatory words and give meat to his female beast to eat, but the other party sprays his face again with meat foam, and even stretches out his claws to grab the meat in his mouth. Plug it in directly.

Congratulations: ...Yes, she is a hot girl.

The number of adult beasts in the territory has increased day by day, and the vegetables planted have been harvested several times.

However, these vegetables are mainly eaten with meat in the human form, and the pure animal form has almost no sense of food other than meat.

When there is a lot of meat in stock, they will also rest for a few days, and by the way, strengthen the walls and traps to ensure the safety of the interior when going out.

When the warm sunlight gradually becomes hot with the changing of the sun and the moon, the summer flowers bloom quietly.

On this day, all the people and beasts in the territory did not go out.

Something big is happening in the previously quiet pigsty.

He Yan crouched on the periphery of the pigsty with a few small animals from the cleaning team and other human figures.

They all looked at Erzhu without blinking, with nervous expressions.

When the fifteenth piglet came out completely, the second pig finally completed the last step of giving birth.

Junya exclaimed, Awen and Jiante were discussing in a low voice, Silu squeezed his arm tightly... He Yan didn't speak, he put down the arching little beast, a little uncontrollably moved.

The lazy pig had far more litters than he first thought.

In fact, this has already shown that lazy pigs are animals suitable for domestic breeding in this world so far. If lazy pigs are raised well, bred well, and reproduce smoothly, even when prey is scarce, they will not be without food; For small animals with low attack power, if they have mastered the pig raising skills, they can also feed themselves in this way before they become adults.

After all, it is far simpler, easier and safer to dig plants such as big sweet potatoes that lazy pigs eat than to go hunting.

After confirming that the second pig was in good condition after delivery, He Yan put more hay in, and the others went out intermittently.

He Yan looked at the little piglets for a while, then at the big pig and the second pig, and added some fresh big sweet potato pieces and young grass to the trough.

When he came out, the harsh light outside made him subconsciously reach out to block his eyes.

Blinking Chu hard, and opening it again, he saw the world under his palm.

There are small animals playing or working, human figures making bows and arrows, pottery and sewing clothes, animal figures handling raw meat and scratching on stone walls... Finally, there is the one who bent down and looked seriously at the

ground Sill of a small pink flower.

He put down his hand, grinned suddenly at the corner of his mouth, and smiled at the man who looked up at him.

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