Chapter 45

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  After leaving the territory, the first problem they have to face is to avoid the group of dinosaurs, reduce unnecessary fighting, and go out as soon as possible.

This matter is not difficult for them now.

Sloan's animal shape led Junya and Xiaohuo to walk on the ground, and He Yan observed the front from a high altitude. Once a dinosaur appeared, he informed Sloan and them to go around immediately.

Before evening, they finally ran far away smoothly, and when they looked back, they couldn't even see the shadow of the volcano.

After dark, they didn't stop to rest immediately, but continued to run for more than an hour.

The vision is not good at night, He Yan no longer flies so high, he maintains a similar height to Slut and the others, within an hour, except for a few bald tigers, they did not encounter any wild beasts.

Finally they stopped to rest on a meadow near a mountain stream.

They didn't light a fire, and they ate raw meat directly in the shape of a beast. He Yan roasted some cooked meat in advance, but he only took a few bites before flying up to the sky and carefully looking around to confirm that there was no danger nearby before coming down. Went to the water to wash my face and prepare to rest.

Junya changed back into a human form, and he suggested: "Let me watch the night. During the day, I can use the human form to lie on Xiaohuo to rest. If there is a situation, I can change into a beast form." 

This is the best he can think of so far . There is a solution, after all, He Yan has to explore the road during the day, and because of the existence of He Yan, they seldom come into contact with dangerous animals, and Slut is the most aggressive among them, so he must sleep well at night, and Xiao Huo can't turn into a human at all, even if he uses the animal form to watch the night, it will be a big burden for others to run for a long time with a body as big as it when he is in a bad mood during the day... 

In this way, he is the only one who is the most suitable person for the night watch . What he thought of, other people naturally thought of it, and they didn't have any opinions. After all, I haven't been outside for a long time, so it's always better to be cautious.

At night, He Yan slept in Slut's animal-shaped body. Actually, it's summer, and sleeping on the ground isn't very cold, but sleeping in Slut's arms always gave him an inexplicable sense of security and belonging.

After he couldn't change back into the animal form, the other party was obviously worried about letting him sleep outside alone.

The first night was a safe one.

When it was daylight, they got up.

After washing and eating casually, they embarked on the journey to the south again.

As agreed last night, before going on the road, Junya laid on Xiaohuo's body in a sleepy state and prepared to take a good rest.

The mood of the congratulations along the way is no longer as calm as yesterday.

The further he walked, the more pictures he saw that he hadn't seen before.

For example, in the sky, when he and Si Lu came over, there were only some common birds in the sky, but at this time, there were a large number of black birds similar to crows.

They come here from the south direction.

Nor is there any beast coming here from the south.

This is a bit strange.

He Yan tried his best to suppress the strangeness in his heart, and concentrated on continuing to fly forward to visit.

Their speed was faster, and they hardly lost any time on the road except for the necessary rest at night.

On the third day, He Yan saw more crows and understood the reason why these crows appeared in large numbers—there were a large number of beast corpses somewhere in front of them.

However, those beasts were not hunted and killed by other animals. It seems that you have experienced a landslide, and most of them were killed by falling rocks.

Many of those beasts had already rotted, and some of the corpses of the beasts were incomplete. They should have been taken away and eaten by individual beasts that smelled blood. Now there are densely packed crows eating below.

He Yan suppressed his uneasiness, and directly let Si Lu and Xiao Huo spread their wings, and flew to a safe place before landing.

They flew to the same altitude, had a clear view of the scene below, and were much faster.

Junya was woken up by the movement. At first, she was startled when she saw the scene below. After realizing that the massacre was not caused by predators, she calmed down a little, and immediately jumped down and turned into a beast shape to move forward together. fly away.

After leaving that area completely, they slowly landed.

Not long after the United States, they heard a loud noise in the distance behind.

There should have been another collapse there.

Junya's eyes widened, and He Yan also suddenly said: "There are so many corpses there, maybe it wasn't caused by a single collapse at all... Maybe some wild animals passed by to pick up food, but the mountain collapses in that place happened continuously. Yes, those corpses became natural traps, and more and more beasts died there..."

Junya was terrified when he heard it: "It was obviously not like this when I came here..."

He Yan nodded: "Here we come. There are no dinosaurs in time, and the world is changing."

They stopped talking, looked around vigilantly, and started to hurry on their way.

The rest of the journey was no different from He Yan's memory, and they didn't see any dinosaurs during the journey.

Although this matter made him feel relieved, he was still very puzzled.

But it didn't take long for him to understand why the dinosaurs didn't leave the area around the volcano.

They saw a very spectacular scene on the road ahead - the ground split.

It was a very long crack, which almost divided the entire ground into two halves.

They walked over slowly in amazement, and when they looked down carefully, they couldn't see anything.

Below the rift is endless darkness, and no one knows how deep it is.

And the width of this gap is at least several hundred meters, no matter how much an ordinary beast jumps, it will not be able to jump through.

It's not that those dinosaurs didn't come here, but that they were stopped by this shocking crack in the ground.

Fortunately, for winged species like birds and ferocious beasts, the obstacles in front of them are not difficult for them at all.

He Yan flew over to check the situation on the opposite side first, and after he flew over for a while, Si Lu also spread his wings and followed.

But before landing, He Yan discovered the danger.

Behind the giant tree in the distance, there are a few strange-looking giant beasts standing there in groups. Those beasts are very similar to dinosaurs, but they are very different from the dinosaurs in their territory. They have no feathers and their heads are relatively large. It has a round head and a round brain, but its size is much larger than that of the beast and the dinosaurs similar to the dwarf tyrannosaurus.

After the congratulatory words shouted to Slut and the others to pay attention to the enemy, they immediately took out their bows and arrows and pointed them at them.

As he was trying to aim, his hand suddenly shook because he suddenly noticed that one of the round-headed dinosaurs looked up and noticed him and smiled at him... just smiled!

It's really a smile, the kind of smile with the mouth turned up.

"..." He Yan thought he had misread it, and when he gritted his teeth and was about to continue aiming, he saw that the other round-headed dinosaurs that had noticed him began to lower their heads, and suddenly they all ran towards this direction. .

Si Lu who followed was about to rush up to fight when he was stopped in mid-air by a shocked congratulatory message.

So it didn't take long before they watched the round-headed dinosaurs pick up some pieces of meat and put them not far from the gap in front of them, then smiled at them and made a few "hey hey" sounds , turned around and ran away.

Junya and Xiaohuo who flew over from behind were also stunned.

For safety, they purposely landed a little far away from the meat.

He Yan thought it was some kind of trap at first, but the round-headed dinosaurs in the distance didn't land on them and turned around to watch them wait for an opportunity. They had already run a long way.

As if the meat was given to them.

The congratulatory words were completely confused, but he didn't dare to take those meats. If they were really kind, he would come back and take them away if they didn't take them by then, right?

He took one last look at the backs of those round-headed dinosaurs, retracted his bow and arrow, and quickly flew high into the sky.

For this unknown creature, they chose to avoid it as much as possible.

But this area seems to be where their group lives. During the high-altitude visits, He Yan has seen the round-headed dinosaurs hunt several times.

They are also social animals, because He Yan has basically never seen a single round-headed dinosaur.

The round-headed dinosaur seemed to have a fixed hunting target—it was also a dinosaur, but it was of a different type. It was a dinosaur similar to a dwarf tyrannosaur with feathers that He Yan and the others had seen that appeared near the volcano.

The further they went, the more they discovered how terrifying the number of dinosaurs here was, far exceeding what they had seen in the volcano.

Even if they avoided it as much as possible, they still inevitably encountered several groups of feathered dinosaurs, and some of them just ran away immediately. The other group couldn't run away. When they were about to do a big fight, they heard the sound of "Hey Hey" from all around, and then a group of round-headed dinosaurs rushed over and killed all the other dinosaurs in a short while. .

He Yan was shocked.

Si Lu and Junya Xiaohuo behind him were also stunned.

After hunting the feathered dinosaurs, the round-headed dinosaurs tilted their heads to look at them.

He Yan immediately aimed his bow and arrow at them, telling He Yan and the others to back off... But those round-headed dinosaurs didn't intend to fight them, and even left a dinosaur for them, and then left with a grin.

Congratulations: "..."

After they did go far, he finally confirmed that these round-headed dinosaurs were not hostile to them, and even friendly, friendlier than their original kind... Although it was a little inexplicable, he didn't have time to think about other things What happened, the little beasts who are sick in the territory don't know what's going on now.

They ate some of that dinosaur on the spot, roasted some and took them away, and continued on their way at full speed.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of round-headed dinosaurs and feathered tyrannosaurs, but because the round-headed dinosaurs restrained those feathered dinosaurs, they moved forward much safer.

After a few more nights, they finally found a large number of iris in the forest.

When picking iris, He Yan's heart trembled. After picking up several animal skin bags, he was going to rush forward overnight, to a southern tribe not far from here, and after telling their leader what he had said. Immediately rush back.

Before they got out of the forest, they encountered another group of round-headed dinosaurs.

What was different from before was that these round-headed dinosaurs were sharing their prey with a few small animals they were very familiar with.

Those little white furry beasts... are no different from the appearance of all the ferocious beasts before they were adults.

Even the sound they make is the same!

While Congratulations was in a daze, he saw a round-headed dinosaur specially handing the crushed pieces of meat to the mouth of the little white-haired beast, as if... as if it was feeding its own cub.

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