Chapter 74: Extra 1

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The day before Xue'er's second birthday, Rau came back from the sea. He brought back three water sand beasts he caught, one for his fathers to eat together, one for the little animals, and the last one for Xue'er. Birthday present for my sister.

During this year, great changes have taken place in the tribe. In addition to adding a variety of seafood products to the food, a batch of rice planted by He Yan has also been harvested, and the lazy pigs have bred more. Grains, fruits and vegetables are no longer scarce.

Although Rau can't participate in collective hunting at present, because of his status as the natural enemy of water and sand beasts, he became a small beast that is very worshiped by the beasts in the fishing team at the beginning of the year, and he was promoted to the fishing team soon The team leader of the water and sand beast hunting team in the middle branch.

Although it was the only beast in the water and sand beast hunting team...

Early the next morning, He Yan found the little dinosaur washing his face in front of the water tank in his room.

It first pinched a piece of animal skin with its short front paws and soaked it with water, then lowered its head, raised its paws, and wiped itself carefully from the top of its head to its face, and finally picked up the message of congratulations and placed it on the bedside table. A clay vase, take out the little yellow flower inside, take off two petals gently, then dip it in water, and stick it on your forehead... 

Congratulations: "..."

Incredible, dinosaurs even learned how to make up It's over...

He Yan pretended not to know anything, and quietly closed the door.

Si Lu had already prepared the meal outside, and when He Yan went to bring the meal back to the hall together, the little dinosaur came out slowly.

Sloan looked up at its appearance, and obviously paused.

The little dinosaur suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and his walking movements slowed down.

Congratulations, on the other hand, tried to make the expression on his face more natural, and waved to it: "Hey, come over to eat, and we will go to Xue'er's house together after eating." 

The little dinosaur nodded, and walked up to him shyly. Climb up on the stone bench next to him and sit down.

It sat down and just ate the first bite of meat, when Slull, who had been staring at it, suddenly got up and went to the little dinosaur's room, and when he came out, he had a little red riding hood in his hand.

It was the little straw hat that He Yan made for the little dinosaur at home before, and later he used a darker red flower to pound it into paint and paint it on, and it became the current little red riding hood.

When Rau held it in his hand for the first time, he liked it very much. He could grin for a long time wearing the hat every day, and even slept with him in his arms.

The man put the little red riding hood directly on its head.

Congratulations: "..."

Si Lu: "It looks better this way."

The little dinosaur stopped eating for a moment, sat motionless for a while, suddenly got up and jumped down, and ran straight back to his room.

Congratulations whispered close to the man: "Lulu, if you put a hat on it, won't the petals on its forehead be invisible? You won't be angry..." 

Slut frowned: "Yanyan The hat you made looks better."

Congratulations: "..."

They were talking in a low voice, and after a while, the door opened again, and the little dinosaur came out again.

The two raised their eyes at the same time, and saw that the petals that had been pasted on the little dinosaur's forehead before were now pasted in the center of the hat... In this way, not only were the hats on, but the petals were also visible!

"..." He Yan subconsciously gave it a thumbs up.

The little dinosaur grinned slightly, and after returning to the table, he couldn't help touching his hat, as if he was afraid that it would be crooked, and he would eat a few bites of meat after touching it.

After the family had breakfast, they cleaned up again, and went to Manman's house with gifts.

All the little animals have arrived, and they are playing a game of catching little animals with Xiaoxue.

Rao handed the gift to Manman, and quickly ran over to play together.

But once it goes, it will be a long-tongued bird, after all, it is bigger than the little beasts.

It's winter now, and it's still a bit cold outside. After a while, He Yan called them all in.

After the Awen couple, Junya, Xiaohuo, and all the monsters that evolved into human forms arrived, everyone began to take advantage of this gathering to talk about starting a kindergarten.

Now besides Manman, there are other beasts giving birth to cubs, and some are pregnant... There will naturally be more and more cubs in the tribe in the future. The place where the parents take care of the weaned cubs, and the beasts of each family can go hunting with confidence.

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