Chapter 33

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  He Yan walked for more than ten minutes and still hadn't reached the end of those footprints.

The deeper you go into the forest, the darker the light inside. The tall and dense giant trees almost cover the sky above, and only a little bit of moonlight seeps in slightly.

Under such circumstances, he wanted to see Sloan, but he didn't want to see him so much at this time.

He always had a bad feeling.

It wasn't until he heard a faint sound in front of him that the uneasiness reverberating in his heart broke out completely.

That was the sound of several wild beasts gnawing on their prey.

He paused, his mind, which had been thinking about many things, suddenly went blank, and then exploded.

When he came back to his senses, his body was already sprinting.

The strong wind was blowing in his ears, the body of the beast passed through the rows of giant trees and thorns, and crossed the messy mountain road...

The sounds were getting closer...

The tree trunks were shaking, and the snow and leaves were scattered on his body, but he couldn't feel anything .

He could only hear his own rapid panting.

Finally, passing through the last giant tree, he found the source of those voices.

Those are several huge shadows.

They circled together and were sharing the prey in the middle.

The snow is bright red.

Congratulations didn't even know what those things were on the ground, he grinned and rushed over.

Then he was attacked by a beast that suddenly turned around.

A huge bloody mouth bit his head straight.

Fortunately, he still had a semblance of reason, and escaped in time.

Although he narrowly escaped, his neck was still scratched by the opponent's oversized fangs. It was also the barrier. He had a close look at the bloody beast corpse on the ground.

No short hairs, just scales.

The body shape is not at all that of a ferocious beast.

It was a few bald tigers that had been hunted.

After seeing this scene, He Yan was stunned, and then he turned his attention to the side.

But after seeing the picture in front of him, his expression changed.

He backed away almost in horror.

The forest was dark and dark, he was only in a hurry and didn't pay attention to those beasts at all.

Originally, after seeing the footprints left in the snow, He Yan thought that they were some ferocious beasts.

But at this time, he realized how wrong he was.

Except for some similar animal claws, they have nothing to do with the beasts.

The forelimbs are short, lizard-like, about two meters tall, and the claws on the feet are curved and slender...

they are...dinosaurs!

More specifically, their appearance is closer to that of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. The only difference from He Yan's perception is that their bodies are covered with thick feathers.

They had vertical pupils like snakes, and they stared at him sullenly.

He Yan endured the fear surging out of his body, and carefully observed them while stepping back.

There are six dinosaurs in total.

Their forelimbs are very short, and most of the time they only use their hind legs to walk, while the beasts basically use their four limbs to move around, so when he saw the footprints of these six dinosaurs, he thought it was left by three beasts... Quiet,

dangerous quiet.

They moved their bodies, and suddenly approached He Yan step by step. At the same time, they made horrible murmuring noises in their throats, stretched out their tongues to lick the blood from their mouths, and stared at him with interest, as if they were interested in him. His taste is curious.

He Yan suddenly turned around and ran quickly.

The dinosaurs set off immediately, chasing the intruder.

The distance between them is only a few steps.

He Yan felt that if he was slower, his tail would definitely be bitten off by those teeth behind him.

In addition to the disadvantage of many vs. few, he is also far inferior to these dinosaurs who have just eaten in terms of physical strength.

He had used too much physical strength to find Si Lu before, and now he was almost out of breath by running away with all his strength, but he didn't dare to slow himself down at all, and hurriedly spread his wings to fly, but because of exhaustion , every time it only flew up a little bit, the body quickly fell down, and the last time it almost fell into the mouth of a dinosaur.

Although he avoided the huge mouth behind in time, his speed was full after all, and before he ran out of the woods, he felt a pain in his back.

A dinosaur with the smallest size actually jumped on his body and bit his flesh with its mouth open.

With an uncontrollable scream, He Yan immediately rolled down to the ground.

The dinosaur didn't expect him to react so quickly, and was instantly crushed and roared.

The two beasts were in a death-to-death duel, and He Yan did not dare to relax, and began to press it down even harder, flapping its wings and tail desperately, and finally stretched its neck to bite it.

In the great pain, he finally bit off the opponent's neck severely.

However, this was not the final victory. When he stood up tremblingly, the other dinosaurs had all chased him up, roaring angrily, and surrounded him.

He Yan shook his head, and looked down at the dinosaur's corpse on the ground, knowing that he couldn't escape.

In terms of strength confrontation, these dinosaurs are no less than powerful adult beasts, and compared with beasts, they have the advantage of hunting in groups.

He took a step back, and before a dinosaur thought he was about to run away and was about to rush forward, he jumped forward and attacked the most tired-looking dinosaur among them.

He never thought of dying with them at all, and when he estimated that his physical strength would not be able to shake off these dinosaurs, he could only take a gamble.

Even if the chances of winning the bet are small.

But he never thought about the consequences of losing.

He hasn't found Sloan yet.

He must not die!

The teeth cut deeply into the dinosaur's neck, and immediately his body was thrown down by other dinosaurs. Just as he was about to endure the pain, he suddenly heard a loud roar that was approaching rapidly.

That was... Slough's voice!

At that moment, He Yan even forgot his dangerous situation all of a sudden, his eyes turned red, and his mind was full of one sentence: Great, Si Lu is still fine.

In his ecstasy, the heavy dinosaur on his body was suddenly knocked out.

The huge figure enveloped him in an instant, and the male beast firmly protected him, opened its mouth forcefully, roared at the other dinosaurs, and then rushed forward to bite them.

He Yan tried his best until he bit the dinosaur under him so hard that he could no longer stand up, then he raised his eyes to look at Si Lu.

The huge male beast is fighting fiercely with several dinosaurs.

He spat out the blood in his mouth and rushed to help with a wobble.

There are also four dinosaurs.

Their reaction speed was faster than most of the beasts, and before the congratulatory message passed, they were blocked by one of the smaller dinosaurs.

They seemed to know that Slut was the one with the strongest fighting power, so they allocated three heads to deal with Slut and one to deal with He Yan.

Si Lu suppressed two of them to the limit, and he couldn't resist the attack of the other.

He Yan, who was entangled by another dinosaur, watched helplessly as a dinosaur rushed to Si Lu's side, opened its mouth and bit the wing next to him... He

Yan wanted to roar, but he couldn't make a sound. The heart seemed to stop beating suddenly.

At that moment, he didn't know that he could burst out with such great strength, biting one shoulder bone of the dinosaur in front of him to pieces... When he rushed over, the huge ferocious

beast had already endured the pain He crushed and killed the dinosaur under his feet, and then shook it vigorously, sending the dinosaur beside him flying on the tree trunk.

One of his legs was bitten by the two dinosaurs just now, and he was about to walk over with a slight limp, trying to finish off the dinosaur that fell by the tree. After only two steps, he saw a shadow of a beast rushing towards the tree. , pressing the whole body on the dizzy dinosaur, roaring and biting frantically.

He Yan has never been so violent, even when he was hunting before, even when he first became an adult, he was never like this.

Like crazy, even though the dinosaur under him had no signs of life, he still didn't stop attacking.

His head was stained red with blood.

Until he was gently pressed down by a huge body.

A pair of bloody wings patted his head lightly, then licked the wound on his neck, humming.

Congratulations stopped, and after a while, he turned his head to look at the blue-eyed beast above him.

His bloody mouth opened and closed again, and then, those pure black eyes blinked, and the smaller ferocious beast threw itself into the arms of the bigger male beast, howling and crying loudly stand up.

The cries of beasts are terrible in the jungle.

But the other party kept holding him.

They hugged each other like this, slowly turning into a human form.

Both of them were injured all over, especially Slut. His long hair was gone, and it became messy short black hair that only reached his shoulders.

But he didn't care about this at all, he just hurriedly kissed the crying person in his arms.

Congratulations had cried enough, looked up at him, and suddenly stretched out his hand to touch his hair, the things that had just been suppressed in his eyes fell down again: "Lulu... Lulu's wings..." The

man lowered his head and gently tapped his horns. Rubbing his forehead, he hugged him even tighter: "It will grow well."

He choked up: "Really?"

"Really." After he finished speaking, he went to kiss his dirty face again.

After a long time, He Yan slowly calmed down in the man's arms, and said in a hoarse voice: "Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time...why didn't you come back so late?"

 He stroked his face and said in a deep voice:" It won't happen in the future. The prey here has started to decrease recently. I didn't see the prey in the morning and went to the north, but when the hunting was over, there was a subsidence there... When I went back, it was already dark. You were not there, so I followed the footprints I just found you..."

The man suddenly stopped talking, lowered his head, grabbed He Yan's lips, and kissed and bit him extra hard.

That horrific fight was hard to forget. They hugged and comforted each other on the snow, and it took a long time for them to calm down.

The man turned into a beast and wanted to carry him home, but He Yan was unwilling.

He felt sorry for Sloan's injury.

Before leaving, He Yan put a dinosaur on his back, and he was going to take it away.

Now that there are new and powerful species here, their future hunting will basically become more dangerous and difficult.

He Yan could feel that the ferocious beast, which was originally the overlord of one party, was being restrained silently by nature.

From now on, they have a natural enemy that is evenly matched.

These dinosaurs are bigger than bald tigers, and they carry a lot of food reserves when they carry them back.

After all, they fought half their lives in exchange for it.

To some extent, this is a passive hunting.

Si Lu saw what he was thinking, and went directly to carry the two ends on his back. He Yan was stunned for a while, thinking about the injury on his leg, and wanted to take the dinosaur off his back, but the other party immediately avoided it unwillingly. No matter how much Ren Heyan yelled, he didn't listen.

The two beasts ended up carrying three dinosaurs home in the middle of the night.

After putting it in the warehouse hole, He Yanye found that the prey that Si Lu had hunted in the north were actually several large pheasants.

Sloan said: "This is a new one in the north, and it should be edible."

Looking at the few dead chickens, He Yan suddenly thought of those dinosaurs.

He had a hunch that the world was currently undergoing tremendous changes.

If the group of ferocious beasts still does not make changes, they may soon be suppressed or even completely replaced by new species.

The two roughly put the prey in place, then turned into a human form and began to go back to clean the body and wounds.

The newly made pottery jars that He Yan used before came in handy. They used the pottery pots to boil hot water and warm them up, and wiped each other's wounds and bloodstains.

The wound on Si Lu's leg was very serious, and He Yan's eyes turned red every time he looked at it, so he decided not to let him see it anymore, covered it with purple fungus and wrapped it with animal skin, and then went to check his wound, his expression changed It was extremely scary...

He Yan also followed his example and turned his back to prevent him from seeing it.

After wiping Zifen, He Yan didn't feel much pain anymore. After cleaning his body, the man hugged him and put him on the bed.

The firelight of the fireplace reflects the two figures cuddling together...

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